Stranger Danger

Chapter 409: A Common Man

Chapter 409: A Common Man

Chu Wangsun’s action stunned everyone. Since the moment he showed up at the peak, he hadn’t engaged anyone in conversation except Fang Muyun. When someone else tried to speak with him, he would finish the conversation in as few words as possible. He looked extremely disinterested and barely paid attention to the climbers at all.

But now, he was walking toward the participants of his own accord. Did someone catch his eyes?

Nearly everyone in the group grew excited when they saw this. Even Jian Wusheng, Chu Renhe and Chu Qingge looked expectant and hopeful.

As Fang Muyun had mentioned earlier, most of the participants were attending the Hidden Dragon Meet for Chu Wangsun. If the scholar decided to bring them into the Jixia Academy, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that their lives would be transformed forever.

Out of everyone present, there was only one person who wanted to be anywhere but here. He was none other than Ye Qing.

Ye Qing had a feeling that Chu Wangsun was coming for him. He wasn’t planning to stick out in the Hidden Dragon Meet, but somehow he managed to achieve the complete opposite instead. He thought that the one silver lining to this situation was the fact that Chu Wangsun didn’t seem to recognize him, but he was wrong. Knowing how heartless the scholar really was, the fact that he was walking toward him could only mean...

Chu Wangsun ignored everyone’s gaze and walked right up to Ye Qing. Then, he stared at him in silence and contemplation.

Cold sweat immediately broke out of Ye Qing’s back. It took him an incredible amount of willpower to control himself and reveal not a hint of trepidation on his face or body language as he said, “Well met, Mister Nine.”

Instead of answering, Chu Wangsun reached out to grab Ye Qing’s shoulder.

Ye Qing’s heart leaped to his throat in an instant. At this point, there was no denying that Chu Wangsun had sensed something, and he was acting to confirm his suspicions. After all, he had fought against the scholar at the Ghost Tower before.

What should I do? Should I run or beg on my knees? I need help immediately!

“Hahaha... are you planning to invite Joyless to the Jixia Academy, Mister Nine?”

At the last moment, Hong Jianglong suddenly appeared next to Chu Wangsun and hugged his shoulders. Naturally, this caused Chu Wangsun to pause his movement.

“What are you waiting for, Joyless? Thank Mister Nine now!”

Ye Qing understood that Hong Jianglong was helping him. He immediately took a few steps backward and saluted Chu Wangsun. “Thank you, Mister Nine.”

Chu Wangsun was obviously displeased with the sudden contact. It could also be that he wasn’t used to affectionate gestures like this. Furrowing his brows a little, he channeled his force and pushed Hong Jianglong away from him.

“Sorry, sorry! I got a little too excited there.”

Hong Jianglong seamlessly inserted himself between Ye Qing and Chu Wangsun as he mouthed an apology, “It was my deepest regrets for failing to grasp the opportunity to join the Jixia Academy back in the day, so I got a little too excited. I hope you won’t take offense, Mister Nine.”

“It’s fine,” Chu Wangsun replied indifferently. “Also, you are mistaken. I don’t have the power to decide if someone can enter the Jixia Academy. Anyway, I—”

“What, you can’t? That’s a shame.”

Chu Wangsun obviously wanted to say something else, but Hong Jianglong interrupted him before he could begin. Ye Qing cooperatively put on a disappointed expression as well. “In that case, do you mind taking a gander at the rest of my people? They’re all geniuses of their time. Step forth and greet Mister Nine, Luo Zhan, Qingge, Nianjiu, Yuhuai and Ningan.”

“Yes, commissioner. Well met, Mister Nine.” Everyone he called out hurriedly stepped forward and saluted Chu Wangsun.

“What do you think of them, Mister Nine?” Hong Jianglong asked.

“They’re okay,” Chu Wangsun replied.

“Can they enter the Jixia Academy?” Hong Jianglong shot another question.

“In the future, maybe,” Chu Wangsun answered again with a hint of impatience. His meaning was very simple. The future was one thing, but they definitely weren’t getting into the Jixia Academy now.

“A shame...” Hong Jianglong sighed in disappointment before moving on. “If they’re not qualified, what about Lord Lei’s disciple? Oh, the disciple of one of the four legendary constables of Tian Yong, Constable Bai Tou possesses a lot of potential as well. What do you think?”

This time, Chu Wangsun didn’t say anything. He turned around and walked away.

“A shame. It looks like you all need to work harder,” said Hong Jianglong with a regretful shake of the head. After Chu Wangsun had returned to his seat, the Pacification Commissioner looked at Fang Muyun and said, “Mister Farseeing, it’s getting late. I believe we should send the participants home so they may recover fully for tomorrow’s competition.”

“Sure. I see no problems with that,” Fang Muyun replied indifferently.

Hong Jianglong immediately addressed the group, “Alright, it’s getting late, so feel free to head home and catch some well-deserved rest. Tomorrow, I expect to see you all here at 6 am sharp.”

“As you command!” Everyone replied affirmatively. Despite the grandness of the Hidden Dragon Meet, it was only a few days long.

The first day required the participants to reach the peak of the Flying Dragon Mount within the allotted time.

The second day was where they drew lots and began the preliminaries.

And a few days after that, they would fight it out all the way until the end to decide the quarter-finalists, semi-finalists, the runner-ups and the champion.

All in all, it was a very compact competition.

After Hong Jianglong was done, he waved his hand and weaved the golden light into a golden road that stretched from the peak all the way to the bottom. Naturally, it was to save the participants the time and effort of having to brave the dangers of the Flying Dragon Mount all over again when they took their leave. In fact, they were expected to use this road for the next few days to come.

The golden road was nicknamed the Rising Dragon Road. Only those who weren’t disqualified on the first round were permitted to use it.

After saluting the bigshots one last time, Ye Qing and all other participants slowly left the mountain via the Rising Dragon Road. The road was softer and lighter than anything they had ever experienced probably because it was made of light. Every time they took a step forward, a step would appear right underneath their foot. It was a miraculous construct to say the least.

“I’m surprised you’re so interested in Ye Qing, Brother Chu.”

While the participants were leaving, Fang Muyun looked at Chu Wangsun and joked, “Are you actually planning to invite him to the Jixia Academy?”

Chu Wangsun’s earlier action was seriously strange. It didn’t fit his usual behavior at all.

Chu Wangsun pondered for a moment before replying, “He’s the one who caused Sixue’s death.”

The scholar frowned immediately after he said this, however. It was because he recalled that there was someone else besides Ye Qing. He couldn’t quite remember it though.

“... Are you sure?” Fang Muyun’s smile slowly withered like a dying flower.

“I wasn’t sure before, but now I’m certain,” Chu Wangsun replied. “His aura felt a little familiar, but I couldn’t be sure if it was him. However, he was too calm when I acted to test him.”

A glint flashed in Fang Muyun’s eyes. “You’re right. You are the famous Mister Nine. Most people wouldn’t be able to contain themselves when they are graced by your attention. Someone who doesn’t react to your presence is either completely devoid of ambition... or guilty.”

Chu Wangsun continued, “Besides that, Hong Jianglong reacted quite strangely just now. He interrupted me again and again probably because he didn’t want me to test Ye Qing.”

“That makes sense.” Fang Muyun smiled. “I was wondering why Hong Jianglong was acting the way he did. Hong Jianglong was hostile toward the Jixia Academy for the longest time because he failed to join it. BUt today, he was acting like you and him were best friends. Yes, I do believe you’re right.”

“I will give you a proper closure, Farseeing,” Chu Wangsun turned to Fang Muyun and said seriously.

Fang Muyun smiled. “It’s fine. Sixue is my younger brother. If Ye Qing really is the reason he died, then I would deal with him myself.”

Chu Wangsun acquiesced. “Very well. Still, don’t hesitate to ask for my help if you need it. The responsibility of Sixue’s death is mine to bear.”

Fang Muyun sighed. “The sage says that one must be mindful of their behavior and conduct in order to protect themselves. However, Sixue was flighty, irritable, and impatient. Despite having studied the scriptures, he wasn’t able to embody their teachings at all. It was always a matter of time before he encountered a deadly threat and lost his life. Father entrusted Sixue to you because he was hoping that you would be able to influence him for the better, but circumstances beyond your control took over before you were able to change him. It is not your fault.”

“Plus, you’ve already offered father a humble apology, and father has already afforded you your forgiveness. Hence, you don’t need to feel guilty or responsible.”

Fang Muyun let out a self-derisive chuckle then. “I study the text of the sages and call myself a disciple of the sage, but in the end, I’m still just a common man. It was Sixue’s own fault that he died, and logically speaking, I shouldn’t bear any resentment or grudge. However, my emotion and love for my brother says otherwise.”

“Not even a sage could remain fair when their own children are involved, which was why they chose to leave their children’s education in another’s hands. A common man like me can only do worse. Sixue is my younger brother, and my father was forced to bear the pain of losing a son. No matter what, I must see this matter to the end and do what must be done.”

“For Sixue and my father’s sake, I will have retribution.”

Chu Wangsun asked, “What will you do?”

“I’m a common man, so I shall act as a common man does.” Fang Muyun smiled as softly as the spring wind and the fine rain. “His sin doesn’t deserve death, but he refused the life sentence you gave him, didn’t he? In that case, I have no choice but to mete out the death sentence.”

“A debt must be paid, and a blood debt has to be paid by blood. This... is natural.”


“Is that Ye Qing?” “Yeah, he’s the guy they call the Qing Emperor Junior?”

“Qing Emperor Junior? How preposterous! That’s not a title anyone can bear!”

“He climbed the Flying Dragon Mount in six hours. If he doesn’t deserve the title, who is?”

“Hmph! The Qing Emperor Junior is the undisputed champion of the realm, but he is also a humble, magnanimous man. On the other hand, Ye Qing is just an arrogant bastard with some power and no virtue. To call him Qing Emperor Junior is to shame the Qing Emperor!”


The next day early morning, Ye Qing became the center of attention as soon as he entered the people’s eyes as a matter of course. There were envy, jealousy, and even more hatred. It was all because he accidentally offended everyone with his careless remark.

“You’re famous again, Joyless!” Chu Nianjiu gave Ye Qing a slap on the shoulder and wore a shit-eating grin on his face.

However, Ye Qing simply shrugged and said, “I’m used to it. Even if I haven’t slipped up, they would still be talking shit about me. Such is the fate of a star.”

He knew this would happen the moment he made that careless remark. Only the bigshots had heard of the remark, and technically speaking, a bigshot shouldn’t be so petty as to slander a junior way younger than them. However, even the most important person in the world was just a human. Some of them had loose mouths, and some of them outright disliked him. It was perfectly natural for these people to leak his remark and paint a bullseye on his back.

In any case, it was far too late to change anything. The only thing he could do now was to have a thick skin and feign indifference.

It was his own bloody fault he was in this situation. It was only natural that he bore the consequences.

The good news was that no amount of backbiting could hurt him physically or mentally. He didn’t even care about maintaining a good reputation. Power was what brought the rice home, not reputation.

What he was really worried about was Chu Wangsun. It was clear that the scholar suspected something yesterday, and if it wasn’t for Hong Jianglong’s intervention, he might have exposed himself already. And even then, who was to say that Chu Wangsun wouldn’t continue to harass him in the future?

In fact, there was literally no bigger threat than Chu Wangsun right now.

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