SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 994 The Fugitive [Pt 2]

Ciara Epilson stepped into the spacious office of the Grand Federation Base, her presence a stark contrast to the polished surroundings.

They adorned the walls with holographic displays, showcasing intergalactic conquests and achievements. The head of the base, a distinguished alien man named Giovani, looked up from his desk, his expression a mix of surprise and concern.

"Ciara? Is that really you?" Giovani's voice wavered, disbelief etched across his face. Memories of their shared past echoed through his mind, revealing a deep-rooted connection.

Ciara's gaze met his, her emerald eyes glinting with a combination of determination and something darker. The corners of her lips curled into a cold smile, sending shivers down Giovani's spine.

"Yes, Giovani. It's me," she replied, her voice carrying an unmistakable edge.

"What... what happened to the guards? What have you done?" Giovani's voice trembled with a mix of fear and genuine concern. He couldn't reconcile the memories of the woman he once knew with the formidable figure standing before him.

Ciara's smile deepened, the shadows of her past deeds dancing in her eyes. She leaned against the edge of the desk, her gaze piercing into Giovani's soul.

"You can ask them yourself when you join them in the grave," she responded, her voice dripping with icy resolve.

Giovani's breath caught in his throat as he absorbed the weight of her words. A sense of regret washed over him, mingling with the haunting memories of their shared history. He found himself reaching out, pleading for her to stop, to reconsider the path she had chosen.

"Ciara, please... forgive me for what happened back then," Giovani's voice quivered, his eyes pleading for redemption. "It's not too late for you to turn away from this madness."

Deep down, he must have known... what was about to happen.

Ciara's expression hardened, her resolve unyielding. She pushed herself away from the desk, standing tall and defiant.

"Forgiveness? Redemption?" she scoffed, her voice laced with bitter amusement. "It's far too late for that, Giovani. I've gone too far to turn back now."

A heavy silence settled between them, the weight of their shared history hanging in the air like an invisible barrier. Giovani's gaze bore into Ciara's, filled with both desperation and an unwavering belief that there was still good within her.

"There's still a chance, Ciara. We can find a way to make amends, to set things right," he pleaded, his voice filled with fragile hope.

Ciara's eyes flickered with a mix of emotions, the remnants of their past still lingering within her. But then, something darker consumed her gaze, extinguishing any flicker of doubt.

Her eyes became dead cold in an instant.

"No, Giovani," she said, her voice now laced with a chilling finality. "I don't want to make amends. I don't want to set things right. I want them to burn, to feel the pain they've inflicted. To suffer at the hands of the monster they made."

Giovani recoiled, realizing that the woman he once knew had transformed into something else entirely. The room was filled with an oppressive silence, heavy with unspoken truths and the irrevocable choices that had led them down this path.

"You had your chance, Giovani. Now it's time for you to face the consequences," she said, her voice laden with a chilling finality as she slowly began to draw closer to him.

"I... wai—!"

Suddenly, a very low but powerful hum interrupted his words.


As Ciara pressed closer to Giovani, an intense wave of pain surged through his body. His eyes widened in shock, and he clutched his head, desperately trying to alleviate the excruciating sensation pulsating within his skull.

"How... how are you able to use your abilities here? The Dampeners should prevent this!" Giovani managed to gasp amidst his agony, his voice strained and filled with disbelief.

Ciara's expression twisted into a sinister grin, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of triumph and malice. She leaned in, her voice a low, menacing whisper.

"Isotope XY," she hissed, her words laced with dark satisfaction. "I stole it earlier this week. It nullifies the effect of the Dampeners, allowing me to unleash my power without restraint."

A dawning realization washed over Giovani's face, his features contorting with a mix of horror and dread. Isotope XY was a highly dangerous and forbidden substance, known for its ability to counteract and manipulate energy fields.

Its possession and use were strictly regulated due to the immense risks it posed.

Ciara's gaze held an intensity that chilled Giovani to the core. She drew even closer, her voice dripping with sinister intent.

"I will take your memories, Giovani," she declared, her words slicing through the air like a macabre promise. "And then, one by one, I will come for the others. None of you will be spared."

A surge of raw power emanated from Ciara as she placed her hand on Giovani's temple, her fingers emitting a faint, ethereal glow. The room filled with his anguished screams, echoing off the walls and suffusing the air with an aura of despair.

Memories were ripped from Giovani's mind, his past slipping away piece by piece as the pain intensified. Images, emotions, and fragments of his identity were torn asunder, consumed by the ruthless force of Ciara's abilities.

As the ordeal continued, the once formidable leader of the Zone 19 Grand Federation Base E-1 crumpled to his knees, his body trembling with the aftershocks of agony. His eyes, once filled with determination and authority, now reflected only emptiness.

Ciara stood over him, a chilling satisfaction painting her features.

The echoes of Giovani's torment slowly faded, leaving a haunting silence in their wake. With a cold detachment, she released her grip on him, allowing his limp form to slump to the ground.

The office, once a symbol of power and control, now bore the weight of despair.

Ciara turned on her heel, her gaze fixed on the door. Before exiting, she cast one final glance over her shoulder, a shard of darkness glinting in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Giovani. The rest will be joining you soon enough."





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