SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 988 In The Thick Of Battle

[Grand Federation Calendar: Year 3,567]

[Zone 19, Lost Planet E-A345]

The ruined landscape stretched out as far as the eye could see, bearing the scars of a once-thriving civilization.

Among the debris of collapsed buildings and twisted metal, the battle between two alien species raged on with unfathomable ferocity. On one end of the battlefield, the alien race known as the Gatorians stood tall. Their appearance resembled a fearsome cross-breed of fish and alligators, a formidable sight to behold.

The Gatorians possessed powerful limbs that ended in articulated appendages designed to hold and fire advanced energy rifles. These weapons emitted intense beams of concentrated energy, capable of piercing through armor and disintegrating their enemies.

With each thunderous blast, the air crackled, leaving trails of scorch marks and vaporized debris in their wake.

On the opposing side, the Aviarans took to the skies, their bird-like wings gliding effortlessly through the battle-scarred sky. Their limbs, resembling those of a bird of prey, were equipped with deadly energy pistols and shorter blades to suit their less muscular limbs.

With impeccable aerial maneuverability, they darted between crumbling structures, raining down fiery destruction upon their adversaries.

The Aviarans showcased their agility and speed, swooping and diving with a grace that defied gravity. They utilized their projectile weapons to unleash devastating beams of energy, obliterating Gatorian forces from above.

Explosions erupted, shaking the remnants of buildings and causing debris to rain down like deadly hail.

The battlefield itself became a deadly symphony of destruction, filled with the cacophony of gunfire, explosions, and the screams of the dying.

The ground trembled as Gatorian troops advanced, their reptilian features contorted in a mix of fury and determination. Their thick, scaly hides provided a measure of protection, but the Aviarans' precise shots found vulnerable points and exploited them ruthlessly.

In response, the Gatorians formed tight defensive formations, using their energy rifles to unleash sustained barrages of concentrated fire.

The air crackled with beams of energy as the Aviarans maneuvered and weaved through the onslaught, narrowly evading obliteration with each precise wingbeat.

Not content with long-range warfare alone, the combatants engaged in close-quarters combat as well. Energy blades emerged from hidden compartments in their limbs, glinting with deadly intent.

The Gatorians wielded their blades with the savage strength of a predator, their razor-sharp edges capable of slicing through armor and flesh alike. The Aviarans, though primarily adapted for aerial combat, possessed formidable agility even on the ground. They utilized their spiked limbs to deliver devastating strikes, impaling their opponents with a lethal precision.

Bombs and explosives littered the battlefield, further adding to the chaos and devastation. The combatants hurled explosive projectiles and triggered traps, seeking to gain any advantage they could in the relentless struggle for dominance.

The landscape, already ruined by the ravages of time, was further torn asunder by the violence of their conflict.

As the battle raged on, neither side appeared to gain a decisive advantage. Casualties mounted on both sides, each species refusing to yield ground or relinquish their claim to victory.

The alien landscape, once home to a thriving civilization, was now witness to the brutal dance of death between these two formidable species.

With every fallen warrior, the determination to prevail only grew stronger, fueling their resolve to fight on. The sky was ablaze with energy beams, the ground churned with the clash of weapons, and the air was thick with the stench of ozone and burning debris.

In this nightmarish symphony of destruction, the Gatorians and Aviarans battled relentlessly, locked in an eternal struggle that seemed destined to consume them both.

And then...


... A portal formed right at the center of the conflict.

Three strange-looking beings, compared to the two warring parties, emerged from the golden pool of energy, completely oblivious of what was happening around them; the war that would determine the fates of each side as a species.

They simply stepped out of their spatial rift, and it closed instantly, leaving them open to the immense violence of war.


"What the heck is going on?"

"Where are we?"

As they stared at each other in both surprise and unexpected shock, the booming voices of the commanders of both sides echoed in a ferocious roar.


Hearing the unintelligible alien tongue of the two warring parties, further confusion spread among the three sojourners, and their faces twisted in utter perplexity. None of them could speak Gatorian or Avarian.

In such a situation, there was only one thing they could say. And that was...

".... Eh?!"


As I stood there amidst the chaotic battlefield, my mind was reeling with confusion and disbelief.

How had my allies, Kuzon and Aloe, and I ended up in this nightmarish war zone? The sight before us was both awe-inspiring and terrifying—a clash between two alien races, both locked in a brutal struggle for supremacy.

'Why do I always end up in these kind of situations?' I cried internally.

Was it bad luck? Or perhaps fate was just messing with me.

But what troubled me the most was our utter lack of comprehension. We couldn't understand the language being spoken, rendering us clueless about the intentions and motivations of the warring factions.

Were they fighting for a just cause or merely driven by blind aggression? Who was right, and who was wrong? We had no answers, only an overwhelming sense of being caught in a storm we couldn't comprehend.

"So loud!"

"Damn it! That crazy old man must have known this would happen!"

"This is..."

As we exchanged bewildered glances, I noticed that the attention of the combatants had shifted toward us. It seemed as though time itself had slowed down, emphasizing the imminent danger we faced.

The projectiles and energy beams that had been intended for their adversaries were now hurtling in our direction, closing in with alarming speed. Panic gripped my heart, and a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins.

'This is just...' In that fleeting moment, I made a decision.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and focused all my energy on a single thought.

"[The Hermit]."

And then, with a sigh that carried both resignation and determination, time itself froze.

The projectiles hung motionless in mid-air, the energy beams halted their deadly trajectory, and the battlefield fell silent. Everything was frozen, suspended in a surreal tableau of destruction.

I gazed around, taking in the frozen chaos and the bewildered expressions etched on the faces of Kuzon and Aloe.

They seemed to grasp the gravity of the situation, their eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity.

"Alright, you guys... let's figure out exactly what's going on here."





This is, as you'd expect, Ciara Epilson's side of the Arc. It might seem a bit strange for you now, but don't worry.

This is gonna be good!!!

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