SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 992 Grand Federation Base [Pt 2]

After we ventured deeper into the bustling base, we found ourselves reaching a threshold.

The maze of streets and corridors led us to a checkpoint manned by an officer of the Grand Federation, dressed in the official uniform adorned with insignias of authority.

Their face resembled an octopus, and the coiling tentacles made it somewhat impossible to look away. I wondered if the people in charge placed this person here intentionally.

The officer's stern expression and focused gaze made it clear that adherence to protocol was paramount, so we straightened our stances and walked in.

Coming to a halt before the officer, I heard it utter in a somewhat gruff tone, "Please state your business here."

I instantly observed the puzzled look on Kuzon and Aloe's faces as the officer's words were in a language unfamiliar to both of them.

'Thankfully, I have a mobile translator with me.' I knew it was up to me to bridge this linguistic divide and convey our purpose.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward and met the officer's gaze with unwavering determination. "We are travelers seeking to obtain new Translator Devices and an Interstellar map," I replied, my voice resonating with a mix of confidence and respect.

The officer's skeptical gaze lingered upon us, their expression betraying a hint of doubt. "Prove your claim," they demanded, crossing their arms in a gesture of authority.

"Identification, please."

'Uh oh...' My eyes twitched and my confidence plummeted instantly.

Why didn't I think of this before? None of us had any identifications, and the vessel we used to traverse this area was a stolen one, to begin with.

"Well, the thing is..."

"Haaa..." I heard a sigh of exasperation suddenly echo from Kuzon.

"You're wasting time, Jared. Leave this to me."

Kuzon stepped forward and confronted the officer, whispering only a few words which I heard very clearly from where I stood.

"[The Absolute Emperor]."

With a subtle gesture, Kuzon's power coursed through him, reaching out to ensnare the officer's mind. It only took a moment, and the effects were just what we needed on the spot.

The officer's skepticism dissolved, replaced by a compliant expression. In a soft, distant voice, they muttered, "You may proceed. Welcome to the Grand Federation Base, Zone 19-E."

Each Zone represented a Galaxy, and the letters behind them represented the Solar System.

Since this was Zone 19, that made us closer to the main headquarters, which was in Zone 1. We would have been in quite the pickle if something terrible unfolded at that moment.

~That's how you get things done. You overcomplicate everything, Jared.~ Kuzon's thoughts echoed in my mind.

'...' I went silent internally, and a glum expression accompanied me as all three of us were granted access to the great citadel.

'Maybe he has a point.'


As we entered the bustling lobby of the base, a vibrant tapestry of alien races and species greeted us.

My senses tingled with anticipation as I observed the kaleidoscope of colors, shapes, and sizes that populated the area. Conversations echoed in a myriad of languages, merging into a symphony of voices.

Eager to gather information and make sense of our surroundings, I reached out with my magical senses, seeking to detect the subtle energies emanating from the diverse beings around us.

'Looks like Kuzon and Aloe are doing the same.' I smiled, observing them spread out their senses as well.

However, to my surprise, my attempts were met with interference.

'What...?' My eyes widened slightly, and I looked around me in a slight hint of confusion.

The technology within the base seemed to dampen the effects of my magical perception, leaving me with only faint glimpses of the auras and energies that usually filled my awareness.

'This is... unexpected.' I glanced over at the other two.

Kuzon and Aloe, equally intrigued, experimented with their own magical abilities, hoping to pierce through the technological interference. Yet, they faced the same limitations as I did.

It was as if the base itself shielded its inhabitants, intentionally restricting the influence of our abilities within its walls.

'Hmmm... I see now.'

The Grand Federation, a powerful organization that governed vast regions of space, would naturally be equipped with advanced technology capable of suppressing the display of extraordinary powers.

It was most likely what made this place secure enough for so many individuals or groups of varying races and dispositions to walk around without a care in the world. No one could really harm the other in such an environment.

'They're using some sort of advanced technology, no doubt.'

Understanding this, I hesitated to push the boundaries and showcase the full extent of our capabilities. It would be unwise to draw unnecessary attention within the confines of such an influential establishment.

'You guys should just give up. If we exert too much Aether to overpower the dampeners around, it could end up causing more harm than good.' I sent my thoughts to both Kuzon and Aloe.

Aloe nodded calmly at my suggestion, but Kuzon shot me an irritating look.

~You're overthinking things again. Who cares what we do here? You can just pause time and let us conclude our task faster. Aloe has her Original Magic, which allows her to do something similar. Heck, I can just control everyone here to simply stay still. There's no need be so roundabout with everything.~


Kuzon had a point. No, he had made a very solid point. Why didn't I think of all that?

'No... it's not just this time. I've been experiencing all this indecisiveness for some time. When did it all start?'

My eyes instantly widened as I pinpointed the source.

'N-no way! [The Moon]?!'

I split myself into two before leaving the planet of the Gatorians and Avarians. I thought it was the best, most efficient means to solve the problems we faced at the time, but what if it wasn't as risk-free as I thought?

'Don't tell me... my intelligence has been halved because of the split?'

No, perhaps it was more like my personality had been skewed. It was hard to explain, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I wasn't completely myself.

Something felt missing.

"Did I let go of some parts of myself in the process of splitting...?" I accidentally leaked out my thoughts, rubbing my chin in perplexity.

"What are you talking about, Jared? In any case, I'm going to bypass the dampeners. If anything goes south, just pause time or something." Kuzon sighed, Aether slowly leaking out of his body.



An explosion suddenly interrupted my words as soon as they were uttered, drowning my voice in a loud eruption of both flames and electricity.


Panic swept through the crowd as chaos erupted. Shards of glass-like material rained down from above, and the once vibrant and harmonious space devolved into a scene of confusion and fear.

A stampede instantly formed as everybody in the area began running in a frenzy. In this chaos, I knew there was only one thing to do.

"Haa... [The Hermit]."





I hope you don't find the initial chapters too boring. But if you did, then I suppose its time for some nice and juicy stuff...

I have a new novel ongoing, and I would really appreciate your support.

The title is "Only I Can See The End"

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