Stuck As A Dungeon Mob

Chapter 185

After the brief speech and the boisterous cheers, the tribe finally moved out of the settlement and began their trip towards the sacred tribe.

The sun would soon set and Ed was well aware of this. Thus, he planned to have them rest at the Thunder cry tribe's settlement. That would also give Dakgu enough time to gather his bearings.

'I can probably take a peek as well' Ed had no way to know if the knowledge of the thunder cry tribe was unique or not. Rather than gamble on the chances that he could find it back at the sacred tribe, it was best to get a good look at the techniques while he could.

'My assimilation is also ready' This meant that as long as Dakgu had no intention to return Ed could assimilate it without him ever taking notice. Ed had to go about things that way since he didn't plan on souring the relationship between him and Dakgu.

Dakgu also thought the same. As a matter of fact, he was still unsure of what to do about Ed's previous request. He certainly owed him but revealing top-secret techniques seemed… foolish…

He had assured himself that the tribe could and would live on as long as he was still living but that was a tall task for a young orc-like himself. It was also impossible given the current circumstances. Was he supposed to repopulate his tribe by himself? That was obviously impossible.

The Sanctuary orcs continued walking and inevitably reached the thunder cry settlement, at this point Dakgu had finally made up his mind. He would give Ed what he wanted. Dakgu didn't want to ruin his relationship with what would likely be the strongest tribe in the entire plane due to something so small.

The main reason that convinced Dakgu to let Ed have a peek was how easily Ed could overpower him and take the techniques, however. There was no need to respect his wishes or those of Dargush who was already dead. This showed that Ed not only had principles but that he could also be trusted.

"We will rest here" Ed declared watching over the crowd.

Hearing this, most of the orcs had set up basic beds on the ground while others claimed rooms inside of the thunder cry tribe for themselves. As the walls were made of stone and so were many of the buildings, fires from the attack didn't proliferate.

Ed paid particular attention to the orcs carrying goods. There were carts full of crystals as well as some with boars. He planned on making more changes in the future to the technological advancement of the orcs.

'I need to see how well they can adapt to it' While Ed didn't plan on including anything too complicated as such things were undoubtedly beyond his capabilities, the orcs were still not very bright. The carts were a fine creation since they relied on brute strength in that regard.

Ed continued to fantasize about what inventions to bring into the orcs' lives. Unfortunately, his lacking memories made it rather tough for him to come up with many.

'And it's not like I'll simply remember everything I've ever seen' While some memories that people forget were simply concealed by a mist of forgetfulness some would be lost forever in there.

"Ed, let's go find our own place to rest" Shel suggested to the pensive Ed seeing many of the houses being claimed. It wouldn't do for both of them to not have some privacy.

"You can go grab one first, I'll find you later" Ed knew what Shel wanted and while he wasn't opposed to it, he also didn't plan on jumping at every opportunity. The time wasted on nightly activities could be spent on increasing his mana count or the level of his skills.

"...are you sure?" Shel asked with a hint of confusion. She had to consider if Ed was actually understanding her properly.

"Yeah, I'll help Dakgu first" The young 'tribe' leader seemed to be in a state of deep thought after seeing the abandoned or destroyed houses being occupied by other orcs. Ed needed to make sure all was well.

Shel didn't insist any more and simply went on her way to consider what else she could name their children. It was necessary to have a hefty name stockpile just in can they were twins or triplets.

Seeing the muscular woman retreat, Ed finally let out a sigh of relief and headed towards Dakgu who had by now walked on over to Durgash's house.

"Are you not going in?" Ed asked while casually scanning the stone building.

"Well… Yes" Dakgu replied, some of his shy personality seeping in.

"Go then" Ed told Dakgu who after replying did not move an inch. After hearing these words however he blinked in realization and quickly headed for the door. He opened it up and then paused. He turned to Ed while still gripping the open door.

"I- I want to say thank you…" Dakgu had assumed the position of tribal leader but he was most certainly not prepared.

While simple orcs would order the others around and make sure that they had enough to eat, smarter ones would worry about more intricate problems. They might also think of the future and ways to improve their conditions.

For Dakgu that was simply too much. He felt burdened and given his reserved personality, the burden felt that much heavier.

"It's no problem" Ed replied matter of factly seemingly suggesting not to worry about it.

"Ummm.. please come in!" Dakgu finally said after mustering the sufficient courage to betray his ancestors. Ed, not having expected this turn of events, was left rather surprised.

'I expected this to take some more effort' For now he only planned on seeing and hearing where the secret basement might be to infiltrate it right before they left.

"Are you sure?" Nevertheless, Ed couldn't jump onto the opportunity. He didn't want to seem too greedy.

"Ye- yes…" Dakgu's head was filled with second thoughts but he still agreed in the end.

Seeing that Dakgu wasn't planning on changing his mind, Ed followed him and they both entered the stone home. While Ed looked around curiously, Dakgu headed straight into Durgash's room.

"Ed! Over here!" Dakgu called over Ed who entered inside the room immediately after.

Once in, he saw that Durgash's bed had been moved over to reveal a hatch. It was the same hatch that he was used to seeing.

'These orcs all carry the same craftsmanship' That told Ed that it was very likely they all originated from the same place. Then again, it wasn't like the hatches had any symbols or designs that would allow him to accept such a conclusion.

Dakgu then opened the plain wooden hatch and jumped down. Ed wanted to do the same but he found that the drop was… small. The roof of the place could hardly reach his neck.

'This will be uncomfortable' Dakgu was small so he naturally had no problems as he simply walked further and further in, his body eventually fading from view as he turned a corner.

Ed sighed and dropped to follow after him. There were no lit torches but the corridor was not only short in height but narrow in length. Still, Ed begrudgingly continued onwards and turned the same narrow corner. Immediately, he felt much more reassured of his decision.

[Lightning Crystal]

A fist-sized crystal that emits violent streaks of blue light, it is made of crystallized lightning element mana.

Aside from Dakgu, what awaited Ed at the end of the corridor was a small blue crystal. Unlike the water crystals which glowed a deep blue like the sea, the lightning crystal's glow was basically non-existent. The most eye-catching feature of them being the small jolts of blue electricity that coursed around it.

"This is a remnant of our ancestor's power" Dakgu informed Ed. He had seen the many crystals that Ed and his tribe owned so he was certain Ed knew what the crystal was. What he most likely didn't know was its origin, however.

"Really?" Ed asked doubtfully as he finally continued into the small chamber with the crystal laying in the middle of it.

The lighting in the chamber was dark and poor but the crystal was still able to illuminate some carvings on the walls.

[Lightning Stride Technique]

[Lightning Application]

[Advanced Lightning Application]

Ed scanned the entire small chamber and only received three messages. That meant there were only three things for him to learn but that was fine with Ed.

'This is still a boon' Ed now only needed to find out whether or not he had an affinity for the element though.

Dakgu, seeing Ed immediately gazing around the small circular chamber while crouched felt somewhat relieved. To him, the most important thing was the lightning crystal. The element was a rarity in the place since it wasn't a simple pseudo-element.

Dakgu didn't know why but Ed could probably take a couple of guesses. The weather in the place never changed. This meant that lightning couldn't even be acquired naturally!

The only other potential method of acquisition would have to be plain electricity. Lightning was essentially just lots and lots of electricity. Gather enough and you would have lightning. Obviously, that would take far too long though.

But then… how exactly did the thunder cry tribe come to be? It was evident that they had no access to either of those methods.

Well, actually, everything had electricity. Even if the amount was too minuscule to be considered a viable source. Thus they did have access to one of the methods.

'That can only suggest one thing, the lightning steps technique is fake' Since the orcs weren't traveling as fast as actual lightning that was already obvious. The technique had to apply some small amount of electricity.

,m This was a benefit as it suggested that with enough energy it was possible to go faster. The lightning stride technique also advocated this although there was a chance that it was something else entirely.

"Dakgu, do you still need these writings?" Ed suddenly asked Dakgu who was picking up the small lightning crystal.

"Uhm… no…?" Dakgu probably believed that the reason why Ed was asking was related to the fact that they would be moving away.

"Good, let's destroy this place then" Ed planned on assimilating the advanced lightning application.

"Wh- what?" Dakgu was rightfully confused, Ed helpfully provided an explanation.

"It would be bad for others to find this place, right?" Ed was planning on using this as a cover-up.

"I- I guess so" Dakgu did not want orcs other than Ed to see the techniques so he was easily sold on the idea.

"Ok, you head out first then" Ed said with a small smile.

"Sure!" Dakgu immediately agreed as he never doubted that Ed could blow the whole place up.

'Now, time to assimilate this' Ed was excited at the thought of acquiring the power of lightning, well, electricity.

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