SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1231 Discussion Amidst Chaos [Pt 2]

Chapter 1231 Discussion Amidst Chaos [Pt 2]

Within the vast, nigh infinite branches of an entire tree of existence… a single existence was honored as the chosen one.

Neron Kaelid.

He was special from birth, the one whom Aether herself blessed with glory.

He possessed immense power, excelling at Magic and so many other aspects that required even geniuses to offer a bulk of their dedication to.

His Original Magic made him even more invincible. He was favored by the Constellations, and that made him the single most important existence within the tree.

Yet… yet…

"He neglects you, someone who should be his lover." Legris elucidated, his tone as sullen as it was derogatory.

"He has the ability to see the future, yet he decided to abandon you for ten years. Even after all that, he refused to see you, instead letting Jared and his allies return without him."

Serah was silent throughout all of this. She wouldn't—or perhaps couldn't—give any words of defence for her husband.

"He should know you have a child. He can see the future, after all." Legris shrugged once more. "And yet, he still does nothing about it."

Slowly, the blizzard returned, carrying Legris' hair as they howled in the land of eternal frost.

"None of you truly understand… not you, not Jared, not any of you. You have no idea what Neron is and what he is truly capable of."

Frost began to manifest in the air, filling everything with their indiscriminate chills.

"You constantly make excuses for him. Even now, you probably are. However, a man like Neron… one who knows all, and also possesses power beyond the level of abundance… requires no excuse." Legris muttered, his eyes falling a little.

"Neron is not good… and my very existence is proof of that." 

As the final words proceeded from his lips, Legris returned his gaze to Serah, his face now stoic. Expectations filled his eyes, but his pale face hardly showed anything of the sort.

He just sat there in silence… watching her.

"I see. Is that all you have to say?" The response he got from Serah was not the one he expected. 

That explained his fallen countenance as he heard her speak.

"I have lived without him for ten years. I already learned about most of what happened from Jared. I know… Legris." Her voice still did not falter despite the kind of words she was uttering.


"Neron is not a good man? Neron is a terrible lover? Neron is a selfish being who chases after his own ambition? How wrong you are, Legris…" 

"What?" Serah's confident smile, one that remained unfazed by the harsh realities he had just revealed to her, shook Legris.

His clenched teeth showed that clearly.

"The mere fact that you are still alive is not proof of his malevolence. At the very least, I do not think so."

"Then what is it, then? Why would Neron let me live despite the chaos and carnage that will be wrought by my existence? Is it because he can not destroy me? Then what is the use of all this farce? Where is he now? At your darkest hour… the point where you need him most… where is your saviour?!"

At this point, Legris was fuming. He had slowly lost all his composure, and it seemed he quickly realized this.

"I'm sorry for raising my—"

"I only have two things to say to you concerning what you just said." Serah cut him short, her smile even more solid then it was a few seconds ago.

"It seems you have an unhealthy fixation on my husband. This obsession of yours… is puzzling."

For a moment, silence enveloped the area. 

And then… 

"What? I only told you—"

"The second thing I'll say is this. I do not understand why Neron does what he does, and I will not pretend like I do. I am unsure of why he allows you to perpertrate such evil despite his knowledge and power. I… am sadly too limited to see the end like he can."

Once more, there was silence.

"However, I do know this, Legris. You will lose." Serah's lips curled up wider then ever, her crimson eyes shining brighter than ever.

"Oh? And how are you so certain?"

"Neron's very existence is proof of your defeat. At least, that is what I believe."

"Well, your belief is bullshit." Legris responded bitterly, his brows furrowing in repressed annoyance.

"Perhaps. Or… perhaps at the very end of all this, you will fall at Neron's hands… just as you were supposed to from the start."


This time, it was Legris' roar that banished the blizzard. A deep frown was well outlined on his face as he rose to his feet, his dark eyes gleaming with disdain.


His raging voice echoed for a long distance, and the darkness that clung to him began to react erratically.

"We shall see about that, won't we?" Serah responded calmly.

"YOU ALWAYS… haa… you always get under my skin, you know that? I know you do not understand anything, so this was pointless from the start, but… ahh… you are just so annoying! So pathetic!"

Legris placed a palm on his face, almost as if trying to hide the expression he had on his face at the moment.

"I told you everything! I told you Neron isn't a good guy. He doesn't deserve you… your devotion. And yet, you keep… you just never learn! It's beyond puzzling and illogical. It's downright idiotic."

"Well maybe—"

"Neron isn't right for you… or anyone for that matter. He isn't this perfect man, yet everyone seems to desire him. Aether, the Constellations… you… it makes no sense! He is a selfish, egotistical, and miserable being. He has been, and always will be!"

After Legris' long-winded rant, he breathed heavily, his deep glare sharply piercing Serah. However, in sharp contrast to all that he represented, Serah was still with her smile.

"Still…" Her soft voice, coupled with the light shades of pink on her face, brightly shone through whatever gloomy darkness Legris had painted.

At that point, everything faded away.

"... He is the one I love."






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