SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1222 Legris Vs Edward And Kuzon [Pt 5]

Chapter 1222 Legris Vs Edward And Kuzon [Pt 5]

[Moments Earlier]

'Ohh? So that's the plan?'

Edward didn't know precisely what to say in response to Kuzon's strategy, one he made by deducing and calculating certain events and consequences.

The Young Midas wasn't particularly known for his brilliant battle tactics, so seeing him spew out such a plan, as well as how he arrived at it, made Edward pleasantly surprised.

'Got it!' His mind echoed in response.

~One more thing… it's about Legris.~

The way Kuzon's tone sounded grave made Edward feel the pressure and instantly nodded slowly in caution.

~He absorbed a lot of my energy earlier, and it's possible he can replicate it as well. We won't be in contact with each other due to our distance and Legris' energy obstructing communication, so I have to warn you…~

It was at this point that Kuzon told Edward what would eventually save him in the coming conflict.

~Beware of Legris and his tricks. He could do anything to win—even shapeshift into me, or try to turn us against each other. That only proves that he is getting desperate. Keep pushing on your end, and I'll do the same. Once it's time to rendezvous, I'll give you the signal.~

Edward absorbed this information, just as he did the others. 

Needless to say, he eventually had to recall Kuzon's last warning when Legris became the imposter in their game.


'Thanks, Kuzon. If I had let my guard down at that point… things could have gotten ugly.'

Even though Edward was having such grateful thoughts, his demeanor showed nothing but sheer focus on the echoing voices that radiated around him.

He clenched his fist and focused his senses, ready to attack at any given moment.

"I realize now…" Legris suddenly appeared at a distance, both hands in his dark trenchcoat's pockets as he smiled cooly at Edward.

A wave of blackness surrounded him as he uttered those words.

"...Fighting you in close combat…" Yet another Legris appeared beside the one who was just speaking.

They had the same demeanor, and it was beginning to get frightening.

"... Is disadvantageous for me."

Right now there were three Legrises, each one side by side, grinning cooly as they stared down on Edward.

The young Martial Artist was undeterred. His long white hair and beard danced on his face as he glared at them with expectations.

He was ready!

"Well then… haha…"

… Or rather, he thought that he was.





Right before Edward's eyes, like a parasite that continued to fester and procreate, the number of Legrises began to increase.

His condescending gaze multiplied, and the forbidden power that clung to his body intensified.

Soon, there weren't just three or four Legrises.

… There were ten of them!

All ten of this single entity stared down at Edward as they maintained their distance from him. They encircled him, nothing in their gaze hinting of fear or worry.

Instead, a certain thrill could be found on their faces.

It seemed they posed an unspoken question to Edward—whether he would be able to handle all ten of them at once, or if they were finally going to overwhelm him.

It was a tough query to answer.

Not only did the power they radiated seem to have increased over time, but their numbers would prove even more problematic for one person to handle alone.

And to cap it all off… the most worrisome aspect of all was Legris' decision to keep his distance from Edward.

It had already been established that Legris' weakness was Martial Arts, but the most effective way to dispatch him—even with Martial Arts—was to land a direct blow on him.

Any less than the risk of absorption or evasion.

In the end, the enemies of Legris could only trust their fists in the ensuing conflict.

'If he keeps his distance and attacks with all ten, it's going to be far more difficult than before…' Edward's thoughts stated the obvious.

However, even at that… 


… He did not once falter in his response to the unspoken question he was given.

He already knew the answer to the challenge before him.


Edward's blade materialized in his sturdy grip, and it radiated so much power that his confident smile only grew wider as he felt its electrifying presence by just wielding it.

This was not the time for half-assed answers, or to second guess. 

There was only one thing that was expected of him now, and Edward knew the answer too well.

It was time to fight!

"Bring it on!" Edward yelled at the very top of his lungs, taking his Martial Stance as he prepared to face the horde.

"I'll take you all on!"



Kuzon swept across the vast expanse that separated him from the two Legrises that flanked him at both left and right.

He decided to go after the one to his left first, knowing fully well that the other one would charge straight at him as he did so.

Space itself parted, torn to shreds, as Kuzon raced towards his target and arrived in no time at all.


As if already expecting him, Legris gathered a dense amount of darkness in his fist, launching it toward Kuzon as the blackness swirled all around his fist.

Like a torrent threatening to break down and utterly swallow Kuzon alongside the Aether he had left, the roaring dark inferno charged forth.



… Kuzon swiftly twisted his body, bending his back and rapidly moving his feet to glide past the charging hook. 

He bent over, successfully evading the strike, while also using his leg to hit Legris in the position left unguarded by his darkness.

Every step was calculated, and every attack flowed the way Kuzon designed, his muscles guided by his golden strings as he poured his strength towards his target location.

Legris' torso!







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