SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1242 Beast King’s Grand Phase

Chapter 1242 Beast King’s Grand Phase

This was it.

This was the moment of truth—the decisive point that would determine his victory in making Serah his woman.

Gerard could feel it in his very soul.

"I've gotten much stronger than before. I'm sure we'll be able to take him down if we work together."

Despite his reassurance, Serah seemed to have a doubtful look on her face. Maria had a similar expression, but Gerard never cared for her, so he didn't pay it any heed.

"Magic doesn't work on him." Serah objected.

"That's perfect. I mostly utilize Martial Arts."

"He might be too much for us to handle." She added

"If that's the case, then I doubt he'll allow us to seek out reinforcements."

It didn't matter the excuse she threw at him, Gerard countered with an equally, if not more, reasonable response.

In the end, both Serah and Maria had to admit that he was spot on.

Legris was a predator. There was no way he would let them escape, especially now that he had somehow gotten much stronger.

"Are you done squabbling? Shall we begin?" Legris' voice echoed in the wide space as he looked down on him from his lofty position.

The three, who had now arbitrarily concluded that there was no other viable alternative but a confrontation, decided to finally heed Gerard's suggestion.

They had to fight and win against Legris!

"I'm surprised you're being such a gentleman. Isn't this the point where you bring out your variants and surround us?" Serah jested, at least that was what it seemed like on the surface.

In reality, though, she had been out of her [Invincible] ever since she appeared in this desert world, and it was going to take a little while before she could use it again.

Buying time was the only method she knew was safe enough for her to regain her optimal state for Original Magic.

"My variants, huh…? Ah, I see." Legris smiled, rubbing his chin as he looked at Serah specifically.

The way he smiled felt so piercing, as if he knew exactly what she was trying to do.

However, instead of taking advantage of the moment and attacking, he proceeded to answer her question.

"I have no need for them now. I am more than enough to eliminate you."

His words were condescending, but there was no hubris in his tone. Everything he said felt genuine, as if he was merely stating a fact.

"You bastard! Don't get cocky!" Gerard yelled. Veins were all over his face as he roared in fury.

He slowly turned to the stunned Serah and Maria, his face instantly shifting to that of compassionate understanding.

"I'll buy time for you two. Don't worry, I'll be careful."

Serah's widened eyes took in the image of Gerard smiling at her, while also giving a thumbs up, and something glistened within it.

She didn't know why, but she was moved to nearly shedding tears.

"Thank you." Serah muttered.

Those words were more than enough to energize Gerard. He felt his heart racing and every aspect of his body heating up.

This was it!


He stepped forward, his eyes slowly leaving Serah as he now turned to Legris.

"I'll be your opponent."

"Is that so?" Legris' words were like cold water to Gerard's burning flames.

Still, nothing he said was able to quell the raging inferno that kept rising within Gerard's soul. He felt it… the power of his peak.

"[Ultimate Transformation: Grand Final Phase]"


The entire dimension trembled as a pillar of light surged from Gerard's location.

It ascended far into the heavens, causing even the howling winds to cease their activity. The sands parted, everything banished to the very edges of the world.

The only thing left around Gerard was a scorched ground and the two women who stared at him in shock.

The fiery energy that ascended high finally returned to him, all of it compressing into his bulky frame.

Until finally, Beast King Gerard could be seen in his majesty.


With misty breath, he heaved a sigh and slowly flexed his muscles.

Now standing at least fifteen meters, Gerard's Grand Final Phase emanated nothing short of glory.

His flesh felt like burning metal, with several markings imprinted on his skin, like tattoos of various creatures of legend.

He had huge dragon wings that magnificently flapped behind him, and large horns that bent slightly as they pointed upward.

Long hair, almost as if it was a mane, graced his head, and his nine eyes glowed with power.

His jaws possessed sharp teeth, and his immensely muscular body had a total of six arms. A tail danced behind him, and his two legs were bulky enough, yet slender as well, to ensure he could handle all his weight while moving faster than ever.

Everything about him was reminiscent of the perfect beast toned to perfection.

"Now then… shall we begin?" Gerard grinned, his warbling gaze on Legris Damien.

Determination fueled his heart, and his thoughts were filled with nothing short of victory.

He had a woman to impress and a world to save.

There was no need to hesitate.

No reason to fear.

No time to stop.

He simply had to move forward!


Defying any speed that Serah and Maria could have ever been able to perceive in their current states, Gerard leaped to the sky.

His wings took him straight towards Legris, and his hulky body was prepared for the most heated exchange he would ever experience.

'I know it won't be easy. I know I have to push myself! But… I will complete my mission!'

Gerard roared as he finally closed the distance between him and Legris, finally ready to give the first strike.



… All of that seemed to be in vain.

Gerard's invincible body was ripped apart almost instantly, as all six arms, two legs, two wings, and one tail, were severed from his body.

All of it… in just that single moment.

Legris grabbed Gerard by the throat, his gaze still the same cold and disconcerted kind as before.

He opened his lips to speak to the currently agonizing Gerard, his smile growing a little wider than before.

"What a joke."






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