Stealing the Yuri Protagonist Harem

Chapter 43: Miss sword fairy Starts to Regret

Chapter 43: Miss sword fairy Starts to Regret

For the members of the Demon Artifact Pavilion, this night was both ordinary and extraordinary.

After receiving the news that they would be using the Mortal weapon called Bullets tomorrow, the officers of the Demon Artifact Pavilion, except for Wang Wude, showed signs of excitement and began selecting and inspecting the Mortal Bullets they would be using.

Wang Wude quietly left after exchanging greetings with Luo Wusheng.

Luo Wusheng knew where this seemingly simple-minded man was going, but he didn't expose it.

He could also tell that this burly and sturdy man had some different feelings towards that top-ranked rich woman; otherwise, he wouldn't hesitate when going to a place like Hongyan Tower.

On the other side, Song Zhong and the other four craftsmen were excitedly explaining the effects of the bullets to the three officers.

"These bullets evoke a great sense of sorrow in one's heart, making them cry uncontrollably for about the duration of a minute"

"This is the forced somersault bullet, causing the person hit to uncontrollably roll on the ground"

"This one is called"

Under the detailed explanations of the three craftsmen, the three officers became even more frightened, holding the bullets with extreme caution, and dared not use even a trace of their spiritual energy, fearing that the terrifying side effects would directly affect them.

It seemed that this group of officers and craftsmen would be sleepless tonight.

After bidding farewell to the group of officers staying overnight at the Demon Artifact Pavilion, Luo Wusheng and Bai Xiaoyao returned to their new home.

The two of them discussed the arrangements for the following day, exchanged teasing remarks, and then retired to their respective rooms to cultivate.

Luo Wusheng continued to play the role of a storyteller in his room, narrating another scene using the communication short sword.

This time, he managed to keep the girl on the other side from breaking character again, but he noticed that the length of the reply she sent was increasing. It seemed that Miss sword fairy was about to reach her limit.

He could clearly sense that Miss sword fairy personality today had undergone some significant changes compared to yesterday.

"However, Miss sword fairy didn't fall ill today. According to the original story, her illness should have happened in the next few days Sigh, the first innocent victim is about to appear."

He wondered what Little Yuli's master really looked like. According to the original setting, she was supposed to be an icy beauty. And when that icy facade was melted by the true protagonist, the contrast would be incredibly attractive.

Recalling the plot of the original story, Luo Wusheng couldn't help but sigh.

He was really curious about the progress of the true protagonist's love conquest now.

Shaking his head, he pushed these thoughts aside and started contemplating his own plans for the future.

If nothing unexpected happened, he would soon have the opportunity to meet the Empress.

How should he increase the Empress's favorability towards him?


This night was also quite unusual for many people in the Sword Sect.

Especially for the master and disciple on the Frost Snow Peak.

Lu Yuliu's face was completely numb by now.

Maintaining a calm facade throughout the day was a great burden for her.

Especially in a state where her mind was filled with "Who am I, where am I, and what am I doing."

To be honest, she couldn't imagine what changes had occurred in her master.

Recalling the events of today, her master, Ling Shuangxue, had dueled at the Spirit Jade Peak.

The result was an overwhelming victory for her master.

Although her master initially fell into a brief passive state due to her cultivation not fully recovered, as the sword lights of the two peak masters clashed repeatedly against each other, the sword intent emanating from her master became even more formidable and unmatched as the battle went on.

Even the progress of refining the Blood Spirit Jade Essence within her body increased rapidly.

Thus, to the disbelief of the onlookers, her master regained most of her cultivation, reaching the level of early-stage Nascent Soul with one swing of her sword, overwhelming the leader of the Spirit Jade Peak.

The sect leaders present all said that her master had risen after falling and speculated that she would focus on breaking through to the mid-stage of Nascent Soul once her cultivation fully recovered.

Lu Yuliu didn't know what else to say. She could only become a numb nodding machine.

Everyone thought her master had risen after experiencing a life and death ordeal, but she knew deep down that her master's transformation had only begun today.

And the catalyst for all of this was just a fleeting thought of revenge against a certain Holy Saint of the Demon Sect.

(Things shouldn't be like this)

This was different from the script she had imagined!

Why did things turn out like this? On one side is her respected master, and on the other side is the Demon sect's Holy Saint who she wants to retaliate against.

"In any case, I must first figure out what happened to my master"

Although it is good that her master's cultivation has advanced, Miss sword fairy's heart inexplicably panics at the thought that it was all brought about by that annoying Holy Saint of the Demon Sect.

At this moment, she already regrets why she implemented such a highly uncertain plan.

Originally, she thought it wouldn't matter if her master discovered what she had done, but now she cannot be sure what the consequences will be if her master finds out.

Inside the Frost Snow Pavilion.

Facing her disciple, a certain master is also sitting in her own chamber at this time.

Ling Shuangxue sheaths her short sword.

After listening to today's story, she clearly feels that her state of mind has become a little clearer once again.

"Now that I think about it, Yuli's sword heart has probably surpassed mine."

She shakes her head, seeming somewhat nostalgic yet also gratified.

Thinking about the way her disciple nodded to her today, she feels that she is finally walking the right path.

Her cultivation in the path of the sword has greatly advanced, and her relationship with this disciple of her is steadily warming.

She believes that with a little more time, she will be able to have face-to-face conversations with her disciple while maintaining the attitude she used while transmitting messages through wooden swords in real life.

"Just today, I couldn't quite say those words"

Heaven did not give birth to me, Ling Shuangxue, for the path of the sword is like an eternal night. (Tn: A Chinese saying, i dont know the english equivalent)

She really wants to say this line in front of her disciple, to express that she has decided to respond to the other party's expectations.

But it's clear that she has difficulty saying it.

Perhaps her current self is not worthy of these words yet.

She absolutely refuses to admit that it's her own sense of shame that is causing this.

"This story should probably end tomorrow. By then, I should be able to completely absorb the essence of the Blood Spirit Jade and even break through to the mid-stage of the Nascent Soul realm."

Ling Shuangxue calculates to herself.

This time, she can indeed be considered fortunate after encountering a mishap. If it weren't for this incident of going astray in her cultivation, she wouldn't have known that she had taken the wrong path.

She also wouldn't have known that her disciple would grow so much after just one journey in the martial world, not only obtaining the rare Blood Spirit Jade but also using a story to unravel her own emotional knots.

It allowed her cultivation path, which had already reached a dead end, to see the next step towards advancement.

Thinking of this, a faint smile appears on her face.

Since her emotional knots were unraveled, the iceberg in her heart has started to melt bit by bit.

Although this change is subtle, it is the first step of a thousand-mile journey.

Ling Shuangxue believes that the day when she can show a smile and live as an approachable master with her disciple is not far away.

At that time, she will definitely cherish this disciple who has given her a tremendous surprise.

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