SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1113 Peace At Last...?

Chapter 1113  Peace At Last...?

As the energy of the Grand Blood Stone surged towards me, I could feel the raw power of it, the malevolent force that sought to consume and destroy.

But I was prepared, more than prepared.

The combined might of the Arcanas pulsed within me, a torrent of energy that resonated with my very being.

"Grand Magic…"

The Elf Queen's screams of rage echoed in my ears, but I remained steadfast, my mind focused, my heart resolute.

This was the moment, the culmination of everything I had learned, everything I had fought for.

I raised my hands, the Arcanas swirling around me in a mesmerizing dance of colors and light. The world around me seemed to shift and tremble, reality itself bending to my will.

"You think you can defeat me?" the Elf Queen spat, her voice dripping with contempt.

I didn't respond with words. Instead, I channeled the power within me, drawing on the ancient magic that had been hidden for so long.

"... [New World]."

The Arcanas responded to my command, their energy flowing through me like a river, filling me with a strength that was beyond measure.

I closed my eyes, my mind focusing on the task at hand.

With the power of the Arcanas, I reached out to the very fabric of reality, touching the threads of existence itself. I could feel the concept of the Elf Queen Kamilia, her essence, her memories, her very existence.

And then, with a thought, I began to unravel it.

The world around me shifted and twisted, the very air crackling with energy.

The Elf Queen's form wavered, her screams turning into gasps of disbelief as her very being began to dissolve, as if she was being erased from the pages of existence.

"No!" she cried, her voice a desperate plea.

But I didn't stop. I couldn't stop. I was a conduit of power, a vessel of change.

With the Arcanas as my guide, I erased the concept of the Elf Queen Kamilia, her identity fading away like a ghost in the wind.

And then, with a surge of energy that shook the ground beneath my feet, I replaced it with something else.

I crafted a new concept, a new identity, one that was filled with compassion, wisdom, and a desire for peace. I infused it with the memories of a life lived in harmony, a life that could have been.

The Elf Queen's form solidified once more, her eyes wide with confusion, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "What... what have you done?"

I turned my gaze to the battlefield, the Triumvirate's forces frozen in place, their faces contorted in shock.

With the power of the Arcanas, I extended my influence, reaching into their minds, their hearts, their very souls.

I felt the resistance, the fear, the hatred. But I pushed forward, unwavering, unyielding.

Memories shifted, personalities changed, hearts softened.

And then, it was done.

The energy of the Arcanas began to recede, the world around me returning to a semblance of normalcy. The Elf Queen's eyes were wide, her face a mask of disbelief.

"What have you done to us?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

I looked at her, my heart heavy with the weight of what I had just done.

"I've shown you a different path," I said, my voice filled with a quiet resolve. "A path of peace, of unity. It's not too late to change."

'Altering reality itself to ensure no one has to die in this war… and no one has a reason to fight anymore.'

Tears welled in her eyes, a mixture of confusion, anger, and something else. Something new.


The battlefield was transformed, the once-hostile forces now looking at each other with uncertainty, with a newfound understanding.

I had used the power of the Arcanas not to destroy, but to heal. Not to erase, but to create.

'I breached their free will, but if it will prevent a bigger tragedy… then it's worth it.'

And as I looked at the world around me, I knew that I had done what I had set out to do.

I had changed the course of history, rewritten the narrative, and forged a new future.

With the power of the Arcanas, I had brought about a different kind of victory.

A victory of the heart.


The war was over.

The battlefield, once a chaotic scene of destruction and despair, had transformed into a place of calm and hope.

The Triumvirate's forces, once enemies, now stood side by side with the Fairies, united by a common purpose.

The power of the Arcanas had brought about a change that none could have imagined.


I turned to Karlia, a sense of relief and satisfaction filling my heart.

"What do you think?" I asked, my voice filled with a mixture of hope and curiosity.

And then, she was there, her crimson form appearing before me, her eyes bright with joy.

Everyone on the battlefield experienced shock to witness her arrival, but she had been watching this whole time.

I sort of wanted to impress her with what I had done…

"I love it," she said, her voice carrying a warmth that wrapped around me like a comforting embrace.

I smiled, my heart swelling with happiness. "I'm glad," I replied. "I wanted to make things right, to bring peace to this world."

'Karlia is something of a pacifist. She likes peaceful resolution, so I wanted her to see this. Looks like I made the right choice, after all…'

After proposing to her and spending time with her, all the feelings I had for her were reaching new heights. I wanted to make her happy… to see her smile every time.

Watching her look at me this way, with pride and happiness, gave me pleasure that couldn't be described with words alone.

"You always strive to find the best solution," Karlia said, her gaze unwavering. "Even back in the Celestial War, when you spared the Demons and sought a different path."

I nodded, memories of that time flooding my mind.

Karlia just knew how to make me feel like a good person.

I had seen the potential for change, for growth, even in the midst of conflict. And now, that same belief had led me to this moment, to this new world where enemies had become allies, where war had transformed into peace.

"Yeah. Everything will be okay from this point onwa—"


As the calm settled over the battlefield, a sudden tremor shook the ground beneath our feet.

'W-what's that?!'

I looked up, my eyes widening as a figure appeared beyond the world, their form massive and overwhelming, enough to hold the entire world in their fingertips.

'The hell?'

The clouds parted, and it felt like I—no, everyone else too—was so tiny and insignificant.

The face of the entity was etched in the sky, and the world trembled in their presence. It was so sudden that I recoiled in their presence.

"Who... who are you?" I stammered, my voice barely audible as I beheld the immense presence before me.

The figure's voice rumbled like thunder, echoing in the very core of my being.

"I am Libra," they declared, their words carrying a weight that seemed to bend reality itself. "I am the keeper of balance within the Nether Realm."

'A Constellation?!' My eyes bulged as I struggled to stay sane in their presence.

Every other person in the battlefield had fallen, most likely passed out due to the sheer magnitude of the power confronting us.

The entire world had to be down as a result of the magnificent presence before us.

I mean… who could stand before this being?

Libra's presence was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, a force that transcended all understanding.

My heart raced as I tried to comprehend the magnitude of what was unfolding.

Libra's presence materialized before me like a cosmic tapestry woven from the fabric of the universe itself. Their form defied conventional perception, existing simultaneously as a colossal entity that dwarfed the world and a nebulous, shimmering energy that seemed to transcend the boundaries of space and time.

A symphony of colors danced and pulsed across their form, a mesmerizing display of hues that shifted and swirled like a celestial aurora. Rays of ethereal light cascaded from their being, casting an otherworldly glow that illuminated the surroundings with an eerie radiance.

Their features were both intricate and ever-changing, as if they were composed of a myriad of cosmic fragments that converged and diverged in a mesmerizing dance. Glimpses of constellations, galaxies, and celestial phenomena seemed to flicker across their form, giving them an aura of cosmic majesty.

Libra's eyes, if they could be called eyes, were like twin pools of shimmering galaxies, swirling with an unfathomable depth of knowledge and wisdom. Each glance seemed to pierce through the very essence of one's being, laying bare the truths and secrets that lay hidden within.

A sense of immense power emanated from Libra, a power that resonated with the fundamental forces of creation and destruction. It was as if they held the very balance of existence within their grasp, a delicate equilibrium that could tip in any direction with a mere thought.

As they spoke, their voice reverberated like the cosmic winds, carrying with it the echoes of distant stars and the whispers of ancient truths. Each word seemed to vibrate with the resonance of countless timelines and dimensions, a testament to their dominion over the vast expanse of reality.

In the presence of Libra, I felt like a mere mortal standing before the cosmic embodiment of the universe's mysteries.

"Your presence here has disrupted the natural progression of this timeline," Libra continued, their voice unwavering.

I could feel so much attention and energy fall on me as I struggled to gulp.

"You are an anomaly that must be corrected."

My mind raced, thoughts and questions colliding in a whirlwind of confusion and fear.

'Damnit… I wasn't expecting this!'

No, to begin with, why didn't I calculate this?

Constellations were unlimited beings in the Aether Realm. Why did I not factor in their existence in this world?

Surely, if they existed, they would have known about my existence here.

That would be bad since I invaded the Nether Root, and I was directly affecting the events in this world. It would be the same if a denizen from the Nether Realm began to affect things within the Aether Realm.

I was certain Constellations who were aware would try to stop it.

And now that I was confronted with this… it made sense.

The question remained, however…

'What should I do?'





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