Stranger Danger

Chapter 382: Chaos Demon Ape

Chapter 382: Chaos Demon Ape

Hahaha, you are weak! Kill them all! Chen Ah Sheng laughed haughtily before looking up at Corpse Child and the one-horned giant with a snarl.

Corpse Child floated off the one-horned giants shoulder and ordered, You go, One Horn. Earth Ghost is no match for him.

Raaaaah! Its finally my turn! Can I eat him? The one-horned giant asked excitedly.

Yes. In fact, you can eat anyone you want in this place. Dont hold back on my account, Corpse Child replied.

Ohh! Thats wonderful! I cant believe I can finally eat things! The one-horned giant pattedits chest happily and leaped down from the yin wind. Three of Chen Ah Shengs Vajrapanis tried to attack the giant, but it easily slapped them away with its millstone-sized hands.

After it landed on the ground, the one-horned giant grabbed a couple of brigands and shoved them into its mouth. Bright red blood spurted as it chewed.

Tasty so tasty

After it was done eating, the one-horned giant looked at Chen Ah Sheng and declared, Im going to eat you. Their meat is not as chewy as yours!

Careful now! You might break a tooth on my skin! Chen Ah Sheng laughed savagely before charging toward the one-horned giant.

The one-horned giant brought down its hands repeatedly and attempted to slam Chen Ah Sheng into the ground. Every time it hit the ground, a massive, scorching pit would be left behind.

Not a single one of its attacks hit, however. Chen Ah Sheng looked rough and brutish, but his movement art was anything but that. Darting all over the place like a monkey, he always managed to dodge the palms of death by a hairs breadth.

Chen Ah Sheng closed the distance between himself and the one-horned giant in the blink of an eye. Then, he punched the ghosts left knee with all he got.

For one, the one-horned giant was so tall that the knee was the only spot he could realistically reach. Two, giants generally had weaker lower body, and the bigger they were, the harder they fell.

There was one small problem with his plan, however. His full-powered punch only shook the one-horned giant a little. Forget falling over, it didnt even take a single step backward.

Youre so weak. It doesnt hurt at all! The one-horned giant laughed like a child and grabbed Chen Ah Sheng before he could recover himself. Then, it squeezed hard like it would pop Chen Ah Sheng like a meat balloon.

However, the one-horned giant soon discovered that its fingers were slowly but surely being pushed outward. It then saw something black and hairy growing bigger and bigger until it couldnt fit in its hand anymore.

In just a few breaths, Chen Ah Sheng had transformed into a thirty meter tall, ape-like creature that was covered in black fur. One could vaguely see his face through the mass of black hair. Youre not very strong yourself, bud!

Chen Ah Shengs cultivation art was called the Chaos Demon Ape Body Tempering Sutra. It was the ultimate art of the Chaos Demon Tempering Sect, one of the thirty six unorthodox sects. It was a unique cultivation art that focused on cultivating the body only, and at the adept level, one could transform into the Chaos Demon Ape and gain incredible strength.


With his new form, Chen Ah Sheng was just as tall as the one-horned giant was. With a mighty swing of his arms, he sent the ghost flying through the air and crashing through a couple of buildings.

Haha! Im so happy youre so big. Now I can actually eat until Im full! Im going to cut you into pieces!

The collapsed buildings abruptly burst into a sea of flames. The earth and stone melted like the one-horned giant was a walking volcano. When it swung its giant axe, the ground split in half and burst into flames even before it could hit its target.

You think you can stop me?

Chen Ah Sheng threw a punch and shattered the line of fire slithering in his direction. Then, he pushed off the ground, blocked the attack with his right arm, and punched the one-horned giant in its stomach.

A gasp of pain and wisps of scarlet flames escaped the one-horned giants lips. It then kicked Chen Ah Sheng in retaliation.

In his Chaos Demon Ape form, every part of Chen Ah Shengs body had turned into a weapon. His normal punches felt like lightning strikes, his elbow swings felt like they could put a hole in the sky, and it was a testament to the mountains resilience that his legs hadnt crushed it like a sand castle and triggered an avalanche. As if that wasnt enough, he possessed the agility of an ape as well. He was a literal hill of muscle that could crush an enemy faster than they could blink.

The one-horned giant was a Rakshasha Ghoul born in the depths of the Ghostfire Hell. Naturally sturdy and highly resistant to blade, lightning and fire, it could topple a hill with a simple swing of the arm.

Like two titans of legends, the human and ghost waged war of pure strength against each other. Their fight was so epic that it was beyond the ability of words to describe.

Beside Corpse Child, the Heartless Brain asked, Arent you going to help out that idiot?

And whos going to watch you if I join the fight? Corpse Child glanced at the Heartless Brain. Anyone who attempted to get within a certain range of the ghost would immediately start rotting until they were nothing more but a pool of corpse fluid. No one here except Chen Ah Sheng was strong enough to resist its terrifying influence.

Are you kidding me right now? What the fuck can I do with this body? The Heartless Brain scoffed. The body you gave me is so weak I can barely run a few steps without having to catch my breath! How far can I go even if you give me a head start?

Also, you can probably tell that that idiot cant defeat that guy by itself.

Corpse Child grunted. Lets hope that self-awareness will hold until the end of this fight. Stay here while I help One Horn. Otherwise, I will turn you into a smear of blood on the ground.

The Heartless Brain was an extremely cunning Stranger. He was certain that he was plotting something. However, the circumstances didnt allow for him to stay his hand. It might look like One Horn was going even against Chen Ah Sheng right now, but Corpse Child knew that the stalemate was going to be broken pretty soon. The human was even stronger than he thought.

Besides, Chen Ah Sheng wasnt the only threat he needed to watch out for. He had a couple of powerful subordinates and thousands of small fries. On the outside, Corpse Child acted like he could wipe out this whole base with the snap of a finger. In reality, he knew that this fight could still go either way.

Corpse Child squinted as a pool of corpse fluid appeared underneath his feet. He slowly sank into the corpse fluid. A moment later, he appeared behind a man who looked as skinny as a monkey.

The skinny man had an unassuming appearance, but he wielded a Qimei Stick that summoned wind and thunder with every swing. The lightning strikes easily annihilated entire groups of yin soldiers. He was none other than the Lightning Dragon Saint Hou Zhen and one of the Four Protectors of the Chaos Heaven Brigands.

Hou Zhen noticed Corpse Child the second he emerged from the corpse fluid. He let out a strange cry, half-twisted his waist, and swung his weapon horizontally at Corpse Child.

Hou Zhen was overflowing with energy. Every time his stick traveled an inch, the lightning surrounding his stick would grow just a little thicker. By the time the stick had moved behind his back, it had transformed into a massive lightning dragon with gnarly horns on its head.

In response, Corpse Child took one step forward and reached out with his right hand. He pierced through the curtain of lightning and stabbed the lightning dragon seven inches below its head.

The dragons roar abruptly died, and its energies snuffed out like a candle. Hou Zhen could only watch in horror as bluish black spots began appearing all over its body. Despite being made of lightning, it somehow aged rapidly until it finally met its end.

The lightning dragon was a product of Hou Zhens Hatred-class Strange Artifact, the Qimei Stick, and right now it looked like it was a bad swing away from crumbling into dust. At the same time, the pool beneath Corpse Childs feet was slowly making its way toward Hou Zhen.

Save me, Old Zhuang!

Hou Zhen didnt hesitate to drop his weapon and cry for help. The man he was calling for help from was a tall, slender old man with a silver face[1] and a white beard. He was surrounded by a thick layer of silver astral qi that could assume the shape of all kinds of creatures, and it devoured any and every yin soldier who was unfortunate enough to get close to him.

He was the Silverfaced Wanderer Zhuang Chi and one of the Four Protectors.

Zhuang Chi was about ten meters away from Hou Zhen when he heard his cry for help. With just one step, he appeared between Hou Zhen and Corpse Child. His silver astral qi made it difficult for the pool of corpse fluid to advance further.

My One Meter Astral Qi[2] resists all arts. Im afraid that your disgusting water wont be able to get through.

Zhuang Chi let out a bark of laughter. Let us work together to eliminate this shortie, Hou Zhen.

Hahaha! Thats exactly what I was hoping for! Hou Zhen laughed before charging toward Corpse Child.

Shortie? A hint of anger flickered in Corpse Childs eyes, and the bluish black spots on his face suddenly spread rapidly. At the same time, a rotten, sickly stench emanated from his body.

Both Hou Zhen and Zhuang Chi blanched in mid-charge. It was because they discovered that bluish purple spots were rapidly growing on their skin. Every time a new spot appeared, they could clearly sense their physical body aging. Even their mind and spirit were aging bit by bit as well.

If the unnatural condition were to overtake them completely

Retreat! Both men backed away at the exact same time, but by then, it was already too late. The ground within tens of meters around Corpse Child was flooded by corpse fluid, and everyone including the yin soldiers fell right into it.

At first, there were splashes in the pool as if someone was trying to escape. However, it gradually quieted when Corpse Childs power overtook them completely.

Raaagh! You are courting death, ghost!

Chen Ah Sheng had just smashed the one-horned giant into the ground when he looked to the side just in time to see his Protectors dying a horrible death in Corpse Childs hands. Furiously, he leaped into the sky, crossed a hundred meters in an instant, and brought his hands down right on top of Corpse Child.


Chen Ah Shengs speed was formidable, and his gigantic fists covered a large enough area that there was no chance Corpse Child could have dodged out of the way. But that wasnt the plan anyway. He simply allowed Chen Ah Sheng to smash him into the ground.

The ground caved in like he was punching a biscuit, but Chen Ah Sheng wasnt done yet. He raised his right foot and stomped the pit where Corpse Child was with everything he got. There was an ungodly explosion, and the earth collapsed even further. When the dust clouds settled, Chen Ah Sheng was standing in the middle of a deep, massive crater, and Corpse Child was nowhere to be seen. With that done, he beat his chest like an ape and let out a full-throated victory cry.


Chen Ah Sheng thought he had slain all of his enemies, but he didnt notice the black water flowing into the crater from every direction. By the time he realized something was off and tried to jump out, countless pale hands had reached out from the water and grabbed him, preventing him from escaping.

In his current form, Chen Ah Sheng couldve broken free eventually. But of course, Corpse Child wasnt going to let him. The corpse fluid quickly filled up the crater and drowned Chen Ah Sheng.

After Chen Ah Shengs head had disappeared under the black water, Corpse Child emerged from the corpse fluid. The bluish black spots on his face began expanding rapidly.

1. Nope, not a mistake.

2. This name sounded a little cooler in Chinese, but not much.

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