Stranger Danger

Chapter 574: Joy Bodhisattva’s Dare

“At least you’re self-aware.”

Myriad Shadows grunted, though he did not underestimate the eight Bodhisattvas in the sky. The array was powerful enough to kill even him should he allow arrogance and disdain to override his better senses.

“I don’t believe you will kill me though.”

Joy Bodhisattva began slowly, “I sent someone away from Blissful Mountain this morning. If I die, they will tell everyone everything you and Xiong Kuohai did today. When the time comes, everyone in Northern Xinjiang and the jianghu itself will know.”

Myriad Shadows did not reply, though the trembling shadow beneath his foot seemed to be hinting something.

“The reason you raised Xiong Kuohai is to use him to bring Bei You under the Way of Taiping’s control. However, the northern lands are controlled by the Sword King City, Earthfire Palace of Demons and the Northern Xinjiang Army. If the Way of Taiping tries to enter Northern Xinjiang overtly, they will not stand by and do nothing. That is why you raised a local faction in an attempt to take control of Bei You without anyone noticing.”

Joy Bodhisattva pretended not to notice Myriad Shadows’ odd movements and continued, “If I leak what happened today, your grand plan will end in abject failure. Once Sword King City, Earthfire Palace of Demons and the imperial court of Chu are alerted to your presence, the Way of Taiping will never be able to set foot in Northern Xinjiang again.”

“Am I right, Sakyamuni?”

“Are you threatening me?”

Myriad Shadows hmphed, and what looked like an infinite amount of shadow and darkness suddenly poured in from every direction. Even the shadows on the floor suddenly writhed as if they were alive. It was as evil-looking as it was disturbing.

As the shadows and darkness merged into one, all light, color and even sound disappeared from the world. Trapped within the anomalous power’s embrace, the warriors felt like they were sinking into the thickest ink. They were unable to breathe or move a muscle. All that was left was darkness, silence, pain and despair.

An indefinite amount of time later, Joy Bodhisattva’s voice suddenly pierced through the absolute darkness. “I do not intend to threaten you, Sakyamuni. I am simply asserting the pros and cons.”

Several breaths later, Myriad Shadows’ voice rang. “Aren’t you afraid that I would kill you?”

The infinite darkness receded, revealing Myriad Shadows, Joy Bodhisattva and everyone else.

“Hah! Hah! Hah!”

Almost everyone was panting heavily in fear and trepidation. For a moment there, they really thought they were going to suffocate to death.

This one move showed that Myriad Shadows was beyond terrifying. He was far stronger than Xiong Kuohai, Joy Bodhisattva, and every other Grandmaster attending the Trueman feast.

“You are a wise man, Sakyamuni. Killing me will ruin everything you’ve worked toward, but using me will gain you everything. I am certain you can tell which path is more advantageous for you.”

Despite this, Joy Bodhisattva remained as calm as ever. It was as if the word “fear” did not exist in her dictionary.

“Your goal is to control Bei You for the Way of Taiping. In that case, it doesn’t matter who your puppet is, does it? As long as they are obedient and useful to the Way of Taiping, does it really matter if your puppet’s name is Xiong Kuohai or Joy Bodhisattva?”

“I am willing to join the Way of Taiping, Sakyamuni. Grant me the opportunity, and I shall serve you and the Way of Taiping faithfully.”

“Please believe that I can do what Xiong Kuohai can and cannot do, Sakyamuni. You will not be disappointed.”

When Joy Bodhisattva was done speaking, everyone on Blissful Peak realized what the woman was planning. Ye Qing himself was sighing with mixed emotions.

He had guessed the beginning, but not the end. He had believed that Joy Bodhisattva was planning to manipulate Ji Donglei, Huo Ruyu and everyone else into killing Xiong Kuohai and Myriad Shadows. This way, the Buddhist Hall of Joy would be saved.

To this end, he had even supplied Joy Bodhisattva with some Nature’s Water and Qi of Ultimate Purity. His aim was so that the Grandmasters would be able to regain their strength and win a battle of attrition.

However, Joy Bodhisattva had never planned on killing Myriad Shadows. Her one target was Xiong Kuohai and Xiong Kuohai only. She wanted to kill him and replace him as the Way of Taiping’s puppet in Bei You.

Joy Bodhisattva must have known that the Sakyamuni behind Xiong Kuohai was Myriad Shadows from the beginning. There was no way she could have come up with such an intricate plan otherwise.

By doing this, Joy Bodhisattva was essentially surrendering her own freedom and fate to the Way of Taiping. But now that he had the full picture, he could not deny that she had chosen the best option that was available to her. At the very least, it was safer, wiser, and more reliable than the original plan.

First, Myriad Shadows had turned out to be stronger than Ye Qing had originally estimated. Even if Joy Bodhisattva, Ji Donglei and Huo Ruyu worked together and used all of their trump cards, there was no chance they could’ve defeated the man.

Second, Myriad Shadows was one of the Four Sakyamunis of the Way of Taiping. He was no small fry that one could kill as they pleased. Even if everything went perfectly, and Joy Bodhisattva successfully killed Myriad Shadows, would the Way of Taiping really allow this transgression to go unanswered?

Of course not. The Way of Taiping was infamous for how petty and retaliatory they were. Although their main headquarters wasn’t in Northern Xinjiang, it was no problem for them to dispatch a handful of champions and annihilate the Buddhist Hall of Joy.

Joining Sword King City or Earthfire Palace of Demons was an option, but could they really protect her? It was difficult to say. And even then, she would have lost everything.

All things considered, it was clear that joining Myriad Shadows and the Way of Taiping was the safer and more superior option. For starters, she would gain a powerful patron. It would enable her to gain control of Bei You easier.

She did not need to worry about retaliation from Sword King City or Earthfire Palace of Demons either. She could simply blame Ji Donglei and Huo Ruyu’s deaths on Xiong Kuohai.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Therefore, Joy Bodhisattva’s ploy was absolutely brilliant. With just a bit of sacrifice, she was going to save the Buddhist Hall of Joy from the threat of annihilation, steal Xiong Kuohai’s fruit for himself, and become the ruler of Bei You. She was killing multiple birds with one stone.

Sure, joining the Way of Taiping meant that she would no longer be the boss of herself, and she would have to be at the Way of Taiping’s beck and call. But then again, the cons were more or less balanced by the pros, and in this jianghu, was there anyone who was truly free and the absolute boss of themselves? And was there really a difference between serving oneself and serving another?

But of course, it all depended on Myriad Shadows in the end. If he rejected Joy Bodhisattva’s offer, then it was the end for the woman.

Ye Qing didn’t believe he would reject Joy Bodhisattva though. In fact, he would have to be crazy or brain damaged to do so. As Joy Bodhisattva had stated, Myriad Shadows’ aim was to control Bei You from behind the curtains. In essence, he wanted a puppet ruler on the throne. In that case, who cared if the puppet’s name was Xiong Kuohai, Joy Bodhisattva, Zhang Three, Li Four of Pockfaced Wang? As long as they gave him his obedience, it was enough.

But of course, not everyone was qualified for this position. At the very least, they must possess a certain level of strength and prestige. They must also be strong enough to keep a tight rein over the myriad forces of Bei You.

Now that Xiong Kuohai was dead, it was clear that Joy Bodhisattva was the next best option.

Second, Joy Bodhisattva had shown off her strength and proven that she was no pushover. If Myriad Shadows really rejected her offer, she did not mind fighting the man to the death. Joy Bodhisattva would die, but Myriad Shadows would suffer, and the Way of Taiping’s plan to control Bei You would be in tatters. It would be a lose-lose situation for both of them.

Realistically speaking, there was only one option for Myriad Shadows.

Suddenly, Ji Donglei interrupted the conversation, “What you’re doing is no different from asking a tiger for its hide, Joy Bodhisattva! Everyone knows that the Taiping cultists are as faithless as they are dangerous. If the Way of Taiping manages to create a foothold in Bei You, this land and even Northern Xinjiang itself will be plunged into chaos! When the time comes, you will become the sinner who damns us all!”

“Better to ask a tiger for its hide than to be devoured by it,” Joy Bodhisattva responded. “Also, have you forgotten that the Buddhist Hall of Joy is a demonic sect? What does the peace and prosperity of Northern Xinjiang have anything to do with me?”

“You… You…!”

Ji Donglei staggered backward and spat out a mouthful of blood.

“Hahaha! Well said, well said!”

Myriad Shadows burst out laughing when he heard this.

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