Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 325.2: Yggdra

Chapter 325.2: Yggdra

After tens of minutes of walking with Serene leading the way, we passed through the forest filled with fog and our vision suddenly opened up.

It is a beautiful village, much simpler than the Imperial Capital, and almost as if it has slipped out of a fairy tale.

Houses built on top of thick trees, a river *sarasara* flowing smoothly. I knew that Spirit People who live in the forest are born in nature and live in harmony with it. When I heard that they weren't good with metal, I thought that their level of civilization would be low, but that is not the case at all.

This is just a different direction of development. According to Serene, there aren't that many Spirit People living in Yggdra, but they are all masters of magic and seem to have built their livelihood with the help of Spirits.

I involuntarily let out a sigh. I never thought that such a village would exist in this worldNow I understand a little bit of how Hunters feel when they find joy in venturing into unexplored lands.

And what caught my eye more than anything elseIs a tree. If you look up at the sky, you will see a huge tree.

Even though it seems to be several kilometers away, it is so big that I doubt if it is not an optical illusion. Even though it is so far away, I can't see the top. In its shadows, countless lush leaves are fluttering down, and this scene reminded me of the snowstorm of flowers from an emerging Treasure ShrineThe Prism Garden (White Flower Garden) that I have once encountered in the past.

So this is the hometown of all Spirit PeopleYggdra, huh?

Even Liz and the others who are accustomed to adventures, show a little excitement at the sight of the legendary country (Although it is only about the size of a village) spread out before their eyes. Serene told us some heavy stories along the way, but their strong point is that they can enjoy everything with all their might.

Sytry, who is looking down at her own palm, says in admiration.

I see Mana Materials are very dense. It is on par with a High-Level Treasure Shrine. It is to the point you can even say that it is rather strange that a Treasure Shrine has never been formed before (Sytry)

The story that the World Tree is the central point of Mana Material circulating all around the world is not so far off the truth, Leader. (Lucia)

Un, un, that's right. (Cry)

The earth's veins run through the world like blood vessels. There is a story you rarely hear that says that the World Tree exists at the central point of the earth's veins where Mana Materials circulate, but learning that it is true is shocking.

Lapis, who is apparently new to Yggdra like us, frowns and nods.

Humans with a high Mana Material absorption rate will get Intoxicated by it. Although Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei) must be used to High-Level Treasure Shrines (Lapis)

I see You certainly shouldn't stay too long. I will be fine tho' (Cry)

Mana Material intoxication is a phenomenon that occurs when a Hunter with strong Mana Material absorption ability absorbs a large amount of Mana Material that is outside their own adaptive range at once in a High-Level Treasure Shrine or the like.

Basically, the higher the ability to absorb Mana Materials, the better, but this phenomenon could be called the weakness of this talent. For someone like me, who has almost no ability to absorb Mana Materials, I am envious of them.

Kruz frowns and says as if to give me some advice.

Yowaningen, don't push yourself too hard, desu. We, Spirit People, have a low ability to absorb Mana Materials, so it's not a problemBut I've heard that Mana Materials intoxication is really hard to manage, desu. (Kruz)

Sooo, I have a lower ability to absorb Mana Materials than Kruz and the others, huuuh. How much lower? It is so low that even that Lost Inn didn't make me have Mana Materials Intoxication. Just because I don't get intoxicated doesn't change the fact that there is nothing that I can do when the situation calls forth

It is alright. I am not planning on a long stay. (Cry)

Even if I don't have any problems with it, it is not the case for Liz and the others. Just as Kruz said, Mana Materials Intoxication is not something that can be dealt with. Liz and the others are always adventuring in High-Level Treasure Shrines and are probably accustomed to that kind of phenomenon, but being used to it and being painless are two different things.

As I *unun* nod my head, Kruz blurts out.

Why is Yowaningen so confident after hearing that, desu? (Kruz)

Eh? (Cry)

Confident Where do you see that I am confident? It is just simply a matter of quickly finishing our business and getting out of here On the way, Serene told us about the troubles Yggdra is facing, but even if we just listened to the outline, it is not something we could handle. Well, if there is anything we can do to help, we will help, but it doesn't seem like the girls themselves think they will be able to do something about it. In the end, our goal is to cure Luke's petrification. We must not forget that. Maybe if we go back to Zebrudia and talk to Franz-san about Yggdra's problem, he might be able to do something about it.

I have a lot of questions about how you found Shero, but first, let's lift the petrification curse that Shero cast on him. Please follow me. (Serene)

Serene, who has been looking at the World Tree with a furrowed eyebrow, recovers her composure and starts walking.

When I heard that Yggdra was in danger, I wondered what would happen, but at least it looks like we will be able to achieve our goals without any trouble.

And then, after carefully checking the statue of Luke that we took out from Mimic-kun, Serene says with a serious expression on her face.

It is not good. This curse is too strong. Even if it is the technique of the Queen of Spirit People, for him to receive a curse like thisThe caster must have really hated him. (Serene)

Eh? You can't lift the curse? (Cry)

I involuntarily open my eyes wide to the conclusion that is drawn in almost no time. I didn't even think of the scenario where it couldn't be lifted. According to Eliza, a "Shaman (Jujutsushi)" from Yggdra would be able to break it, but Luke To think you would be cursed so strongly, what a guy Well, I knew that someday something would come back and bite you.

Or rather, it is seriously bad. I wasted a lot of time coming to Yggdra. It wouldn't be a laughing matter if the curse progresses and he can't return from being a statue. In response to my question, Serene says sullenly.

Precisely speaking, it is impossible to break the curse here. Unless the treatment is performed in an appropriate place (Serene)

Where is this appropriate place? (Cry)

It would be under the World Tree. We would receive great power from the tree (Serene)

Under the World Tree, you say I thought you said earlier that we cannot get near the World Tree Apparently, once again, we came at the worst timing ever.

Sytry *pon* hit her hand as if to say that she got convinced by it. Even if you are used to always having problems appearing, you are too used to it.

Just to be sure, I timidly check with Serene.

Uhm I don't want to offend you, but isn't there a more powerful Shaman? One who can bring back Luke without needing to be there From what I have heard, the most powerful would be a Spirit People from the Royal Family, right? (Cry)

Well, maybe it is outrageous for a mere human to ask a favor to the Royal Family, but Luke's life is at stake here. If the petrification keeps up without having it cured, Luke will become an ornament in the Clan House. Serene's mouth twitches for a moment at me who made a rare comeback, and lets out a suppressed voice.

Hh I-I am, that, member of Royalty I-I'm sorry about that, human. (Serene)

Thanks for reading! As expected of Cry, his provocation skill is over 9000!!! And Kruz do you think Cry will be intoxicated by Mana Materials? You are so naive. He already surpassed humans limit and Mana Materials is already ineffective against him.

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