SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1126 The Three Women

The Nether Beast was desperate.

In all of its existence, it had never felt this way before. This… threatened.

Born from malevolence, it always had the instinctive drive to wreak havoc and commit atrocities. It dominated its peers and ruled those weaker.

It consumed everything and everyone around it until it reached this point of its existence.

Yet… these three women who presented themselves before him… were causing him to feel such a rush of emotions that his bones shivered.

If it had hair on its disgusting black skin, they would all be rising in response to the current state of its mind.

No. It couldn't afford to be distracted by such nonsense!

In the end, this was three against one. The only reason they intentionally created such odds was because they knew they couldn't handle it alone.

Yes… that's right.

They were scared of it, weren't they? They knew they were weaker than it, right? That was why they were employing such brazen tactics instead of simply attacking head-on.

The creature snarled as it chuckled a little, glaring hatefully at the three women who seemed to be concluding their discourse and settling their eyes on it.

It wasn't afraid of them.

Not anymore.

They were prey to it. It would simply cosnsume them and survive the current Aether poisoning by quickly adapting to the qualities of Aether by integrating their prowess with its own.

Yes… that was exactly right.

That was all it had to do.

No more holding back!


The Nether Beast let out a screech, imbuing it with enough Nether to push back the Aether that fervently tried to eat at it. With this, not only would its opponents be weakened, but it would also get rid of the annoying debuff existing around it.

Also, while it could certainly heal its two severed limbs, that would take too much Nether, and right now it had to focus on surviving its current state until it consumed the targets before him.

More Nether had to be expended on eradicating them!


All nine of it crmson eyes glowed, and three of them flashed with elevated power.


In a flash, a thin beam of concentrated power erupted from its three eyes and charged in the direction of its target.

The Nether Beast chuckled as it watched the beams near the targets.

It wasn't a simple energy blast, but a highly concentrated version of a both poison and corruption. A single scratch would send Nether coursing through a person which would forcefully integrate itself into the poor soul until it perished completely.

All of this would happen within mere seconds.

There was also no point evading it since it would chase its targets no matter where they went. It had one-shotted many of its enemies with this power before, and this time it woul be no exception.

It was now time… for them to DIE!


Before the beams reached them—just about five inches or so—they suddenly dissipated.


What in the world was happening? It had no idea!

"What was that?" He heard one of them ask the other. "A Nether Beam?"

The Nether Beast didn't unerstand their language, but it was too stunned to stop listening. Even though it couldn't comprehend what they were saying, it kept watching them speak.

"It's more complicated than that, but with the Aether defense mechanism I put in place around me, which in turn permeates to all three of us due to our proximity, the Nether's quality broke down before reaching us. I would say this attack was rather concentrated considering it took a while before it was neutralized."

The yellow blonde was the one doing the explaining. It seemed she perfectly understood what was going on here.

"So, what would have happened if the Nether reached us?" This time it was the white-haired girl who spoke.

"Probably nothing. Your defenses should be enough to resist it. I'm not as strong as you two, so I have to rely on defense mechanisms like this." The blonde responded once more.

Something told the Nether Beast she was the most dangerous one of the bunch.

Wasn't she also the one who undid his Nether Territory? Yes, she had to be the main enemy here…

But, how could it take her seriously when she looked like a kid? Calling her twelve-years old would be generous based on this creature's primitive brain.

Sure, it wasn't against killing kids. No, it reveled in the despair it brought little ones as they suffered at his hands, even down to the point when they breathed their last.

But, that didn't mean it ever saw them as a threat.

It was difficult for the Nether Beast to ignore its primal instincts of underestimating weaker-looking things like the yellow blonde, and focus on the one who would qualify as the strongest based on its biases.

The one with the biggest chest… the crimson haired woman.

She had to be the strongest.

Within her contained immense power, hence the reason her chests were so plump. Nothing else could explain it to the Nether Beast.

Plus, she was the one who destroyed its tentacles which, for some reason, weren't healing even though it had tried to regenerate them.

No matter. It just had to indiscriminately kill all of them. They were all it enemies, and as such eradicating them without prejudice was its ultimate objective.


The Nether Beast loosened its jaw and stretched its mouth to the utmost limits, finally releasing all the Nether that had been converging there for so long.

It was in the form of a dark orb… one that whirred at unfathomable speed that it seemed like a spiraling blot in the air.

The Nether Beast knew this was the end of the line for these fools.

There was no way anyone could survive its end-of-the-line attack. This was its ultimate move, the destroyer of any enemy that ever stood a chance against him, and a proof of just how high of a threat it considered its opponents to be.



The Orb exploded and within it came a brilliant detonation of darkness that swiftly rushed in the direction of the adversaries.

The darkness roared and echoed and threatened to eat everything in its path, and it inetensity burned through any resistant Aether that stood in its path.

Surely, this would be enough to disintegrate anything, turning them into nothing.

Yet… yet…!!!


It was overcome by a far more powerful crimson energy that roared and swallowed the darkness whole—without any mercy.

The darkness evaporated, leaving the three women standing before it unharmed.


The Nether Beast didn't know what to say or do at this point.

It had attacked physically, and even used up a great deal of Nether, yet it couldn't even get one of these three women.

Not even its BOOM BOOM ATTACK worked!

Why? It wasn't fair.

It was meant to win!


Who were these people? Who in the world were they?

The Nether Beast cried in disbelief as it stared at the trio before it. Even though it couldn't understand any word they uttered, it could tell based on their expressions alone.

It was now their turn to strike.





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