Stranger Danger

Chapter 503: Thousand Hand Bodhisattva

Chapter 503: Thousand Hand Bodhisattva

Suddenly, Huo Linglong wrinkled her nose and asked, “Huh? What’s that smell, Brother Sun? It smells kinda... weird.”

Sun Xuanzhen grimaced immediately. Never speak of this again, and we might still be friends!

“I’m going to collect the Profound Yellow Qi now. Goodbye,” declared the swordsman before departing toward a room immediately.

Yue Juejiang left without saying a word as well.

“Interesting!” Huo Linglong chuckled to herself before walking toward a room as well.

After collecting two wisps ofProfound Yellow Qi, Huo Linglong suddenly recalled something and went straight for Ye Qing and Yi Pin’s room. “I almost forgot. This room is a bag of curiosity as well.”

The corners of Ye Qing’s lips curled into a small smirk when he saw Huo Linglong walking straight toward them. He supposed it was too much to hope that she would forget all about them. Luckily for them, they had prepared for this exact scenario.

Without a word, Ye Qing closed the door completely and waited patiently for Huo Linglong to show up.

A few breaths later, Huo Linglong entered the room. When she saw that Ye Qing and Yi Pin had one foot in the grave, she couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment. “Oh, dammit. This is boring.”

She inhaled the two wisps of Profound Yellow Qi in the air and got ready to leave. She was at the entrance when suddenly, she curled a finger within her sleeve and flicked. An invisible wisp of spiritual power immediately shot toward Yi Pin.

Ah, shit.

A steely glint flickered in Ye Qing’s eyes as he brought down a finger. A ripple of demonic thought immediately washed out.

“Heavenly Demon Captures The Soul”

The ripple annihilated the spiritual power Huo Linglong fired at Yi Pin and temporarily detained her mind at the same time. Her eyes immediately glazed over.

At the same time, Ye Qing leaped into the air, produced a blade of dreamy crimson from his sleeve, and swung it straight at Huo Linglong’s neck.


He didn’t hold back. Since they were found out, he might as well eliminate one of the major threats to his well being right here and now.

Right before Huo Linglong would be decapitated, a pair of slender fingers suddenly blocked in front of the flash of crimson and pressed downward.


The crisp ringing of metal resounded throughout the room, and the crimson flash disappeared into nothing. Huo Linglong had caught Ye Qing’s Red Sleeve with just her fingers.

“Haha! You would kill me without even talking to me? How brutish.”

A drop of blood slid down the blade of Red Sleeve, and it somehow burst into a wisp of pink flame. A strange power spread throughout the room immediately. Ye Qing immediately felt hot, restless, and brimming with lust. He felt as if some sort of invisible flame was flowing out of his heart and cooking him from the inside out.

Beside him, Yi Pin looked as red as a lobster. Wisps of pink flames were literally seeping out of his pores and proving that his feelings were no hallucination.

“Hahaha! You look fairly handsome, dearie. There’s no one I love more than beautiful people.”

Huo Linglong giggled and reached out to caress Ye Qing’s cheek, but at the last possible moment, the alarm bells inside her head suddenly rang at full force, and every hair on her body stood on end. Pink flames immediately surged out of her body and took the form of a female Bodhisattva, except this one looked anything but prim and dignified. She oozed femininity, sexiness and lust, and she had an unbelievable number of arms. They were covered in pink flames as well.

The next moment, the Bodhisattva brought down its one thousand arms and filled the air with disruptive, mind-bending noises. The entire room was on fire.

“Magia: Thousand Hand Bodhisattva”

When a warrior had successfully created their Yin God, their mind would form a direct connection with the world around them, and their will would respond to the tiniest changes in nature. This pathway between their being and the world around them was called “Magia”. That was how a Spirit Master was able to channel their surroundings, summon rain and storm, and even warp the reality around them.

Magia was something only a Spirit Master who had created their Yin God could learn. It was stronger than your average ultimate technique, killer move, spiritual secret art and more. Generally speaking, no one underneath the Spirit Master stage could survive a Magia without resorting to special methods.

The Thousand Hand Bodhisattva was a Magia technique stated in the “Flames of Desire”. When combined with her Yin God, the Fire Bodhisattva, it was like a Thousand Hand Bodhisattva had descended to the earth to spread her chaotic, lustful ways like a wildfire.

At the beginning Huo Linglong just wanted to play with Ye Qing. Even if he had hidden his strength, she didn’t believe Ye Qing could threaten her unless she actively tried to kill herself.

The Earthly Sovereign’s Coffin was a supremely boring place for someone like her, and it was rare to find someone who would dare to raise his hand against her. It was no wonder she couldn’t resist the urge to toy with Ye Qing a little.

However, the harmless sheep turned out to be a big, bad wolf in sheep’s clothing. Her senses warned her that Ye Qing could pose a serious threat against her, and she had no intention of dying here.

She loathed those who would defy her. So, she was going to kill Ye Qing for his transgression.

“Hahaha... what a disobedient boy you are,” giggled Huo Linglong as the Thousand Hand Bodhisattva bore down her arms on Ye Qing.

At the last moment, Ye Qing spat out a wisp of purple flame from his mouth. As soon as it appeared, the one thousand arms vanished, and the pink flames disintegrated bit by bit. A vacuum of unbearable, murderous heat immediately enveloped the whole room.

“Ah! The Purple Sun Trueflame?!”

Huo Linglong blanched. Her Yin God trembled, and her energies immediately plummeted like crazy.

There was nothing more a practitioner of the “Flames of Desire” feared more than a supreme flame of yang. In the presence of the Purple Sun Trueflame, she would be lucky to be able to unleash even half her original strength.

“Hahaha... It looks like I’ve miscalculated. can hardly believe that someone like you has been lurking under my nose this whole time.”

Huo Linglong looked dazed as she stared at Ye Qing and his flame blocking in front of the exit, but she quickly regained her calm and smiled brightly.

“Let us negotiate, shall we?”

“Okay. Let’s negotiate then.” Ye Qing smirked right back at her.

At first glance, it looked like the upper hand was his. After all, he was controlling the exit, and she clearly feared his Purple Sun Trueflame. In reality, they were on equal footing—no, he was the one who was at a slight disadvantage. He had been from the moment he failed to ambush and kill Huo Linglong.

Yes, his Purple Sun Trueflame seemed to be the bane of Huo Linglong’s existence, and yes, killing Huo Linglong wouldn’t take too much time and effort. The problem was he couldn’t do it without alerting those around him.

The rooms in the Earthly Sovereign’s Coffin could insulate one’s spirit perfectly, but not sound and energy. If they caused too big a commotion and drew Sun Xuanzhen and Yue Juejiang’s attention, then he would be in serious trouble.

Moreover, the room was only so big. Yi Pin was almost certainly going to get caught up in their fight. Although Yi Pin was a former champion of unknown heights, his past two days of observation told him that his glory days were far behind him. The old Taoist might be knowledgeable, experienced, and shameless, but he was also weak as shit. He was almost certainly going to die if he chose to fight Huo Linglong to the death. Considering the circumstances, negotiating with Huo Linglong was his only option.

It was the same for Huo Linglong as well. She could make Ye Qing pay, but he could certainly make her pay with the Purple Sun Trueflame as well. Unless she wanted to commit double suicide with him and let the spoils go to Sun Xuanzhen and Yue Juejiang, she had no choice but to negotiate with him.

“Hahaha! I love smart people.” Huo Linglong giggled and waved away the pink flames still burning here and there inside the room. Then, she looked Ye Qing up and down with deep interest and curiosity, “You’ve hidden yourself very well, dearie. You were this close from fooling us completely.”

“You are strong, and yet you’re willing to lie low and surrender your share of the Profound Yellow Qi to us. Either the Profound Yellow Qi is useless to you, or you’re plotting something.”

“However, the Profound Yellow Qi is useful to everyone. I cannot believe that someone would relinquish it willingly, especially one as strong as you. So, you must be plotting something. But what is it?”

Behind her mask, Huo Linglong rubbed her smooth chin and smiled wider. “Now that I think about it, Yue Juejiang lost his Profound Yellow Qi Calabash on the first day you showed up. It can’t be a coincidence. You must be the one who stole his Strange Artifact, am I right?”

“I’m seriously impressed by your audacity, dearie. Yue Juejiang is a member of the Earthly Sovereign Hall, you know?”

Ye Qing didn’t say anything, and his lack of response was no different from admission.

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