SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1233 Serah Vs Legris [Pt 1]

Chapter 1233 Serah Vs Legris [Pt 1]


Brilliant bursts of crimson energy surged from Serah's position, her body now coated in Aether so dense that it broke the surface tension around her.

Everything surrounding her warbled and bended, and space collapsed the instant it came into contact with her immediate vicinity.

And the cold? The overflowing cold ceased to exist around her, as everything began to melt, turning into hot steam that filled the area in a fog of white.

All due to Serah's Original Magic.

"It's been a while I've seen that form." Legris commented, his tone showing not even an ounce of intimidation from her transformed state.

"It won't do you any good."

"Not against my power…"

"... Or my overwhelming number."

It was currently nineteen against one. The match was not even, to begin with.

"Hahaha!" The response Serah gave was a loud laugh, one that caused the pressure around her to travel even further beyond.

"Enough talk, Legris. Let's begin already!"


As with the nature of her Original Magic, her Aether climbed to an even higher place, towering anything that could be considered her limits.

She was more than ready for the challenge.

"As you wish."


The legion of Legrises charged towards Serah, becoming swift blurs as they dived downwards.

"Now that's more like it!" Cackling like one afflicted with insanity, Serah began the race… one that was bound to leave everything in utter destruction.

'Let's go!'


Sparks of flames burst forth as Serah vanished from her position, her legs dancing at a speed that exceeded the limits of sight.

Every step she took destroyed the surface which she treaded on, causing the entire mountain to shatter apart in just a few light steps.

Realizing this, Serah decided to leap to the skies, at least to meet up with her fast approaching adversaries.


As soon as she took off, her crimson legs kicked the air benath her, propelling her upward even further. As space bended at her feet, so did the power that boosted her increase, creating an explosion that sent her flying upward like a reverse meteorite.


A multitude of Legrises swarmed all around her as soon as she drew close to them, all of them coating their hands with darkness, ready to decimate her with their numbers.


"Too slow!"

Twisting her body midair, Serah, twirled around, creating a force that pushed everything and everyone around her away.

The darkness relentlessly reached out for her, but it only caught her afterimage. 

With only a burst of power, she closed in on one of the scattered Legrises, who was still recoiling from her almighty push.

No second was wasted on hesitation. Serah sent a straight thrust flying to his head, causing it to shatter to pieces, and by extension, melting everything within and without.

The result?

Absolute combustion!


In a flash, Serah appeared before her next prey and dealt another blow, but this time with an upper kick right on his jaw.


The same spontaneous combustion took place, killing off the second Legris in a brilliant explosion.


Traversing the already fickle space, Serah easily dodged the charging limbs and dark constructs that Legris directed at her.

She was just too fast!

She kicked the air around her, while using [Flight] Magic and an [Anti-Friction] Spell to further improve her speed.

Compared to her, Legris was sitting ducks.

Serah evaded the combined assaults of the multiple foes, once again only leaving her afterimage to be dealt with before proceeding to kill the several enemies in her path.

'There's still quite a few more…' Serah thought, looking around her to see so many Legrises, almost as if their numbers had barely decreased since she started the fight.

She considered using Magic, but after recollecting how the black energy ate through her Aether, Serah decided against it.

'Even now, every time I hit him, a chunk of my Aether is corrupted and needs to be replaced.' He thoughts trailed.

She was only fortunate that she had so much energy layered and condensed around her, thus guaranteeing her safety.

'If physical attacks like this work, then I shouldn't risk using Magic and wasting energy…'

However, that was when it struck Serah.

Why was she being so cautious about wasting energy? Why was she so concerned about the corruption that was eating through her Aether?

She was currently using [Invincible].

'My Aether only keeps rising, and my entire output is in overdrive.'

As long as she kept up her Original Magic, she had more than enough energy to spare!

"[Invincible Magic: Vermillion Shower]!"

The moment she activated this Spell, she ascended far above the Legrises that sought to overwhelm her.

And then the skies darkened.

The multitude of variant raised their heads, lifting their eyes to the sky to see what was clouded the light. It was only then that they realized the terror that was descending upon them.

Meteors—all coated in vermillion energy—filled the vast sky.

Each meteor had to be the size of a planet, and there were multiple of them descending upon the vast landscape.

The frost that covered the land was no more. Instead, burning heat and smokey mist pervaded everything.

Above all of these things was Serah in her shining form, arms folded as she caused her massive creations to descend.

"Let's see how you handle these…"

The meteors quickened their pace, their impact imminent. It was certain that everything would change the moment they landed, and Serah looked forward to it.

A Spell of this magnitude, one that could eviscerate solar systems and galaxies if they went out of hand, was bound to leave severe impact on Serah's Aether pool.

However… she hardly felt a thing.

As a result of her Original Magic, her pool and the energy within it only expanded further, granting her even more power than she previously had.

In essence…

"I can do this all day!"






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