SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 990 Perfect Compromise

'If The Oasis is made a Free Domain, other neighboring races will come for the resources, bringing in more competition.'

Neither faction desired this outcome, so they would rather resort to war than allow it.

"Thinking about it objectively, it was due to their negligence and lack of proper management that led them to this situation. They couldn't properly take care of their respective homeworlds and were irresponsible in their use of its free resources."

If only they had thought of the future before it was too late, things wouldn't have gotten this extreme.

'To solve this, I would have to go through a very complex process of resolving the problem on both sides, while also brokering peace between them.'

Ensuring there was sufficient resources for both parties wasn't the issue, but the fact that they would eventually return to this same state after some time was what discouraged me the most.

'I don't like doing things halfheartedly. I would rather not help them at all.' Rubbing my chin, I considered my options carefully.

Kuzon would kill me if I decided to waste time in this place. He also made very good points regarding our need to return home. I had to concede to him this time.

'There's just no time. Unless...'

Using [The Hermit] for too long would literally drain me of every ounce of energy I had, especially since this was a strange world, and the dynamics here were far more complex than what I was used to.

Using Time Magic excessively was out of it.

"The only other viable option I can think of is 'that'." A smile formed on my face and my heart raced with excitement.

Considering how I had been meaning to try it out for some time now, this proved to be a perfect opportunity to do so.

"Yeah. Let's do that instead then."

That way, I wouldn't have to worry about delaying my allies and also abandoning these people. It was literally killing two birds with one stone.

Well... technically, the stones would be two too.

'I finally get to use [The Moon].'


Once I canceled the effects of [The Hermit], time unfroze, and the battle resumed its chaotic symphony.

But I stood there, looking into the eyes of the soldiers, their fierce expressions now softened by the understanding I had gained. I was utilizing [Unknowable], so they couldn't see me, but I watched everything keenly.

At that moment, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

I had seen their memories, felt their pain, and understood their motivations. Armed with this knowledge, I knew that I could bridge the divide between these warring species. It would be a daunting task, but the flicker of hope ignited within me.

As the battle raged on around me, I resolved to unite these aliens through empathy and diplomacy, to forge a path toward peace in this war-ravaged universe.

It would be a long and arduous journey, but I was determined to see it through. With renewed purpose, I stepped forward, my smile unwavering, ready to face the challenges ahead and bring an end to the senseless bloodshed that stained the cosmos.


The hum of the spacecraft's engines resonated through the cabin as we soared through the vast expanse of space.

Kuzon, Aloe, and I sat side by side, the weight of our recent experience hanging heavy in the air. None of us said a word to one another as the spacecraft cruised on autopilot, taking us to a preset destination.

"You know, Jared," Kuzon began, breaking the silence, "leaving those warring aliens behind was the best thing we could have done. We can't afford to get caught up in their conflict."

His words struck a chord within me, affirming the difficult decision we had made. We had chosen to abandon the chaos and strife, seizing an opportunity for escape after understanding all we could from them.

The stolen spacecraft we now piloted held valuable resources that would aid us on our journey—a Translator and a map of the known Solar System.

I nodded in agreement, grateful for Kuzon's understanding. "You're right, Kuzon. We need to gather more information about this world, its factions, and most importantly, find clues about who we're looking for."

Aloe chimed in, her voice laced with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Do you think the nearest station of the Grand Federation will have information on the next person we're looking for?"

I leaned back in my seat, contemplating her question. The Grand Federation was renowned for its knowledge and resources, serving as a hub of information for countless civilizations. It was our best chance to uncover the truth about our predicament and locate the person we sought.

"I believe so, Aloe," I replied, my voice filled with a newfound determination. "The Grand Federation will have archives, experts, and a vast network that can guide us. We need to understand the world we find ourselves in to find whoever is stranded here."

Based on the experiences each of us had thus far, I had a feeling our friend in this world was definitely going to stand out like a sore thumb.

"It's a vast universe... but it shouldn't be too difficult."

With our shared purpose in mind, we sat in silence once more. As we traveled, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement.

'I wonder what this new world will have to offer.'

And, well... I hoped the other 'Me' was fitting in well.





I hope none of you were confused about what happened. You all know the ability of [The Moon], right?

Also, sorry about all the info dumps and all. I kind of got carried away with the lore of this new world.


I have a new novel ongoing, and I would really appreciate your support.

The title is "Only I Can See The End"

Please support me by checking it out. Thank you all.

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