Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 974

Finally one day, Mo Caiwei invited a private detective to bring back the news.

Said to see with his own eyes, Jing Xiaode went to Yu Xiulian's villa, let Mo Caiwei with a camera to catch the traitor.

Mo Caiwei drives over in a hurry.

But I didn't expect that the car had a problem on the way out. As soon as I got on the viaduct, I suddenly lost control and directly broke through the guardrail beside the bridge and rushed to the bottom of the bridge.

The river under the bridge is the most turbulent and dangerous river in Jincheng.

What's more, it was the flood season at that time. It was the high tide. When the car rushed down like this, where could there be any way to live?

Finally, the car crashed and the people were gone.

Jingning knows everything about it.

Que Su calmly told these things, and then explained: "later we learned that the private detective who reported the news to Caiwei was actually bought by Jing Xiaode, and the hands and feet in the car were also made by him. The purpose is to create a false image of an accident."

Lu Lanzhi was stunned and asked curiously, "then how did she survive? Who saved her? "

Que Su said quietly, "it's me."

He stopped and looked at Jingning. "At that time, I also wanted to take a chance, so I went all the way down the river and finally found her in the lower reaches of the river. Although Jing Xiaode and they also called the police and sent people to search for her, they didn't want Caiwei to live, so they just walked through the field, afraid that she would not die, and they deliberately delayed their time to find her downstream And that's why I got the chance to get her away

Jingning was expressionless at this time. If it wasn't for her secretly clenched fingers and betrayed her emotions, I'm afraid outsiders would think that she didn't care about Mo Caiwei at all.

Que Su continued: "at that time, Caiwei was still alive, but she was seriously injured. She tried her best to escape from the car at the last moment. I was afraid that staying in Jincheng would cause suspicion. After all, there were too many people who knew her there. In case someone reported to Jing's family, she would surely die. So after saving her, I took her away from Jincheng overnight In other cities, when she got better, he took her to the desert and lived in seclusion until now. "

Jingning's fingertips trembled slightly, half ring, and then asked in a voice, "why don't you tell me?"

There is no room for death.

Jingning's eyes are a little red, with a faint sense of tears.

"You know how much I miss her and how much I want her alive, and I will never tell anyone that she is alive. Why don't you say that?"

Que Su lowered her head with guilt.

At this time, Mo Caiwei opened her mouth.

She pulled the corner of Que Su's clothes nervously and said in a trembling voice, "you Don't blame him. I won't let him say it

Jingning a Leng, can't believe looking at Mo Caiwei.

Mo Caiwei sipped her lips.

She seemed reluctant to face this matter, but at this time, under the pressure of Jingning, she had to face it.

She plucked up her courage and looked up at Jingning calmly.

"When I woke up, there was only Ashu around me. I didn't remember why I fell into the river, what happened before, and I don't remember that I had a husband and a daughter. The world seemed new to me."

"Ashu knows about me. After I was fully recovered, he once asked me if he wanted to know what he had done before. If he wanted to know, he was willing to tell me everything."

"But I don't know why, as long as I think of the two words before, my brain will be very painful, and my heart will be very uncomfortable, just like a stone pressed by a hand, and it will hurt so much that I can't breathe."

"I don't know how to describe that terrible feeling. I just know that I don't want to recall it or face it."

"If people can really live again, then amnesia may be a heavy life. God may see that I have been too unhappy before, so give me such a chance, then why do I have to find those unhappy?"

"So, I refused him, I don't want to have any connection with the past, I know, that must be an unhappy past, I can't waste this gift from God, so I choose not to listen, don't want to, don't ask, leave far away, and then live a peaceful life."

"I'm really happy these years, you Your name is Jingning, aren't you? Are you my daughter? Then you should want me to be happy, right? In that case, why do you blame me? Isn't it good that we all live happily in this world? "

Mo Caiwei word by word, let Jingning's heart was deeply shocked.

She never thought about it. It turned out that her mother thought so.

In fact, those past, for her is really just painful memories, she is not willing to go back, even do not want to recall, there is no nostalgia.

It's like a piece of garbage that can be thrown away at any time.Jingning suddenly did not know how to describe the feeling of his heart, that feeling is not pain, but an invisible void.

Like someone in her heart, dig a big hole, clearly no blood, but it can't help but chill.

There is a wind blowing in from that opening, whirring sound, even the body is shaking.

She nodded dejectedly and murmured, "I understand. You think so. I understand."

She said, put down the jade pendant, and then, turn around, step by step, slowly go out.

That has always been straight back, actually seems to be an instant old teenager general, rickets down.

Lu Lanzhi couldn't bear to see it. She ran after her and urged her, "Ning Ning, what are you doing? Family reunion is a good thing. If she can't remember, why are you so serious... "

Before she finished her words, she was interrupted by Jingning.

"Aunt, I'm tired."

She calm way, also don't look at Lu Lanzhi, "I want to go back to the company, here you look to do it."

With that, he left directly.

Lu Lanzhi was stunned and confused. She didn't know what she meant.

Looking back, he said with a smile of embarrassment: "sorry, this young man is unstable and easy to fluctuate. Don't mind. Boss Yu, let's talk about business next time. I'll go first."

With that, he left in a hurry.

And Mo Caiwei and que Su, still standing there.

Mo Caiwei looks at the back of Jingning's disappointment and doesn't know why. Suddenly, she feels very sad and sad.

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