SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1246 Dark Nature

Chapter 1246  Dark Nature

[A While Earlier]

A world filled with endless horrors and monsters of varying sizes and abilities—that was the realm that a little Mage occupied.

The darkened clouds added an eerie atmosphere to the world around, and the deserted wasteland only had a couple of massive boulders, withered plants, and mountains that peaked to the ends of the sky.

This landscape filled with the stuff of nightmares stretched for a distance that even she could not properly account for, though she was still in the process of gathering more data.

At the moment, however, she was just doing her best to survive.

"Let's see… if I combine the additional effects of this technique, and I account for its adverse effects on this kind of situation, then…"

Anabelle Frederick sat behind a massive boulder, hitting a few keys on a gauntlet that had manifested from her bracelet.

The gauntlet had nine buttons, all with their unique functions and attributes.

By using permutations and combinations, she could achieve effects that weren't restricted to the nine base attributes she had registered within it.

"Alright! Let's go with this." She smiled, tilting her big glasses.

Slowly lifting herself from the dirty ground, she deftly left her position behind the barrier and attracted the attention of the closest monster that crept around.

"Hey! Over here!"

The creature resembled a cockroach, though its body glistened like metal and its multiple eyes glowed with a similar hue as Ana's luminescent glasses.


The horrifying creature rushed towards her, slicing through the air as it loosened its jaw in order to have its fill of a young and attractive human.

Unfortunately for the beast, she was faster.

Swiftly tapping a few buttons on her gauntlet, a brilliant echo of light manifested, completely shrouding her environs in its power.

The cockroach-like monster was bathed in the energy Ana released, and it stopped right before it touched her.

Once the light subsided, Ana gave the monster a careful look.

Just as she expected, it was kneeling in front of her.

"Looks like it worked, after all. I can use this to control them."

She slowly approached the cockroach, touching its silvery-like exoskeleton.

"I thought it would be gross, but it's actually really pretty. The advantages this presents is also considerable."

Without wasting much time, Ana mounted the creature and rested her flat buttocks on her new minion's back.

"It's not very comfortable, but it beats traveling on foot for too long." She muttered to herself, looking up at the darkened skies.

"Predators lurk above. If I carelessly fly, they'll all gather. I don't want to waste my energy fighting droves of creatures without a purpose."

In the end, she had to look for the most efficient way to fulfill her trial.

"Hey, you…" She returned her gaze to the creature who twitched as soon as it heard the voice of its master.

"Take me to your nest."


[Several Moments Later]

"Entry log: It has been three days, nine hours, and twenty five minutes since I began my approach of conquest on these monsters."

Ana was all alone in her primitive, but spacious abode. She was speaking directly to the gauntlet, which also served as her journal.

"I've taken over the entire southern lands, and I am considering expanding my base even further. Unfortunately, based on the information Anabelle has been compiling for me, it seems the task won't be as simple as I anticipated."

These words were followed by a sigh.

"After considering my options, I have decided to finally confront the predators of the sky. If I can control them, my chances of victory will increase, and I will possess sufficient force to progress."

Of course, plans never ran smoothly all the time—especially in an unpredictable place like this. Ana recognized this fact well enough.

However, since it was her careful planning that got her to this level, she felt it was pertinent to continue the streak.

"… End of Log."

After deciding on a matter, it was better to get right on it.

Following this philosophy, Ana jumped to her feet and decided to initiate her mission.




"Hm? What's this?"

Ana's eyes widened once she realized the cause for one of her alarms to ring out.

"The proximity tracker I kept on both Maria and Serah is being activated? How is that possible?"

Since they were teammates for years, Ana designed specific Magic Technology unique to the both of them, allowing her to detect their proximity to her and themselves, as well as track them once the need arrived.

However, this was only scratching the surface of what her technology could do.

"We all have respective dimensions allocated to us, though. Why would they be together? Hmm… [Activate Auditory and Visual Projection]."

Once Ana did this, she was able to see and hear what both Maria and Serah perceived.

That was how she found out that Legris Damien had invaded the Constellation Realm!

The moment she realized the current situation, she abandoned her current mission and decided to rush to their aid.


[The Present]

"I found Aurora and Beruel on my way. Since I knew I would require backup, I enlisted their help and we all rushed after you."

Once Ana explained her side of things to Maria and Serah, the two instantly grasped the reason behind their sudden appearance.

"On our way here, I used the devices within you to analyze the energy wavelength of Legris. I wasn't able to do so since it didn't seem like he was using energy at all." She further stated.

"Not using energy? How is that possible?"

Serah was confused, and rightly so! She had witnessed Legris' dark energy firsthand, and so had Maria.

Even now, he had the black power clinging to his body.

Wasn't that energy?

"I understand your confusion, but make no mistake. That isn't energy. I don't know what it is, but if I am to guess… it's the opposite."

"The opposite?"

"I told you I wasn't able to analyze his wavelength, right? Well, I decided to do an inverse analysis and backtrace. That was when it clicked."

There wasn't enough time for Ana to go into details, but her point remained.

"He's using some sort of Anti-Energy. Or is it Anti-Matter? I'm not sure, but that is what is shrouding him." Ana concluded, narrowing her gaze on Legris.

"I'm guessing you aren't able to use Magic on him because he breaks it down, right? And even his mysterious ability of Existence Erasure probably stems from that as well."

Everything Ana said hit hard, but she did not allow it to distract her from the major problem.

"At this point, I do not think we are properly equipped to handle something like this. We lack both the knowledge and ability to properly go against him."

As much as it pained her to do it, Ana had to give everyone a reality check.

"We can't win."

As one would expect, Serah's glare deepened, and the mood fell instantly.

Ana understood the frustration her Allie's were experiencing—

especially Serah and Maria.

They had given it their all, fighting an opponent they didn't have a chance against.

After coming this far, the temptation of completing the mission existed.

However, Ana knew they had to ignore those burning sensations within if they desired to survive.

"I… am sad to see Gerard gone. I wish I acted sooner, so I could save him." Aurora said, placing her hand on Serah.

Though, she quickly took it off thanks to the burning surface that was now Serah's skin.

"You would have died if you acted. We all would." Beruel sighed.

Even though his gaze appeared disconcerted, his clenched fist was more than enough proof that he was not immune to the tempest of emotions among everyone.

"None of you knew he wouldn't return. It's not your fault." Ana's voice calmly echoed within the storm.

"Besides, we are yet to confirm if his assertions are valid or not. I am not saying this to give you all unfounded hope, but to ensure you're not distracted or confounded by his words."

Hesitation meant death on the battlefield. If they continued down this emotional downward spiral, as Legris intended for them to, it could mean their demise.

Ana recognized that.

"You're an impressive one. You've really grown from the bratty, incompetent child that I knew back at Ainzlark." Legris suddenly spoke, causing the skins of everyone present to nearly jump.

"I was twelve then. How about you? What's your excuse for being bested by a twelve-year-old despite your age and experience?"

Legris' smile at Ana's words were chilling, but his gaze showed a hint of annoyance.

"Touché. Looks like you have a sharp tongue to go along with your mind."

"Well… I am a genius. I can't say the same about you." Ana smirked in defiance.

For a moment, there were no more words exchanged.

Only silence pervaded the world as both sides stared down each other in silence.

But then…

"No arguments here. Your 'genius' allowed you to notice my accumulation of power, allowing yourselves to evade certain death."

… Legris' grin began to curl up even more.

"It's a shame that the others didn't pick this up on time…"

The moment Legris said this, Ana's eyes widened, and so did Serah's.

After all, the both of them understood the implications of his statement.

"Our allies might be in trouble!"

Unfortunately for them, this hesitation was going to cost them.

"It's too late for them. Just as it's too late for you."

Darkness surged from Legris and covered everything in the space around him.

This was the Dark Curtain.

However, it only served as the beginning.

'Damnit! I was too naive! Not only has he been planning on absorbing all of us from the start, but he's also doing the same for the others!' Ana's thoughts echoed.

Unfortunately, she could not use Teleportation or any other form of Magic thanks to the interference of the darkness that filled everywhere.

"It's all over." Legris' voice was the last sound that echoed in everyone's ears.

Before finally…





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