Stolen Life of the Poor Girl, Top Luxury Family's Group Favor

Chapter 108: Grandfather: ...

Chapter 108

When Wei Lin heard about this, his first reaction was—

Has she gone mad?

Wasn't she still giving gifts to the old man before? Now, not only is she not trying to please him, but she's actively hurting his feelings?

But... it's good that she's gone mad!

Wei Lin even praised Li Xiaoya out loud: "Xiao Ya's relationship with her two uncles is truly wonderful! She thinks of them in everything, wanting to spend every moment with them. It's no exaggeration to say she's like their own daughter."

Wei Xuanming said nothing, not even sparing him a glance.

This made Wei Lin even happier.

She thinks of her uncles for everything, but not her grandfather. She's only close to them, not to her grandfather. —The old man would inevitably have such thoughts.

Wei Lin suddenly felt that it wasn't such a bad thing that the old man had started valuing emotions more in his old age.

Because the more one values something, the more they demand!

When they can't get what they demand, don't they become upset and angry? But that's just how ordinary people operate.

What kind of person is the old man? He's used to having the final say. If he can't get what he wants, he'll only turn hostile.

Good, good, good! This is excellent!

Wei Lin lowered his head, poured a cup of water for Wei Xuanming, and said, "Then I'll join you for dinner today."


This meal was even more deathly silent than the last time Li Xiaoya wasn't home.

As people age, their appetite and digestion worsen.

Wei Xuanming ate slowly and little, and the dishes grew cold. As the servant was about to replace them with fresh ones, Wei Xuanming said, "No need."

He just sat there drinking tea, occasionally taking a small sip, not mentioning anything about ending the meal.

As long as the old man didn't speak, Wei Lin couldn't leave either. He could only continue to sit there, and nearly three hours passed like this.

Finally, Wei Xuanming spoke again: "Try calling them once more."

The servant was stunned for a moment, then realized he meant to call the Second Young Master or the Little Young Master.

This time, the call connected.

"Give it to me," Wei Xuanming extended his hand.

"Hello." Wei Wenjuan's voice came from the other end of the line.

After all, the other one couldn't speak.

"Has the plane landed?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Why didn't you inform the family before going on a long trip?" Wei Xuanming asked coldly.

"You never cared about these things before."


"You said nothing should disturb you."


It was rare for Wei Wenjuan to speak to his father in such a calm tone, mainly because his heart was elsewhere.

He called out on the other end of the phone: "Wei Wenqing! Don't walk too fast with Xiao Ya!"

The old man on this end found his voice again: "Do you think I'm treating you like eight-year-olds? That you need to report everything to the family?"

The old man said coldly: "You two taking Xiao Ya, do you think that's appropriate? Have you considered the risks? And you're going abroad..."

The old man's anger hadn't subsided when he was interrupted.

"It's not just the two of us," said Wei Wenjuan.

"How many bodyguards did you bring? Do you think that's enough?" The old man's tone grew even colder. "Call your uncle yourself and have him send some people..."


The old man couldn't finish his last two words.

"No need, we have many people here, not just a few bodyguards."

Many people? How many? The old man's brow furrowed even deeper.

At this moment, Li Xiaoya and the others were about to meet up with Zhou General's group. Seeing them approach from afar, Li Xiaoya waved at Zhou General.

The employees also spotted Li Xiaoya at a glance, but they didn't think much of it yet, assuming it was just the new shareholder bringing a child along.

They didn't dare to eagerly ask where the new shareholder was either, just looking at Zhou General.

While Zhou General looked at Li Xiaoya.

Li Xiaoya said, "Can you have them shout loudly?"

Zhou General was taken aback: "Shout?"

Li Xiaoya thought for a moment: "Hmm, maybe they don't need to shout."


"Just tell them that uncle has booked an entire resort for them to stay in. It's called a resort, right?" Li Xiaoya was still unfamiliar with these terms, so she wasn't too sure, but that didn't stop her from continuing, "Each room has a 5,000 credit limit for charging expenses."

She had learned the term "charge" when her grandfather was arranging a hotel for Uncle Dou Dawei.

Zhou General clicked his tongue.

What a grand gesture.

Then he clapped his hands and announced loudly to everyone, and to avoid any omissions, he had his secretary sync the message to the department group chat.

Now there was no need to specifically ask them to shout.

The employees couldn't contain their excited cheers.

Only then did Li Xiaoya tug on her second uncle's arm, bringing the phone's microphone closer to the crowd.

The loud cheers that erupted from the crowd were thus transmitted into Wei Xuanming's ears.

Wei Xuanming: "..."

"So many people?"

"Yes," Wei Wenjuan couldn't help but pat Li Xiaoya's head. So she had been secretly observing his expression and had so accurately guessed the old man's attitude.

"Are you reassured now?" Wei Wenjuan was already impatient, just wanting to quickly take Xiao Ya to play and make up for the childhood experiences she had missed.

Wei Xuanming hung up the phone.

Wei Lin cautiously glanced at his face and asked, "Are you worried about their safety? Why don't I go after them now..."

"No need, they've brought many people with them."

So many that Wei Xuanming didn't even know where all those people came from!

Once bitten, twice shy.

Going on this trip, they hadn't forgotten to bring so many people. Wei Lin clicked his tongue in admiration. But then he was stunned.

Oh, wouldn't that make the old man even more confused? Bringing so many people! And there still wasn't a place for him!


"This is our major shareholder," Zhou General introduced, pointing at Li Xiaoya during the dinner.

Everyone was momentarily bewildered, wondering if Zhou General had some misunderstanding of the word "major."

"Just call her Miss Li," Zhou General pretended not to see everyone's confusion and continued to introduce Wei Wenqing: "The major shareholder's proxy."

"This is the second shareholder, Mr. Wei."

This was also... quite unexpected!

Everyone thought hazily.

Zhou General said: "This team building event, from the choice of location to the covering of expenses, was all arranged by Mr. Wei."

Everyone's expressions changed instantly. What do you mean unexpected? This is clearly like a second father!

"Thank you, Mr. Wei! Thank you so much!"

Wei Wenjuan's gaze swept over their excited faces, and he was slightly stunned. Hm? Was it worth them being this happy?

Could this be considered... gaining their approval?

Wei Wenjuan's usually cold face also showed a hint of a smile.

The heart nestled in his chest began to beat even faster.

This Mr. Wei is not only generous but also very approachable! Looking closely, apart from sitting in a wheelchair and being excessively thin, his facial features and bone structure are quite handsome!

The employees thought to themselves, also breaking into smiles.

Li Xiaoya sat to the side, resting her chin on her hand, not feeling upset that the employees were ignoring her. After all, she was too young, and it was normal for them to overlook her.

She couldn't quite remember which book from the Stone Elementary School library corner had written it like this...

When others can't see you, you can often do more things.

Yes, she wanted to do more things.

For example, now... how could she make her grandfather see so many people's approval of her uncle?

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