SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 981 Hero Of The New World

The desolate landscape stretched out before Sung Han Soo, mirroring the turmoil within his heart.

Jagged rocks and barren earth provided the backdrop for the confrontation that was about to unfold. The air was heavy with anticipation as he faced off against Gyu Pol.

The wind howled through the rugged terrain, carrying with it a sense of foreboding.

Gyu Pol stood before Han Soo with a wicked smirk playing on his lips. His eyes gleamed with a malevolence that sent a chill down Han Soo's spine.

The villain's voice cut through the silence, a sinister, yet taunting tone attached to it.

"Sung, eh? That name reminds me of a foolish Hunter I once knew," Gyu Pol sneered, his tone laced with venom.

"A pathetic excuse for a hunter who thought sacrificing himself for the greater good made him a hero. But in reality, he was nothing more than a fool who squandered his power and strength."

To this man, power was only meant to be used for one's own gain—the very antithesis to what a Hunter stood for in the first place.

Han Soo's fists clenched at his sides, his face contorting with a mix of anger and pain.

The mention of his father, the man who had been his guiding light, sent waves of emotion crashing over him.

Memories of his father's sacrifice, the weight of the burden he had shouldered, flooded his mind.

'He... he died in service, but...'

With unwavering determination, Han Soo locked eyes with Gyu Pol and spoke, his voice filled with conviction.

"You know nothing. My father was a hero in every sense of the word. He showed me that true strength lies in selflessness, in using one's power not for personal gain but for the protection of others. His sacrifice was not in vain."

The wind whipped around them, seemingly echoing Han Soo's words, as if nature itself recognized the significance of this moment.

The young Hunter's eyes burned with a fire that matched the intensity of the desolate landscape.

He refused to let Gyu Pol's words tarnish his father's memory or undermine his own resolve.

"I will defeat youl," Han Soo declared, his voice filled with unwavering determination.

"Not just for myself, but for everyone who stands here today. For everyone who has suffered at the hands of your wicked cause. For everyone in the world who still has the thoughts of heroes planted in their hearts."

Han Soo didn't care how he sounded at the moment. He only bled out his heart to his adversary.

"I will prove to the world that heroes still exist, that there are those who will rise above darkness and protect the innocent."

"Oh?" Gyu Pol's smirk grew wider once he heard Han Soo's words.

They seemed like nothing but empty comments to him.

"What an idiot" He sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "You think you can defeat me? You're nothing compared to the power I possess."

What could a no-name Hunter hope to achieve in the face of a Pillar? An SS Class Hunter?


"We'll see about that."

Han Soo's gaze hardened, his eyes narrowing with determination.

"[Skill Activation: Dark Constructs]."

Utilizing his major S Class offensive Skill, Gyu Pol summoned shadow-like structures from the darkness.

They had twisted, malevolent forms, glowing obsidian black and purple.

But what of it? Han Soo no longer felt intimidated by whatever the enemy would throw at him.

Only one thing was on his mind at this moment.

'Let's do this!'

... And that was his victory.


The several dark tendrils lashed at Han Soo, their slithery dark bodies whipping across the landscape to close the distance and destroy their targets.

The wind parted, making way for them to squash him flat.



... He was too fast for that.

Launching himself into the air, Han Soo's body twisted above the tendrils, evading them very quickly and easily.

He propelled himself toward Gyu Pol, who stood astounded by the agility the boy displayed.

"[Fire Lances]"

Han Soo's Spell magically brought forth several flaming spears, all pointed toward Gyu Pol.


The spears flew ahead of Han Soo, flying toward the adversary with breakneck speed that amazed all who watched.

"Don't underestimate me, you brat!"

The response was followed by several more dark tendrils launched at the flames, smoldering them as soon as they made contact.

The tendrils went on to attack Han Soo, and since he was still in midair, moving straight for Gyu Pol, the latter already had a grin that commemorated his victory.

"Looks like I'll have to give it my all." Han Soo whispered in a barely audible tone, a small smile forming on his face.

The tendrils neared, and it seemed like he would be corrupted and consumed by the darkness that closed in on him—his fate already sealed.


"[Elemental Chamber: Lightning]"


In a flash, Han Soo vanished from the sky, and a pulse of lightning shot through the dark tendrils, rendering them useless.

Within a mere moment, the several dark constructs turned into nothing but obscure ash, leaving Gyu Pol in a state of confusion and shock.

"W-what's going o—"

"I told you..." Han Soo suddenly appeared behind Gyu Pol, his voice soft as silk, yet dangerously firm.

Gyu Pol could barely follow his movements with his eyes, his skin tingling with the lightning induced sensation that he felt.

Han Soo was currently enveloped in lightning; his hair standing upright and firm, colored bluish-white.

His eyes glowed blue, and his form exuded magnificent energy unlike anything Gyu Pol had ever experienced.

'N-no... no way!'

He knew instinctively that he had to run away! He had to use his other overpowered Skill. The only one that could stand a chance against what was to come.

He had to use [Shadow Form]!

"[S-Skill Activation...]"

"... I will stop you."

And in that split-second...

Before Gyu Pol could escape the attack, and before anyone could take a single breath in or out.

... The Spell was complete.

"[Final Flash]"


After that, everything became blank, and the scenery was doused in white.

The only thing the audience could perceive... was the glorious sound of thunder.



Death comes for all.

Everyone was subconsciously aware of this concept, but they somehow managed to be surprised when their turn arrived.

The same could be said for the case of Gyu Pol.

As he was utterly eviscerated by Han Soo's Spell, he felt completely shocked—both literally and figuratively.

His death arrived in the blink of an eye, and after suffering with a blank thought for what seemed like an eternity encapsulated in a moment...


... He died.


"WOOOHOOOOOOO!!!" After the chaos came cheers.

"H-he did it!"

"South Korea really did it!"

"Who is that Hunter?"

"Oh, you don't know? That's the son of the legendary S Class Hunter of Korea. It seems he takes after his father."

"What is his name?"

Everyone looked at the boy who made a pillar of light that served as both the righteous judgement of an enemy, and a beacon of hope to the world.

"His name is Sung Han Soo."

Right there and then... that young Hunter surpassed his father and rose in both power and fame.

He became a true hero!





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