Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 318.1: Guidepost

Chapter 318.1: Guidepost

After five days of walking across cities in a carriage. After following Eliza's guidance, we arrived in front of a large forest.

A mountain range that serves as the southern border of Zebrudia. It is a large sea of trees that spreads at the foot of the mountain. According to the map, the area is not that wide, but the densely growing trees seemed to refuse human intrusion and although there was a gap between the trees that could barely fit a carriage, it is not what one would call a road. The ground is uneven, and even with a carriage, you will not be comfortable without a Relic. In the first place, it is obvious that even if we force our way in, we will hit a dead end along the way.

We had been up a mountain during my vacation, but there was a road there, albeit an old one. The large forest we will enter this time does not seem to be as dangerous as the one we went through during my vacation, but there are probably more than a few Monsters inhabiting it. Earth veins basically run through forests and mountains in many cases. Such pristine nature exists in almost every country as Mana Materials strengthen organisms.

Which one is safe, the old road, which is reputed to be inhabited by powerful Monsters, or the beast road, which is inhabited by the Monsters living there?

The answer is Both are dangerous, yippee!

I get off the carriage and *kosokoso* sneak around while hiding in Anthem's shadow.

Heck, this place is still within the Empire territory, you know Was Yggdra inside the Empire? I have been told that there is a huge treeThe World Tree in Yggdra, but I don't see such a big tree even from a distance.

When I blink my eyes, Tino, who was running side by side with the carriage and breathing while moving her shoulders, fearfully looks up at Eliza and asks.

Ehm Eliza Onee-sama. Was Yggdra in Zebrudia? We are still inside the Empire (Tino)

Hmph That is a silly question. There is no way Yggdra is in a human race country when even Spirit People are seldom invited there. (Lapis)

Instead of Eliza, Lapis, who had been following behind, said in a sullen tone.

Tino keeps her mouth shut even though she is pouting. As I had the same question in my mind, I cannot leave it like this.

No, I think it is a good question, you know? Yggdra is a legendary country, so it is not surprising she doesn't know where it is. (Cry)

Yowaningen, seriously, how much do you know, desu. (Kruz)

Kruz frowns and makes a comeback.

No I know nothing about it. That is why I said that it is not surprising for us to not know about it!

As usual, Eliza says with a languid sigh.

Yggdra is not in the Empire. ButA path does exist. Unless you are invitedUnless you are guided by a Spirit People, you cannot enter, there will be no path for you. (Eliza)

The Drifting Road of the Divine TreeAfter many wars, the royalty of Yggdra created a new means of transportation that harnessed the power of the earth's veins. An invisible road that leads there from every forest. (Lapis)

Using the earth's veinsAs expected of people specialize in Magic, their Magic technology is advanced In the Empire, research using the power of the earth's veins is completely illegal. (Sytry)

Sytry groans as if she is impressed. An invisible road that only the chosen ones can take, huh? This is totally the rule of thumb in adventure tales. A forest can be dangerous and I don't have any good memories of them, but if safety is guaranteed, it is a different story.

Not a bad idea to have a picnic after all these years (Cry)

The Drifting Road of the Divine Tree route is inhabited by a large number of powerful and unparalleled Magical Beasts and Phantoms to prevent intruders from entering. There are already extinct beasts and other divine beasts that rarely appear in the surface world. After all, they exist right above an earth's veins. You cannot compare them with those you can find in Treasure Shrine. Of course, if you are guided and follow the right path, you will not have any problem (Lapis)

Don't say something like thaaat Can't you say that a little earlier? Now, I said something about a picnic, you know? Liz's eyes lit up at what Lapis said. Apparently, she has to let off some steam because she let that "Demon King (Maou)" or something, go.

Hmmmph. Isn't that interesting. Neeeh, Cry-chan? They're daring us to not go on the right path, r'ght? (Liz)

Well, we don't have Luke with us right now. (Cry)

It's fine since we can get a bigger share when Luke-chan isn't here. Riiight, Ti? (Liz)

You say something outrageous. In case you are wondering, there is a possibility that Luke will not be able to return from his petrification if we don't hurry, but apparently, Liz isn't worried about that possibility at all. Well, it is Luke after all.

So, Lost (Horo). I assume you have already done the necessity, right? (Lapis)

Of course. (Eliza)

With an expression that seems like she can't calm down, Eliza says while *chirachira* glancing down at her own long legs.

I believe you, okay Well, even if I didn't believe you,  I have no choice but to go on now that we have come this far. After all, Liz and Sytry are full of motivation. Lucia is pretending to look very unconcerned, but I, her older brother, can see that she is very excited. I can't even go back to the Imperial Capital by myself, so we are all in this together.

If it is Tino, it seems like she will follow me and go back home with me, but there is also the possibility that the "Demon King (Maou)" will appear.

There, Eliza removed the small bag from her waist and turned it over in her hands.

What came out from inside was a long, slender jewel shining with *kirakira* glittering rainbow colors. A leather strap is tied around the middle. There are 6 of them. Eliza hands the jewel to each member of Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei) in turn, takes one herself, hands one to me, and says.

This is a guide. A guide should accompany usBut if you have that, you won't get lost on your way to Yggdra Normally. (Eliza)

Ehhh, this stone is a guide, huh? With what kind of logic is it going to guide us?

While I blink my eyes and listen blankly to the conversation, Liz picks up the leather strap and says.

The jewel hanging on the string is slowly turning.

Maybe this is a compass needle? (Liz)

Yes. (Eliza)

I see, so this is how you use it.  Liz is as perceptive as ever. It is obviously not magnetic, but there is something in my Relic Collection that has a mysterious power that shows me the way. It would be uncouth to retort about common sense.

Lapis confirms this with a hard frown.

The rumored key to Yggdra, huh? So there isn't any for us? (Lapis)

It just shows the way.  If you follow me from behind, you won't get lost. (Eliza)

Unexpectedly, it seems that the way to get to Yggdra is simple. Hearing Eliza's words, one of the Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai), who was *jii* staring at the jewels from behind, whispers.

If only we hadn't offered our help to that Knight Commander, it would have been given to us (Starlight Member)

No weeell, I think it would have been difficult for you all to convince the Queen of the Spirit People Riiight? (Cry)

Wh-What did you say!? (Starlight Member)

The Members of Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai) are irritated. However, in the first place, half of it was like thanks to luck that Eliza succeeded in persuading the Queen.

A proud Spirit People would never say the word "Pair (Mate)" with a human, even if it is part of a plan. It is only because of Eliza who is at her own pace that she is able to say those words at that time.  When I think about it calmly, isnt it pretty rude to disappear after hearing that I am her mate?

When I ask for her opinion, Eliza frowns as if she is troubled.

Come to think of it, it is said that Spirit People have a strong sense of kinship, but I have never seen Eliza and Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai) together. I am sure it is not that they are on bad terms But it is not good to have a falling out here, huh.

I let out a small sigh and held out the compass I have just received.

Weeell, there is no point in arguing here. I will give it to you if you like. (Cry)

Even though I say it with good intentions, Kruz looks at me with a startled expression. The expressions of the other Spirit People behind me are drawn out. They are all beautiful, so it is powerful when they all make a scary expression, but from the point of view of someone who is getting scolded by everyone, I have to deduct some points as they are slim.

Yowaningen, you're really good at stirring people up, desu. (Kruz)

Hmph. Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka), do not misunderstand us! Do not insult us! We are not asking for your pity. That is proof of being recognized by the royal familyThere is no point in receiving it from you! (Lapis)

Said Lapis in a terrifying tone of voice. It wasn't out of pity or anything like that tho' Even if I have a compass needle, it is not like I would use it again, and we have 6 of them to begin with.

But if they don't want it, so be it. I put the stone in my pocket and *panpan* hit her coat.

Just let me know whenever you want it. (Cry)

Hh Lost (Horo), where is that guide you are talking about!? (Lapis)

In the forest. (Eliza)

Then let's hurry to the rendez-vous point! You are going to bring back Thousand Swords (Senken), right! (Lapis)

Lapis shouts in a dignified voice that makes one's spine stretch. Somehow Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai) is motivated this time.

Then, I remember that I have a Relic that I am not likely to reveal except at this moment, so with a *patchin* snap of my fingers, I ask Mimic-kun to spit out one Relic.

Right, speaking of guiding, I have a Relic like this too! (Cry)

Muh Is that A compass? Desu. (Kruz)

Thanks for reading! Hmmm A compass Relic, huh Will it be Jack Sparrow's compass or a crazy twist compass And I see that Cry's provocation skill is still over 9000!!!

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