Stolen Life of the Poor Girl, Top Luxury Family's Group Favor

Chapter 91: Today I Changed to Find Shengda Less

Chapter 91

Because Li Xiaoya left in a hurry, Sheng Yuxiao naturally couldn't see her at the elementary school.

The young master Sheng suddenly felt bored and went home quite early.

"Skipping class?" This didn't surprise Xu Qiulai at all. What surprised her was, "You skipped class but didn't go pick up Li Xiaoya for dinner?"

Sheng Yuxiao rushed upstairs without looking back: "I'm doing homework."

Xu Qiulai: "..."

Skipping class, but coming home to do homework?

Sheng Yuxiao really did go do homework, and even had a video call with the tutor his secretary had hired.

In the past, he had little patience for these things.

There was no help for it. Born with superior conditions of all kinds, and having learned various business knowledge from Xu Ji at a very young age, with practical feedback that was quite pleasing, expecting him to settle down and study high school courses like ordinary people was a bit of a tall order.

But now Sheng Yuxiao felt he should set a good example for Li Xiaoya, so he still studied patiently.

Although studying was boring and tedious, once he immersed himself in it, it temporarily dispelled his displeasure at not seeing Li Xiaoya.

After a while, Xu Qiulai came up to knock on the door: "The production team has submitted a proposal for the second episode of the city special."

Sheng Yuxiao opened the door and reached out to take it, flipping through it listlessly.

The production team planned to arrange for the guests from both sides to spend a day together, making it into one episode.

The so-called guests from both sides meant Li Qingqing and the Xu couple she was now following, and then Sheng Yuxiao and Li Xiaoya.

The production team had once again included Li Xiaoya.

Sheng Yuxiao's tightly furrowed brows finally relaxed a little...

"Just tell him I agreed," Sheng Yuxiao returned the proposal to Xu Qiulai, his mood improved a bit.

The good mood was ultimately only temporary.

The next day, when young master Sheng walked into the classroom and saw that the usual gloom on Qin Sui's face had faded, and even carried a hint of pleasure, the young master frowned.

"Sheng bro." Ning Heng sneakily came over and said, "Has Qin Sui been possessed or something?"

Sheng Yuxiao couldn't even be bothered to respond, casually saying, "What? You want to kindly find a Taoist priest for him?"

Ning Heng decisively shook his head: "I heard them say that yesterday at noon a little girl came to find Qin Sui, and even gave him a lot of money. Doesn't that sound made up?"

"Sick," Sheng Yuxiao spat out two words, and added for clarification, "Boring."

Sheng Yuxiao didn't take this to heart at all.

The elementary school started classes late, and Li Xiaoya had just gotten out of bed.

After getting dressed and washing up, Wei Lin came in and handed Li Xiaoya two cards: "These are from the old master."

Li Xiaoya grasped the cards and turned them over to look: "Are these bank cards?"

"Yes, this is the old master's supplementary card, and this one has one million in it. It's... funds the old master gave you, saying that bag of money was still too little, afraid it wouldn't be enough for you to play with."

When he said the word "play," Wei Lin's tone unconsciously became a bit heavier.

He understood clearly that the old master had truly begun to test Li Xiaoya's abilities.

"This card has a monthly limit of 500,000, for your miscellaneous expenses besides food, clothing, and daily necessities. The money in the card cannot be withdrawn or transferred, it can only be spent."

So much... so much money.

Even more than 600,000!

Wei Lin thought Li Xiaoya would be very happy to receive the cards. Such a young child, where would she have seen so much money before?

Let alone that she came from the mountains, even in normal wealthy families, parents absolutely wouldn't give their children so much money at once.

Li Xiaoya should be happy.

But Li Xiaoya first raised her face and asked: "What happens if the card is lost?"

"You can call the bank to report it lost and freeze the card."

"So the money won't be lost?"

"Right." The child was quite shrewd.

"Then I need to have a phone first." Li Xiaoya openly stated her request.

"I'll relay that to the old master..."

"No need for grandfather to buy it, I already have money to buy it myself, I'm just letting you know."

Wei Lin was suddenly at a loss for words.

This was truly remarkable now.

The little girl had connections, and now she had money too... it would be even harder to keep her under control.

While Wei Lin was secretly frowning, he still had to continue taking Li Xiaoya to school.

At school, Zhou Xiaoshu suddenly hesitantly approached: "Are you going to see Qin Sui again today?"

Li Xiaoya put down her pencil: "What do you want to do? You can just say it directly."

Although Zhou Xiaoshu wasn't much older, she usually accompanied her parents to various occasions and had only seen people who took three turns to say one sentence. How could she be as direct as Li Xiaoya?

She was suddenly at a loss, finding it a bit difficult to speak.

"If your mom just wants the limited edition, Qin Sui already agreed to that the other day, he won't go back on his word," Li Xiaoya said.

"Oh, oh, but..."

"But what?"

"They're all laughing at my mom..."

Li Xiaoya's pupils contracted slightly as she asked, "Why are they laughing at your mom?"

"They say she's lying, even my dad says so. My mom just said that she could get limited edition bags from Qin Corporation in the future, she was telling the truth, but they're saying bad things about her behind her back..." Zhou Xiaoshu said, sounding a bit heartbroken.

What upset her most wasn't others, but that her dad didn't believe either.

Who else could she turn to?

She could only find Li Xiaoya.

Li Xiaoya was silent for a moment, then said: "Adult matters are complicated."

Zhou Xiaoshu looked up with teary eyes: "Oh, oh, you- you can't help, right?"

"Words change as they pass through people's mouths," Li Xiaoya told her.

"What- what does that mean?" Zhou Xiaoshu asked in confusion, hiccupping from crying.

"Your mom needs to talk to Qin Sui herself, explain the whole story clearly. Whether Qin Sui can help, or will help, is Qin Sui's business. I can't agree on his behalf."

Zhou Xiaoshu said sheepishly: "But mom doesn't have Qin Sui's number."

Li Xiaoya said: "Wait until after school."

Zhou Xiaoshu had no choice but to sit back down patiently.

When school let out, Zhou Xiaoshu almost immediately went to Li Xiaoya's side, then refused to stop for even a step as she stuck close to her.

This shocked the other classmates.

"How did Zhou Xiaoshu get so close to her?"

"The new girl is pretty impressive."

An Ying listened and shook her head, thinking to herself that actually Zhou Xiaoshu was the impressive one!

Li Xiaoya's friends were all big friends like Qin Sui and Wei Zesheng.

She hadn't seen anyone in the elementary class who was qualified to be Li Xiaoya's friend yet. Even Young Master Mu wasn't qualified!

Li Xiaoya didn't know how her classmates were discussing her behind her back. She hurried to the high school section, then did the same as last time, grabbing an older girl and asking sweetly: "Big sister, do you know which class Sheng Yuxiao is in?"

This big sister was even more enthusiastic than the last one, smiling as she said: "I'll take you there directly."

That was perfect.

Li Xiaoya quickly said sweetly again: "Thank you big sister, you're so nice."

Zhou Xiaoshu's eyes widened at this point: "Aren't we here to see Qin Sui?"

Li Xiaoya shook her head.

The big sister leading the way took them towards the senior classes, the path becoming more and more familiar.

Li Xiaoya didn't think too much of it, maybe it was because the classrooms were all next to each other.

Until that big sister stopped and said: "It's here, I don't dare call young master Sheng for you, you'll have to call him yourself, everyone's still here right now..."

Li Xiaoya's eyes widened.

The familiar door.

A familiar head even poked out from the window.

The person who saw her immediately shouted: "Qin! That kid from yesterday is here to find you again!"

Li Xiaoya silently took half a step back and said: "I'm here to find Sheng Yuxiao."

That person said: "Oh, you're here to find... wait? Who did you say you're here to find?"

That person suddenly jumped up from his seat, his voice thunderous: "Holy shit? The kid who came to find Qin yesterday isn't looking for Qin today, but changed to looking for young master Sheng! Holy shit!"

The classroom instantly fell silent.

Li Xiaoya sighed.

Actually, you didn't need to say it so clearly.

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