Stranger Danger

Chapter 401: Climbing

Chapter 401: Climbing

Translator’s Note: Upon further review, Judicial Censor (Lei Xiaodan's post) has been corrected Judicial Commissioner.

“Since Mister Farseeing and Mister Nine have both given their consent, let us begin the Hidden Dragon Meet.”

Hong Jianglong declared, “Lord Lei, Brother Song, please lend me a hand.”

“No problem.”

“It is our duty.”

Hong Jianglong rose to his feet and produced a small brazier. Then, he tossed it toward the square-shaped hole at the center of the platform.

The brazier kept growing bigger and bigger until it landed inside the hole. It was a perfect fit where not the slightest gap could be seen.

The brazier was called the Hidden Dragon Brazier, and it was the key to unlocking the Flying Dragon Mount’s array.

From a distance, Lei Xiaodan, Song Xilai and Hong Jianglai injected their astral qi into the brazier, causing the mysterious runes to grow brighter and brighter. When all of the runes had lit up, a massive golden dragon flew out of the brazier, punched through the clouds, soared through the nine heavens.


The golden dragon circled in the sky and scattered all the clouds directly above Flying Dragon Mount. Its roar was such that it shook all four directions.

The jianghu warriors standing at the foot of the mountain and waiting for the meet to begin saw the golden dragon as a matter of course. Excited chatter broke out throughout the Hidden Dragon Meet.

They knew that the Hidden Dragon Meet was about to begin.

Some people were excited, and some people were calm. There was a small group of warriors that was extremely agitated, however.

“What is Joyless doing? The Hidden Dragon Meet will begin any minute now!”

They were none other than Chu Nianjiu, Lin Yuhuai and Qi Xuanyun.

The trio arrived at Tian Yong two days ago, and upon arrival, they were told that they missed Ye Qing because he had entered the Martial Tower. This wasn’t a problem of course, they thought for sure that he would show his face two days later. But now, he was still nowhere to be seen. He couldn’t be so absorbed in his training that he forgot about the Hidden Dragon Meet, could he?

“Dammit, if I’m qualified to train in the Martial Tower, I wouldn’t participate in the Hidden Dragon Meet either. What dogshit luck did Joyless step on this time?” Chu Nianjiu sighed while sipping his wine, but it didn’t feel as fragrant as it should be.

“Don’t worry. He will show up eventually,” Gao Ningan consoled him.

Gao Ningan was accompanied by Luo Zhan, Sui Yan, Chu Qingge and the rest of the rising stars of the Tian Yong Pacification Bureau. This included the commanderies and counties subordinate to Tian Yong as well. Of course, they were all youngsters.

“He knew that the Hidden Dragon Meet is starting today, and he didn’t even show up for attendance? The Qing Emperor Junior sure is an arrogant bastard!” Someone taunted.

“If you’re as strong as him, then you can be arrogant as well.”

“The question is, is he the real thing, or is he all bark and no bite?”

“That’s hard to say. The one thing this world doesn’t lack are deceivers and pretenders!”

Countless others joined in on the ridicule as well.

An unhappy-looking Qi Xuanyun wanted to argue with the haters, but Lin Yuhuai grabbed him and said, “Ignore them. They’re just feeling jealous is all.”

The haters were the Pacification Bureau representatives from the counties and commanderies of TIan Yong. As they were young and impulsive, it was natural that they were envious of Ye Qing’s fame. Add to the fact that Ye Qing was given a second chance to enter the Martial Tower, and it was no wonder that they were spouting sour grapes.

In fact, Lin Yuhuai had a few choice words himself if he wasn’t friends with Ye Qing.

We’re all humans here. What makes you so special, huh? Huh?


It was at this moment the golden dragon roared again. A terrifying amount of pressure swept across the world, and beams of light descended from the sky. When the golden dragon shot upward and punched through the final cloud and darkness, a massive sun emerged into view and washed away all of the darkness and gloom.

“The Hidden Dragon Meet begins now!”

Hong Jianglong’s powerful voice resounded from the peak.

“Go! Go!”

Before Hong Jianglong even finished talking, countless participants rushed toward Flying Dragon Mount. It took only a moment before the traffic had decreased by more than half. Those who remained were either fully confident in their strength and so didn’t mind losing some time, or were just spectators.

“Brother Chu, Brother Lin, let’s go. We’re not actually going to wait until everyone is gone, are we?” Gao Ningan said after the initial rush had subsided.

They only had twelve hours or half a day to make it to the peak. If they missed it, then they would fail the first stage. Gao Ningan wasn’t very confident in his own strength, and so he didn’t want to waste time as much as possible.

“He’s right, Yuhuai. Let’s go,” Chu Nianjiu echoed in agreement. “Knowing Joyless’ strength, climbing the mountain is nothing to him. It will be fine even if he’s a little late. Why wait for him here when we can do the same on the peak?”

“That’s true.” Lin Yuhuai nodded. He then followed Gao Ningan and the others up Flying Dragon Mount.

As soon as he entered the mountain, Lin Yuhuai discovered that his companions were nowhere to be seen. His body felt heavier than normal, and the air permeating the area felt gloomy and strange.

Of course, it wasn’t going to be this easy. If the first stage was purely about climbing, forget a four-hundred-meter tall mountain, they could climb even a four-thousand-meter tall mountain with ease.

A massive array was set across the Flying Dragon Mount. As soon as someone set foot in the mountain, they would be separated from their companions. The journey to the top was a lonely one where no one was allowed to help or cooperate with each other. They would encounter all kinds of dangers as well. Broken cliffs and precipitous walls were the kiddies’ challenges. The real challenge was the traps, restrictions, Strangers and Anomalies that littered the place. One misstep, and the challengers could be disqualified or even killed.

This was why the Hidden Dragon Meet was never a childish, meaningless stage show. It was a true life-or-death trial where countless people were injured or killed.

After all, a dragon who couldn’t even overcome the challenges of the pits didn’t deserve to rise to the heavens.

Lin Yuhuai had memorized all the rules of the Hidden Dragon Meet, so he knew what to expect. He kept a focused mind and slowly began his accent.


“Yo, that guy’s pretty quick! He’s reached the one hundredth meter mark already.”

“Hmm? That kid’s not bad either. He killed a Malice-class Stranger in one strike.”

“Is that guy a comedian or something? The task is to climb the mountain, and he’s sitting there and enjoying a picnic? Just how hungry is he?”

“Hmm, that girl is quite something. Not only is she strong and agile, she looks dignified, stylish, graceful, ladylike...”

The peak of Flying Dragon Mount had turned as transparent as a mirror. It displayed all the participants who were climbing the mountain.

Inside a kiosk, a doddering old man was staring at the screens and cheering those he supported, and booing those he didn’t like like a kid. From time to time, he would sip from his wine jar.

“Father, that’s sis you’re complimenting.”

A frail-looking young man reeking of alcohol and lying lazily in the lap of a servant girl remarked.

“And? Why wouldn’t I compliment her?” The old man shot him an incredulous look.

“Because she hasn’t done anything praiseworthy yet?” The young man opened his mouth, and a servant girl fed him a large grape. He looked like he was enjoying the time of his life.

“She’s my daughter. Who am I going to praise if not her? You? A sloppy, ignorant and incompetent fool I have the misfortune to call my son?” The old man ranted.

“I’m just warning you against celebrating prematurely. It’s not yet certain if sis could make it to the top, you know?” The young man replied lazily.

“Pooh! Shut your trap, you jinx! Do you think that Qingge is like you? With her strength, it would take her no effort to make it to the top!” The old man snarled. “Am I right, Jianglong?”

“You are correct, Your Highness. It won’t be a problem for Qingge to make it to the top,” Hong Jianglong answered.

The old man might act like a kid, but he was the emperor’s relative, his uncle to be exact. His name was Chu Yufeng, and he was conferred the Harmony King by the previous emperor. His fiefdom was located in Tian Yong.

When the Harmony King was young, he was a graceful, distinguished gentleman who enjoyed nothing more than to win the heart of a beautiful lady. After age caught up to him, his personality changed drastically as if he had regressed into a child.

Although the Harmony King had plenty of concubines and lovers in his life, he only had two children in his life; a boy and a girl to be exact. In fact, he was almost past the age he could realistically sow a child when Chu Qingge and Chu Qingli—the young man lazing next to him right now—were finally born.

That was why he pampered his children to the death. If he carried them in his arms, he was afraid that they would catch a chill. If he held them in his mouth, he was afraid that they would melt—or so went the metaphor. That was how much he cared for them. It was also why Chu Qingli grew up to be an arrogant, lawless and hedonistic young noble with exactly zero achievement to speak of—unless you count being infamous for frequenting brothels to the point of debility and poor health was an achievement, of course.

Surprisingly, the Harmony King’s daughter, Chu Qingge, was neither like her father nor her older brother. Extremely talented, humble and studious, she was quite accomplished in both literature and martial arts. After she joined the Pacification Bureau, she was well-liked and highly respected for her competence as well.

“Do you hear that, you unfilial son?” The Harmony King broke into a wide grin and taunted his son after hearing Hong Jianglong’s words.

“Fine, pretend I haven’t said anything. Just keep watching your show and stop bothering me.” Chu Qingge sipped his wine and closed his eyes as if he could fall asleep at any moment.

“Unfilial son! Unfilial son!” The Harmony King cursed his son angrily, but was reluctant to beat him up for real. In the end, that was all he said.

After stewing in anger for a bit, the Harmony King turned to Hong Jianglong and asked curiously, “Are there any other good seeds in this Hidden Dragon Meet besides my Qingge, Jianglong?”

“There are. For example,there is the young lord of the Flying Dragon Stronghold, the ‘Jade-faced Dragon’ Chen Shaoyu, Zhao Lan and Zhao Lu of the Ragged Villa, the four brothers ‘Wine’, ‘Sex’, ‘Wealth’ and ‘Popularity’ of the Tower of Wealth, four strange warriors operating in Guang Ping and Zhong Shan called ‘Eat’, ‘Drink’, ‘Fuck’ and ‘Gamble’, Lord Lei’s disciple Chu Renhe and more,” Hong Jianglong replied.

The Harmony King looked at Lei Xiaodan. “Your disciple is participating too, Xiaodan? He’s already an inspector general, why would he need to participate in the Hidden Dragon Meet?”

“You were young once. You know how they like to show off their strength.” Lei Xiaodan chuckled. “This is a good opportunity though. Renhe needs to recognize his peers so he won’t ever let his power get to his head.”

“Speaking of which, I think you left out someone, Brother Hong!”

“Oh? Who’s that?” The Harmony King asked curiously.

Lei Xiaodan smiled. “Why, I’m talking about the Qing Emperor Junior of Luo Shui Pacification Bureau, Ye Qing of course!”

“The ‘Qing Emperor Junior’ Ye Qing? I’ve heard of him! Is he here? Which one is he?” The Harmony King prodded excitedly.

Hong Jianglong replied awkwardly, “He has come to Tian Yong, but er, he was delayed by something. He hasn’t begun to climb the mountain yet.”

“What? If he isn’t climbing now, then he’ll never make it!” The Harmony King sighed in disappointment. “It’s a shame. I wanted to witness his power.”

“And what is delaying Young Ye, Brother Hong?” Lei Xiaodan asked curiously.

The Pacification Commissioner shot him a glance and said nothing, but Lei Xiaodan didn’t take offense. He simply smiled and pretended as if he had never asked the question.

Inside a different kiosk, one man asked his companion, “Who’s the Qing Emperor Junior, Brother Zhang? Is he the Qing Emperor’s disciple?”

The second guy shook his head smilingly. “You really don’t pay attention to anything, do you? How could you not know about the Qing Emperor Junior?”

The first guy was the patriarch of the Yang Clan, Yang Shixiu, and the second guy was the patriarch of the Zhang Clan, Zhang Huai’en. They were both prominent clans in Tian Yong.

No one here on the peak was a nobody.

“You know I wasn’t around until the past few days, Brother Zhang. I only know so much. Stop keeping me in suspense and just tell me already!” Yang Shixiu prodded.

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