Spider-Man 0X

[Vol-2 End] Ch: 106: Exo-Skeleton Armor

[Vol-2 End] Ch: 106: Exo-Skeleton Armor

I have no idea how much time has passed. Might be an hour or, I dunno... But one thing was sure, I'm not in some canal, but in a room. I looked at the ceiling. It was green and brown, decorated with intricate patterns. I'm pretty sure the patterns just sparkled for a moment there. I must be dazed or delirious with whatever was in the air. The bed I was lying on was very soft, like I was sinking, I turned over and lay on my side. The pillow was... really fluffy!

But something is kinda odd...

I looked around. Uumm... Why is everything so old and ancient? Is this a castle or what?!

I tried to move my body, but couldn't feel anything around my waist. I can only move my right arm and... Fuck! My arm looks pitch black with some kind of scales all over... It's like I grew a fish or lizard skin? What the actual fuck?! My right palm, it's scaly all over too. I looked at my left arm, and it was wrapped up in a glowing bandage... Magic?!

Ancient glowing paintings on the ceiling, old furniture, glowing bandages... Kamar Taj?! Maybe a branch of Kamar Taj? Could also be evil magicians. Well, either that or I was dreaming. Damn it! I tried to move the blanket, but it was really difficult to move my right hand. These scales are too hard. I can barely grab or hold anything.

After trying a few times, I managed to slightly pull it and saw the remaining body of mine. It's scaly all over, from my torso to my hips. Not even the soles of my feet are left... It's like... I became some sort of dragon? Scales, wings, and claws, no canine teeth though. What the fuck am I talking about? This must be one of the new powers...

Considering the explosion intensity and the fact that my nano suit got blasted to smithereens, this scaly thing on my skin must have protected me like armor of some kind. Organic armor?! I kept on examining my arm. I would have thought of other things like who brought me here or is it even safe here? But considering the fact that I'm still alive and kicking... well... minus the kicking part... I just have to believe that whoever rescued me must be good people. I'll eventually know, so no point wasting time thinking about them.

What I need right now is to figure out what this shit on my skin is and if I can control it or not.

After a while, I noticed that I had lost my sense of touch. I mean the sensation of being able to feel my right fingertips or other parts. I must have suffered some real damage that turned off all the nerve connections or the other conclusion that I can think of is because of these scales. And whenever I try to move my right arm, all I hear is scratching sounds... Hmm... Did these scales grow or change the molecular arrangement in some way and cut off or sever the connections to the nerves? That makes more sense.

Haaa... I glanced toward the window. It's morning... I can see the sunrise from here.

With so many questions, I ended up sleeping...

Don't blame me. I'm tired and injured as fuck... I'll know when they're coming to see me anyway, and I'll have time enough to...

The next time when I woke up, an old lady entered the room... She is short and has a sharp, but grumpy face. She seemed a little lean. It's like looking at my grandma after she entered her old age.

I wanted to talk, but I couldn't move my mouth. My tongue! Shit! I can't feel my face, but I can turn it on my sides, well, that's a good thing. The bad thing is that these scales must have grown all over my face. I wonder how fucked up I'm looking, if I get a mirror right now, I might break it looking at myself.

"Ah! You are awake. I'll call her," She muttered while throwing me a quick glance. She turned around and left the room while saying "Wait here for a moment."

'Yeah, yeah, I'll wait here. It's not like I'll run away or anything. Take your time, I'll just lie here,' That's what I'd have liked to say, but sadly my vocal cords won't listen.

After waiting for a couple of minutes, I heard footsteps outside. Then the door opens again...

A familiar girl entered the room along with a bald lady. That young girl is Wanda. I'd have said hi to her, but sadly I can't do that. It would seem that she's doing pretty well. Last time when I saw her at the docks, she was kinda malnourished and thin, but now she looks healthy and fit. I'm glad to see that she's doing well.

As for the bald lady. She was wearing a white robe with golden embroidery patterns and a necklace with a glowing green crystal. I think she's the Ancient One.

Wanda walked near my bed and sat beside me. Her brows furrowed as she examined my face...

'Hey, hey. Don't stare like that. I know that I look ugly, but...' Okay! Let me rephrase that sentence. I can think clearly, but I just can't move my mouth or any other parts of my body...

"Wanda, give us a moment, please," The bald lady spoke.

Wanda nodded and left the room...

Now it's only the Ancient One and me.

The bald lady stared at my face for a few seconds before speaking, "Yeah, I'm the Ancient One. But the question is how do you know?" She asked with a calm and composed expression as she sat on the chair beside the bed.

'Magic?! Or telepathy? She read my mind?!'

"Magic, not telepathy." Ancient One answered.

'Can you read my mind?' I asked.

"Only your thoughts. Your memories, I cannot read," She replied as she placed her palms on the edge of the bed. "I tried but something is blocking my attempts. Maybe it's your power or maybe you are special. I don't know, but one thing I can tell for sure is that you are not normal," Ancient One continued.

'Thanks! I guess? What happened to my body?' I asked.

"You suffered severe injuries. Some of your organs were damaged beyond repair. You almost died due to internal bleeding, but your body healed on its own. However, these scales prevented most of the damage. You might not have survived if not for this armor power of yours," Ancient One answered.

'Armor power? I had no idea I had such power. It must have awakened during the explosion.'

"Interesting... You did not know you had this power?" Ancient One questioned with a surprised expression.

'No, I didn't. I mean yes! I knew I could use different powers, but armor wasn't one of those. Although, armor is kinda a cool name. Exo Skeleton sounds cooler. Soooo... Can you remove these scales?'

"We tried but we failed. These scales grew all over your body and merged with your muscles. It's a part of you and only you can remove it. As for removing them forcefully, it might cause permanent damage to your body. I suggest you gain control over them first," Ancient One explained as she touched my scaly right arm and began to examine it. "So, back to my previous question, how do you know my identity?"

'Don't you already know the answer? Haven't you already seen the future where you asked me countless different questions and learned many things about me? I'm pretty sure that you have already had this conversation with me somewhere in one of your alternate futures.'

"Future vision? How do you know?" Ancient One questioned as she stopped touching my arm and leaned forward while staring at my eyes.

'Humm... Wait!' Her expression shifted a bit. Can't she see my future? I mean, she can, right? Is it probably because of my Immunity power? It work on her too? Too many freaking questions. 'You can't see it, can you?'

"No. I cannot," Ancient One answered as she leaned back.

'Then, I would like to refrain from answering that question because that answer will lead to another question, then another, which might destabilize this timeline and I doubt even you have the power to maintain your sanity after hearing my answer. So, shall we talk about something else, like... How long was I out?'

"Eight months, 12 days, and 15 hours," Ancient One answered.



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Next, [Vol-3] Ch: 107: Uncertain Future- Savior or Destroyer

Ch: 108: Astral Plane

Ch: 109: Peter & Wanda

Ch: 110: Spidey & Scarlet Witch


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