SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1214 Kuzon Vs Legris [Pt 4]

Chapter 1214  Kuzon Vs Legris [Pt 4]

"What an idiot…" Legris whispered to himself.

He could hear the loud rumblings and the massive eruption that occured beyond his haven, but none of that fazed him in the slightest.

None of Kuzon's attacks were ever going to reach him.

'He can't get past the wall. Nothing can.'

He always knew Kuzon to be someone who fought with overwhelming power, but over the years, Legris knew Kuzon had matured beyond that.

After all, he was able to defeat several members of the Nether Cult and elude them for years.

That had to count for something.

'He also defeated Kido, though he had to sacrifice his life… right? I mean, he would have used some measure of his intelligence in doing that.'

That was why it made no sense for Kuzon to try infiltrating his dark cocoon by brute force.

Perhaps the young Midas had simply run out of options and hoped a highly condensed blast would solve the problem.

That wouldn't be too surprising, considering the way people often acted once all plausible alternatives had been exhausted.

With desperation, they would try anything just to achieve their goals.

Legris considered Kuzon being in such a situation—scrambling for victory using any means possible.

'Is he lashing at me right now?' Legris wondered to himself.

That was indeed a possible scenario, but something felt off. He couldn't place his hand on it, but… he just found it unbelievable that Kuzon would be so stupid.

'Or maybe he… h-huh…?'

Suddenly, Legris found his body unable to move. Not just that, but he could no longer detect the flow of his power or control it in the slightest.

It felt like he was completely stuck.


If that was the case, then there was only one thing that would follow.


His dark cocoon disintegrated, leaving him totally bare to the rest of the golden radiation that graciously poured on him.




The blast showed no mercy. It tore through any form of resistance Legris could have dreamed to muster after his defense had broken own, shattering all his other countermeasures in a jiffy.

In just one instant, one that felt like an eternity, Legris found himself bathed with overwhelming power that caused him to open his grinning lips for the most agonizing shriek he could give.


The blast drowned his screams in its condensed embrace, nearly disintergating him as he stood in it for just a few seconds.

However… the moment he thought he would disappear for good, it ceased.

The golden radiation stopped ripping through his body, destroying every cell in his body as it erased every layer of his current existence.

Rather than the overwhelming light in front of him, it was now Kuzon who stood in his presence.

"Y-you… what did… you do…?"

Kuzon's smile was condescending, and it caused Legris' chest to tighten as he stared at the young boy. His body was nearly all burned, and the darkness he had used to shroud himself was no more.

He couldn't even make more thanks to the paralysis that his body currently endured, which caused a disconnect between him and his power.

Legris was completely helpless at this point, and he knew it.

But how? Why? It made no sense!

"You said I was just someone who got privileged with a lot of power, and I have nothing else going for him…" Kuzon's voice echoed in the abyss that was an already devastated dimension.

He moved closer, most likely to enjoy Legris' damaged face of defeat.

"How does it feel to be wrong?"

It was at this point that Legris realized he had underestimated the young Midas. No, it was more accurate to say that he simply did not give him enough credit.

'I was too slow to comprehend what he was doing…' Legris thought to himself, gnashing his teeth as he glared at Kuzon.

"It's over now. I'm going to capture you and end this invasion of yours."


Kuzon's plan was simple, but also complex at the same time.

It only became an actual strategy after he studied Legris and his strange power for a few times, before finally realizing how it functioned.

'For one, the dark energy does not cover his entire body…' Those were the first thoughts Kuzon had when he observed Legris.

He only covered his severed hand, his cloak, his shoes, and trousers with the murky black stuff.

As a result, a decent amount of his body was exposed.

That made him vulerable..

Unfortunately, Kuzon ran into another problem once he tried to capitalize on the single weakness Legris seemed to have.

'He uses his black cocoon to protect himself from all-directional attacks!'

While it was frustrating, this move of Legris proved Kuzon's suspicions correct, since he wouldn't need a black cocoon if he was already invulnerable to all attacks.

Those arrows were perfect in proving that Legris had to protect his vulnerable parts from any incoming assault that couldn't be stopped by his limited darkness.

However, that brought another issue to the table.

'How do I get rid of the cocoon?'

There didn't seem to be a way to go about it—at least externally—so Kuzon decided to pay more attention to all the events that had occured thus far.

It was at that point that he was able to realize something important.

'When he uses the black cocoon… he's more vulnerable!' And no, Kuzon didn't mean he was more vulnerable in the exteriror.

No, it was the opposite.

Legris had a limited amount of his black energy. As such, anytime he made a black cocoon, all the black energy in his clothing, hand, and hair, would be minimized.

Depending on just how dense he wanted to make the cocoon, he woul use up all that energy.

'Since he'll be safe within the cocoon, there's no reason to have even more black stuff around him. It makes sense…'

Kuzon was only able to arrive at this conclusion thanks to his keen observaion of Legris when he finally came out of the cocoon.

The dark cocoon was absorbed into Legris' coat, and once that happened, it regained its flame-like property.

Kuzon also suspected that Legris had already infused the darkness into his arm and hair before undoing the cocoon, so it wouldn't seem like the cocoon was merely the coalition of his black energy.

With all of this information coming together in Kuzon's mind, he decided to brew the perfect strategy that would help him take down Legris.

It was perfect!





Thank you all for reading!

Well, I suppose the fight is over, so my promise rings true.

Not exactly, though…

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