SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 974 The Setup [Pt 2]

The atmosphere in the Grand Symposium hall shifted with an undercurrent of tension as Chad took center stage and didn't back down in his accusations.

The South Korean Hunter Association was in a tight spot, and they knew how stuck they were.

As the one recognized as the strongest, Chad's imposing figure exuded an air of authority, and his piercing gaze seemed to penetrate the very souls of those gathered. The crowd's conclusion was already drawn at this point.

Anything else he would say simply served as an extra layer of butter on his sandwich of deceit.

Chad continued with a calm, measured tone, his voice carrying a weight of certainty that commanded attention. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed Hunters," he began, his voice echoing through the hall, "I have gathered you all today to discuss this matters of great importance, to address the betrayal done by our supposed comrades."

As he spoke, Chad's gaze turned towards the representatives of the South Korea Hunter Association, who sat together, an air of unease and frustration settling upon them.

They knew mere words could not avail them now.

Chad raised his voice, projecting his allegations to the entire hall. "Their actions have had severe consequences, and it is clear that they are unable to fulfill their duty to protect the innocent and maintain the delicate balance between our world and the dimensions beyond. They even conspire with our enemies. Unforgivable!"

The crowd murmured in response, exchanging glances filled with certain condemnation. Chad's words carried weight, and many had already begun to draw their conclusions concerning the South Korea Hunter Association's ability to uphold the ideals of their profession, and their place in the spectrum of good and evil.


Amidst the growing unease, Aloe felt a surge of indignation.

She could not fathom how Chad could cast such sweeping accusations without understanding the intricacies of the challenges they faced.

'He's misunderstanding our situation, I'm sure of it!'

If Chad truly cared about the world, and he was truly reasonable, surely he would listen to their defense.

'If he's only swayed by the evidence, then we just have to prove it to him!'

Sure, the South Korean Hunter Association hadn't been utterly forthright about all that had been occuring in their midst for the past two months, but that didn't make them evil.

'It just couldn't be helped...'

So, while she tried to understand Chad's suspicions, and the worry of the other countries, she could no longer sit back and watch them wrongly accuse an innocent body of diligent people.

Rising to her feet, she raised her voice in protest.

"Chad, you are mistaken!" Aloe's words rang out with fervor, her voice filled with a mix of frustration and desperation.

"You do not understand the complexity and full scope of the situation. We can sort this out in a way that doesn't lead to pointing fingers."

Aloe's outburst was met with a mix of reactions. Some heads turned towards her in shock, while others regarded her with skepticism, swayed by Chad's authoritative presence.

In the end, though, she was unable to elicit even a single positive reaction. Still...

"If you have any interest in the truth and justice, then hear us out!"

The moment her voice echoed in the hall, it fell dead silent. Everyone's gaze fell upon Chad, who had an unwavering gaze despite her challenge to his authority.

"Hear you out, huh? Of course. Once you're behind bars, you'll be heard properly."


"You heard me well. Of course, we'll follow due process and not deny you of your right to defend yourselves, even though it's clear you're in the wrong."

"W-what are you even sayi—?!"

"At this moment, however, you are tok dangerous to be left alone. As a danger to your country, and even to the world, you have to be apprehended. If you want to prove your innocence, wait until after you have been arrested and the safety of everyone has been secured."

"That's absurd! We've done nothing wrong!"

"Then you have nothing to fear, no? Resisting arrest will only prove your guilt even more. Of you really care about the safety of everyone here, and the people of your country, then you'll do the right thing.


Rage began rising in Aloe's chest as she glared at Chad.

Even though he wore Neron's face, had Neron's voice, and spoke with the same confidence and enthusiasm Neron had, she couldn't get past his clear malevolence.

She had engaged in a battle of words with Chad, presenting her arguments with passion and conviction, but she found herself losing ground against his relentless accusations and manipulative rhetoric.

'He doesn't even want to hear us out! Everyone is condemning us, and yet...!' Aloe's frustration grew, realizing that Chad was not interested in hearing her reasoning.

'He says we'll be given a chance to fairly defend ourselves, but I highly doubt it!'

If he couldn't allow a fair and honest.analysos of everything now, what was the assurance that it would happen once they were held captive?

Data could be forged, and evidence could be manipulated—all to suit the narrative.

At this point, Aloe was certain that this was nothing short of sabotage.

'But why? What is his reason for this? Why would he...?!' In the midst of Aloe's waning resistance, a wave of realization washed over her.

She remembered the words Kuzon told her—how she was guilty of everything he warned her about.

'I keep trying to find a reason to explain these clearly malevolent actions. But now I can see...' Her appalled face took on a serious change, and a frown formed on her lips.

'There's no positive hidden motive or good intention here.' Whether he wore the face of Neron didn't matter to her at this point.

Sometimes people were just bad for their selfish gains and interests—Neron or not.

Now, she understood the depth of his deceit.

"You're a liar and a fraud. I shouldn't have trusted you blindly..." Aloe realized that her words weren't merely directed at Chad, but she said so anyway.

"I won't let you get away with this." Energy began to rise from her slowly as she glared at the smiling man on stage.

"Miss Vida, please calm yourself." Chairman Sung's voice suddenly echoed in her ears.

"But he—"Vida glanced at the Chairman of the Zenith, surprised to see a gentle smile locked on his pale face.

His wise eyes met hers, silently conveying a cautionary message. He gestured subtly, urging her to remain calm and not make matters worse by acting impulsively.

Reluctantly, Vida nodded, her gaze shifting back to Chad, who wore a smug grin, convinced of his victory.

'If I act now, I'll only make matters worse. I'm sure everyone also realized that.' Aloe gritted her teeth and returned to her seat.

At this point, the Korean Hunter could only do one thing as they sat in a hall full of enemies.

They could only have faith in Jared's plan.





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