Stranger Danger

Chapter 395: You Wanna Pull Rank? Ok

Chapter 395: You Wanna Pull Rank? Ok


Suddenly, Sick Scholar let out a bloodcurdling scream. Countless Gut Worms were pouring out of the hole in his chest and his bloody stump of an arm, and they were all moving toward Ye Qing. As a result, Sick Scholar deflated like a balloon in just the blink of an eye.

Ye Qing frowned a little and stomped the floor, burning all of the Gut Worms heading toward him. By the end of it, Sick Scholar was literally just skin and bones, dead.

“I see. He brought this upon himself.” Ye Qing sighed when realization struck him.

There were many benefits to practicing the “Feed The Worms Art” using the Stomach Worm and Gut Worm, but it also had a fatal flaw. If the practitioner lost the Stomach Worm for whatever reason, then the Gut Worm would rebel and consume them alive.

If Sick Scholar reached the adept level before that point, then this wouldn’t be an issue. But since he didn’t, well… such was the fate of a man who chose to walk the razor’s edge for power.

“Pah! He deserves this.”

“Honestly, he should’ve suffered more.”

“Yeah. If it wasn’t for our hero here, we would have fallen for his evil scheme hook, line and sinker.”

“Speaking of which, thank you so much for saving our lives, hero.”

“Thank you, hero.”

“We will never forget what you’ve done today, hero.”

“If you don’t mind, may we know your name, hero? I’m sure that some of us would like to pay back the favor in the future.”

No one was saddened by Sick Scholar’s death, of course. If anything, it was the best damn thing they had seen since their day suddenly turned to shit. After they were done cursing Sick Scholar, they turned to Ye Qing and gave him their thanks.

“You’re welcome, everyone. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time.”

Ye Qing didn’t take their words of gratitude seriously, of course. The large majority of them didn’t actually mean what they said. They just didn’t want to look ungrateful was all. Frankly, expecting true gratitude from jianghu warriors was like expecting your first love to be requited—quit dreaming already, brother.

In fact, Ye Qing sensed a couple of people slipping out of the back door after their Gut Worms were dealt with. If he wasn’t mistaken, they were the ones who attempted to incite their jianghu brethren into war with the Intelligence Department.

Chu Renhe was no weakling, so he sensed the same thing as Ye Qing did. He secretly ordered Tang Chuan, Yu Shi and Luo Changbing to deal with them.

Those people couldn’t resist Sick Scholar’s Gut Worms, so they most likely hadn’t entered the Spirit Purification stage yet. Ye Qing had no doubt that Tang Chuan, Yu Shi and Luo Changbing would destroy them without any problems whatsoever.

Ye Qing didn’t pity them, however. Sick Scholar deserved to die, but these people were not far behind. If he hadn’t stepped out, this incident most likely would’ve resulted in unnecessary conflict and bloodshed.

There were several reasons he decided to step up. One, he recognized the Gut Worm and was fairly confident that he could deal with it. Two, it would’ve been a disaster had the two sides fought. He wouldn’t be able to pluck himself out of the shitshow, and if the Intelligence Department labeled him a traitor or something, then even he, a Patrolman of the Pacification Bureau, would be in quite the conundrum.

That was just the kind of power the Intelligence Department wielded.

After nearly everyone in the restaurant was gone, Chu Renhe walked up to Ye Qing and asked, “Well handled, brother. May I inquire into your name and background?”

“I’m Ye Qing. I’m just a nobody.” Ye Qing saluted.

“Ye Qing, is it? Very well. Please, follow us.”

As soon as Chu Renhe said this, the Intelligence Guards lying in ambush outside the restaurant immediately flooded in with their Chu sabers gripped tightly in their hand. They quickly surrounded Ye Qing tighter than a fish’s arse.

“What is the meaning of this, Lord Chu?” Ye Qing furrowed his brows with displeasure. “I just assisted you in solving a troublesome case, avoiding a bloodbath, and even capturing these three criminals. You wouldn’t even wait until the next day to pretend I haven’t done you a huge favor?”

Chu Renhe sneered. “Just to be clear, I never asked for your help. You’re the one who chose to stick your nose into our business. Second, we would’ve handled them even without your intervention.”

“Let’s pretend that I was meddling in a business I don’t belong to then. On what grounds are you detaining me?”

Ye Qing was seriously getting annoyed. He had heard rumors that the Intelligence was as tyrannical as they were arrogant, but he always thought it was just slander or radical remarks by people who didn’t know better. But now, it was clear that the rumors had understated their tyranny. They had turned on him the moment the incident was resolved!

“That’s simple. I suspect that you are affiliated with these criminals!” Chu Renhe let out a cold chuckle. “And don’t say that I’m making baseless accusations. I saw with my own eyes you sharing a table with Killer Monk and enjoying a pleasant conversation with him. How are you going to explain this?”

“It’s just a coincidence. If you saw me sharing a table with him, then surely you’ve heard our conversation as well,” Ye Qing countered.

“That may be true, but what you see and hear may not necessarily be the truth. Besides, how do I know if the two of you aren’t putting up an act?”

Chu Renhe added meaningfully while wiping his fingers. “Besides, didn’t Killer Monk give you a jade thumb ring?”

“You mean this?” Ye Qing produced the thumb ring and explained, “Killer Monk gave me as a gift for giving him my wine, but so what?”

“So what?” An eerie, ridiculing smile spread across Chu Renhe’s lips. “Do you know how much that thumb ring you’re holding is worth? It was forged using the emerald jade of Chang Shan, and an inch of emerald jade is worth as much as an inch of gold. If you consider the labor cost, then this thumb ring is worth at least ten thousand gold.”

“Now tell me, do you think your wine is worth ten thousand gold?”

“No.” Ye Qing shook his head. He had no idea that the thumb ring Killer Monk gave him was this valuable.

“Do you know who this thumb ring belongs to?” Chu Renhe continued.

“Nope,” Ye Qing answered honestly.

“This thumb ring belongs to Feng Yixing, and Feng Yixing is the patriarch of the Feng Clan of Qing He.” Chu Renhe asked another question, “On top of that, Feng Yixing has a second identity. Do you know what it is?”

Ye Qing shook his head again. He was getting a bad feeling about this.

Chu Renhe narrowed his eyes into slits, and his voice grew low and soft like the spring waters of March. “Feng Yixing is also an Inspector in the Intelligence Department, and the thumb ring is none other than his proof of authority.”

“Do you understand how precious it is now?”

Ye Qing’s heart skipped a beat. He had envisioned many possibilities, but this was even worse than he thought. No one could’ve predicted that Killer Monk, Fortune Taoist and Sick Scholar would kill an Inspector. No wonder the Intelligence Department was out in force.

This was bad. Very bad. By pure coincidence, he had somehow gotten involved with a bunch of crazies who assassinated a member of the Intelligence Department. Knowing the Intelligence Department, there was no way they would allow anyone who was even remotely connected to the trio to escape. He thought he was steering himself out of a tight mess, but instead he was stuck deeper than he could possibly imagine.

“With all that said, why did Killer Monk give you a jade thumb ring that’s worth over ten thousand gold?” Chu Renhe sneered.

“How would I know? You should ask him, not me.”

Ye Qing sighed and let out a bitter chuckle. “Look, it really is an accident. I’ve never even heard of a Killer Monk until today, and I’ve just arrived at Tian Yong two days ago. You can check it if you don’t believe me.”

“We will look into the matter. If you are innocent, then you won’t be harmed.” Chu Renhe said calmly and forcefully, “But for now, you’ll have to come with us.”

“Just in case you think we’re targeting you on purpose—even though it is a fact that you’re more suspicious than most—we’re not. Everyone in this building will be taken into custody for questioning.”

“And what if I don’t go with you?” Ye Qing’s smile didn’t reach the eye. “I’m fairly sure you don’t have the strength to stop me.”

Chu Renhe asked coldly, “Are you resisting arrest? Do you know what happens to those who make an enemy out of the Intelligence Department?”

“Do tell,” Ye Qing said fearlessly.

“If you’re against the Intelligence Department, then you’re a rebel. If you’re a rebel, you will be exterminated to the nine generations. It’s not just you either. Your friends, families, neighbors and more will be implicated as well.”

Chu Renhe’s cold eyes turned cruel and bloodthirsty. Ye Qing even spotted a glimmer of excitement amidst the emotions. “Would you like to give it a try?”

Ye Qing scoffed, “A rebel? Straight for the capital offense, huh? But I doubt even the Intelligence Department has the power to make that decision!”

“That is where you’re wrong. Outside of Chu, our eyes and ears are everywhere. Inside Chu, we are the law itself.” Chu Renhe said slowly, “If I say that you’re a good citizen, then you’re a good citizen. If I say you’re a rebel, then you are a rebel.”

“No wonder they say that the Intelligence Department is fair and righteous.” Ye Qing said sarcastically. The Intelligence Department was literally more tyrannical than the Pacification Bureau.

“And you better remember that. Now come on.” Chu Renhe knew that Ye Qing was being sarcastic of course, but he didn’t mind. Once they returned to their headquarters, he had all the time in the world to make him eat his words. He would learn to keep his mouth shut and stick his nose well out of the Intelligence Department’s business.

“So sorry to disappoint you, but I’m on official business myself. I’m afraid I won’t be able to oblige with your demands.” Ye Qing sighed. In the end, it had come to this.

“Hmm? Official business?” Chu Renhe was caught off guard by this. “Who are you?”

“I am the Patrolman of the Luo Shui Pacification Bureau, Ye Qing,” Ye Qing introduced himself. “Well met, Lord Chu.”

“You’re a member of the Pacification Bureau?” Chu Renhe’s eyebrows rose imperceptibly.

The Intelligence Department and the Pacification Bureau were both departments that only answered to the emperor. Generally speaking, they rarely interacted with each other because their scope of work was different. However, two siblings could turn on each other for the family fortune, and two tigers definitely couldn’t share the same hill. It was why the Intelligence Department and the Pacification Bureau shared a poor relationship with each other.

On the surface, it looked like they were all one big family. But beneath the waters, it wouldn’t be surprising if one department stabbed the other in the back. Of course, they weren’t at the point where they were waging an all-out war against each other, but honestly, that point wasn’t too far away.

“Yessir, this is my badge.” Ye Qing handed over his badge to Chu Renhe for inspection.

Chu Renhe asked after glancing at the badge. “What is the Patrolman of Luo Shui doing in Tian Yong?”

“My boss ordered me to participate in the Hidden Dragon Meet,” Ye Qing answered.

“The Pacification Bureau… Ye Qing…” Chu Renhe’s pupils contracted suddenly as if he just recalled something. “Are you the Qing Emperor Junior, Ye Qing?”

“Excuse me?” Ye Qing exclaimed in surprise. What the fuck is that nickname?

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