Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 403.2: Collaborator

“………… But first we need a new base. We can’t use a building that Kryhi-san cannot enter as our base…………” (Kool)

Ideally, it would be best to have a base that is easy to defend and easy to escape to. There must be many people who consider the 《Lightning Emperor (Raitei)》 as an obstacle. At the very least, Angus is targeting him, given the attack he launched while we were escaping from prison.

As long as the rules are in place, there should be few people who will attack, but we cannot let our guard down.

Kutry crosses her arms and smiles at what I said.

“In that case, Kool. I know the perfect place. The place where the lower-class people live.” (Kutry)

“Lower-class, people……?” (Kryhi)

Kryhi frowns. The lower classes――They are those who are not given a Class and are not surveyed by Code’s city system. They are by far the weakest members of the city as they do not even have access to the basic systems of the city, and it is said that there is a fair number of them lurking throughout the city.

When it came to gathering information, it was Kutry who was in charge of gathering information from the lower-class people.

It seems that 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 had initially tried to recruit lower-class people as Royal Guards (Which of course is impossible given the system), but she reported that things were going quite well with them as our position as assailants who attacked Code for the first time in a hundred years worked in our favor.

However, in the end, we were unable to obtain any information that could have been used to rescue Kryhi from prison――.

“Kukuku…… They seem to have a grudge against Code’s citizens. We, the assailants, are something like heroes to them. They also said they wanted to meet the 《Lightning Emperor (Raitei)》, so I’m sure they’ll welcome us with open arms.” (Kutry)

Indeed it is not a bad idea…… I think? The lower classes probably have networks that only the lower classes have. Maybe they have some information that could be useful in securing the Royal Family.

We would need to be careful as we are inevitably under the watchful eye of the Royal Family――But the Royal Family is probably paying particular attention to the 《Lightning Emperor (Raitei)》 and 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》. Kryhi in particular is quite the conspicuous individual, so there are probably not many people who would pay that much attention to our movements, as we were hardly of any use during the attack on Code. Even if they have eyes that can monitor everything, it is ultimately humans who are choosing what information to take in and what to reject. There will always be gaps.

It is our job to take on the tasks that Kryhi cannot handle. That is a fact that hadn’t changed even before or after the “Supreme Martial Arts Festival (Buteisai)”.

Kryhi thinks for a moment, then nods slightly and looks up.

“That’s right…… Let’s not waste time standing around. Kutry, please show us the way.” (Kryhi)


The lower classes. People who live a life cut off from the extremely convenient city system. In this highly mobile fortress city, Code, everything is provided by the city system. Clothing, entertainment, buildings, weapons――As long as the city system works, you can live without doing anything, and the majority of people who work in this city do so because they have time to kill.

However, that means that if you cannot use the city system, you will not be able to get anything in this city.

The biggest problem would be――Food. There is no hunting, livestock farming, or agriculture in this city. Food is produced by the city system and citizens can get whatever they want, as much as they want, by accessing the city system.

When I first learned about the lower classes, I was very surprised. How do these people, who cannot use the city systems, obtain the resources they need to live? And what kind of society can people who are not considered human beings by the city build?

Kutry guides us to one of the buildings in the small area given to Alisha-ojou. It is a medium-sized, nondescript building. All the buildings in this city are provided by the city system, and many are unused. You probably wouldn’t think anyone lived in them unless you knew about it beforehand.

Kutry goes ahead and enters the building alone. After about ten minutes, Kutry emerges from the dimly lit building with several tough-looking men.

My eyes widen in surprise. They are well-built men. Their footwork and look put them above that of ordinary people but lower than Hunters.

But what surprised me the most is that these men are armed, unlike the other lower-class people I have seen so far.

A gun with a long barrel and a strange mechanism on it, countless metal tubes hanging from their belt. And what appears to be just a vest is probably some kind of armor created by Code.

As far as I have been able to find out, you need at least a Class 4 authority to obtain a weapon in this city. Furthermore, the more powerful the weapon, the higher the Class is required. It is not something that lower-class people can afford.

The largest man steps forward, approaches Kryhi and speaks excitedly.

“Ooooh, it is an honor to meet you. 《Lightning Emperor (Raitei)》, if you knew how thrilled we were when you attacked. It has been a hundred years since anyone has harmed this city!” (Man)

“…… *Yareyare* Good grief, I didn’t mean to do that――But I guess my name got spread strangely.” (Kryhi)

Kryhi frowns in a troubled manner at what he says. It must have been a strange feeling to be praised despite having lost.

“I can’t tell you how heartbroken we were when we heard you were being imprisoned and targeted by Nora…… But, well, leaving that aside. It is fortunate that you have been released. We wholeheartedly welcome you.” (Man)

The man’s eyes are shining darkly. There is no hint of weakness in his voice, something you might expect from the oppressed.

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Kutry said in her report that the lower-class people are plotting something. I don’t want any more trouble. I rush to intervene before Kryhi can say anything unnecessary, and say.

“Please wait a moment. Despite all this, we are, in a manner of speaking, Alisha-ojou’s Royal Guards. Will you still welcome us?” (Kool)

In response to my reminder, the man narrows his eyes, smiles, and says.

“Alisha-ojou is not our enemy. In fact, if she is the catalyst that led to the release of the 《Lightning Emperor (Raitei)》, then you can even say that she brought us good fortune. Many of my comrades would not have been able to survive without this area. Alisha-ojou is a pitiful woman as she has been deprived of her freedom. And it goes without saying, but you people who have come from the outside are not our enemy either.” (Man)

Isn’t that right? Seems to be what his eyes are saying. Indeed, it is as Kutry said. This looks like more than just being cautious, it looks like they are up to something.

But even if the lower class people are plotting something, what can they accomplish within this Code that is governed by the city system? If they are from the royalty or the nobility, they can even use the city system to freely listen in on our conversation that is happening right here, right now.

As if reading my expression, the man speaks confidently.

“Do not worry. Even Class 8 cannot grasp what is being said here. There is a reason. Follow me and you will understand right away.” (Man)


The men guide us through the building. The structure of the building is not much different from Alisha-ojou’s home. The building is almost empty, and it is completely silent with no sign of people.

I heard it was a base for the lower class people, but I wonder if there really aren’t that many of them there? As I am thinking about this, the man walking in front of us suddenly stops.

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We aren’t even in a room, we are just in the middle of a corridor. As I stare wide-eyed, the man smiles and places his palm on the wall where there is nothing special to mention.

There is no sound or vibration. Part of the floor opens up, revealing a staircase leading to the basement.

Hidden staircase to the basement is a popular gimmick in Treasure Shrines, but they are not something you would see outside of it.

Besides――Just now, the man in front of me seems to have accessed the city system.

Don’t tell me………… There is some kind of backdoor trick to deceive the city system?

If there is a way to avoid interference from the Code’s city system, then the situation will change. Without the protection of the city system, the people from Code are not that much of an enemy. I would be able to give a positive report to  《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 who made an unreasonable request and threw us out.

The man goes down the stairs. Kryhi follows him. I gulp and follow them, after steeling my resolve.

The place we are guided to is a small room.

“We finally meet. It is a pleasure to meet you, comrades who share the same goal. Don’t you agree?” (?)

A man is sitting on a crude throne, surrounded by plebs armed with Code’s weapons. His fierce eyes shine with a fiery determination. His voice is trembling, and intense, as if he is suppressing his rage.

Then, I, finally, grasp the situation.

The lower class people haven’t obtained weapons by cheating the system. I now understand why they are so confident that they can hide their conversation from a Class 8.

Class 8――Although there are differences in the support bases among the Royal Family, there is no difference in the authority they have over the system. Even fellow Royalty cannot know what the other Royalty are trying to hide.

The solution to the equation is simple.

The lower class people have a king. One who could reach for the throne of King of Code.

Zachary Code. The missing royalty with the worst reputation. One of those that 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 must secure.

No way, did 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 understand this and attempt to make contact?

In front of me stiffening up, Zachary stands up and screams like a madman.

“Haaaahahahaha, 《Lightning Emperor (Raitei)》! You are the last piece! I’ve been waiting for you! Let’s destroy this country together, these crazy people who have no idea what we’re up to!” (Zachary)

Thanks for reading! Too bad that Kryhi isn’t going to challenge the defense system again and again like an Infinite Trial, but actually Cry send him to Zachary Code so he has an insider now! Well well, well, if this isn’t all according to Cry’s keikaku, then I don’t know what is!

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