SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1101 Peace And War

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The village was a bastion of joy and relief, alive with the sounds of celebration.

Goblins, once enslaved by the madman's Arcana, now freely danced around crackling bonfires, their laughter echoing in the cool night air.

The glow of the flames reflected in their eyes, replacing the eerie malice that once lived there.

From one corner, a group of goblins strummed on makeshift instruments, creating a lively rhythm that seemed to pulse through the entire village.

The rest clapped and stomped their feet, joining the melody with their own enthusiastic contributions. Their joy was infectious, their spirit indomitable, despite the recent horrors they had endured.

"Haha… isn't this fun, buddy?"

I stood on the periphery, watching the merriment unfold. The spectral form of the Kraken, my new Familiar, flickered at my side, casting an ethereal glow on the surrounding area.

The goblins, in their joyous state, gave it curious glances, but its presence did not dampen their spirits.

Seeing a break in the crowd, I moved to join the festivities.

A cheer went up as I entered the circle of goblins. They patted my back and offered wide grins, their happiness apparent. Despite their small stature, their hearts were immense, filled with gratitude and camaraderie.

I spotted Gobtia with the ladies, preparing delicious meals, and I was already salivating as I remembered how incredible these goblins were with their dishes.

The Goblin Chief was wasted on alcohol at this point. I saw him dancing like a crazed man, and it was too hilarious to pass up.

A hefty goblin, whose name I learned was Grubb, thrust a wooden mug into my hand. It was filled with a frothy concoction that smelled of earthy roots and potent berries.

As I took a sip, the taste exploded on my tongue, tart and bitter, but somehow fitting for the moment.

"Drink up, Lewis!" Grubb yelled over the music, his voice booming despite his size. "We celebrate life tonight!"

"Haha… true that."

Around the roaring fires, tales of bravery were shared, songs of freedom were sung, and as the night deepened, the sense of unity grew stronger.

We were not just a man and goblins, but a community brought together by the trials of life, now sharing a moment of peace.

'I was really worried for you guys… honestly.'

If I had lost that battle, all of this would have been history. Just one loss would mean I could never taste the delicious meals of Gobtia, or watch the Chief act like an idiot… or see the happy faces of all these Goblins.

'One day, Karlia… I'll bring you here to witness this.'

This joy.

This beauty.

This peace.

I wanted to share it with my special someone too.

[The Emperor], as well as all the others I had already gathered, were in my satchel. It remained just a couple more Arcanas to find, and I could finally do it…

'Find and free Karlia.'

With that thought, I raised my mug, joining the goblins in their revelry one last time before my departure.

Tomorrow would bring new challenges, new battles.

But for tonight, we celebrated.


[One Week Later]

In the heart of the mystical realm, nestled amidst the whimsical hues of the eternal twilight, the Luminis Fairy Forest stirred with a sudden urgency.

Each iridescent leaf shivered with tension, each blooming flower stood guard like a silent sentinel.

The tranquil haven, renowned for its serene beauty and timeless enchantment, was now preparing for an impending storm, a war of an unprecedented scale.

The foe was no common adversary.

It was the Triumvirate, the shadowy sovereigns who dictated the world from their clandestine enclaves.

Their power was immense, their grasp insidious.

They had ruled unchallenged for centuries, their reign woven into the fabric of the world's existence.

Now, they had set their eyes on the Fairy Kingdom, their sinister intentions clear.

They sought to erase the Luminis Fairy Forest, to transform the ethereal sanctuary into a horrifying epitaph, a stark warning to all other territories under their iron fist.

Arrayed against the fairy kingdom were legions amassed by the Triumvirate.

Beastfolk, fierce and feral, howled their war cries into the wind.

Elves, elegant yet deadly, stood with cold precision, their longbows shimmering with mystic energy.

Dwarves, stocky and sturdy, fortified the ranks, their technological marvels a testament to their ingenious craftsmanship.

An overwhelming tide of power and resolve, eager to obey the ruthless command of their masters.

In response, the Fairy Kingdom roused its magical forces.

Each fairy, ordinarily a creature of peace, now bore a determined countenance.

Their wings pulsed with radiant energy, their tiny hands clasped around weapons crafted from nature itself.

Strategists huddled around illuminated maps of the forest, their voices a low murmur amidst the war preparations.

Glimmering towers of light sprung up around the kingdom's perimeter, casting a protective shield around their cherished homeland.

Archers took to the skies, their arrows dipped in starlight, ready to rain down celestial fury.

And at the heart of the kingdom, in the grand throne room, stood the Fairy King Oberon. His bright eyes were alight with a fierce resolve, his diaphanous gown rippling with powerful enchantments.

He was the beacon, the rallying force for his people, embodying their hope and courage.

As the Triumvirate's forces marched inexorably closer, an ominous cloud hanging heavy in the air, the Luminis Fairy Forest held its breath.

Each fairy stood ready, their hearts beating in unison, echoing through the enchanted glades and sparkling waterways.

The moment was near. A conflict, threatening to shatter the tranquility of their world, was fast approaching.

Yet, in the face of overwhelming odds, the Fairy Kingdom held strong.

For they were not just defending their home, they were standing against tyranny, against oppression.

The air was electric, charged with the severity of the situation. The quiet before the storm was deafening.


"Look at this… they really decided to go all-out, huh?"

Now in the highest tower of the shimmering palace, away from the organized chaos of the war preparations, stood the Fairy King.

He peered out of the crystalline window, his gaze sweeping across his threatened kingdom.

The usually vibrant eyes were clouded with worry, the weight of his crown heavier than ever before.

Beside him stood Ursula, the fairy-like Automaton.

Her gleaming metal wings reflected the soft glow of the magical lamps, her eyes, twin sapphire orbs, flickering with intricate calculations.

Despite her metallic construct, she seemed as much a part of the magical realm as any fairy, her presence a comforting constant to the Fairy King.

"How are we looking, Ursula?" he asked, his voice steady despite the tension that hung in the air.

His eyes never left the encroaching enemy forces, their daunting formations dotting the horizon.

The Automaton paused, the light in her eyes pulsing as she processed the various data points. "Optimal victory conditions will take more time than we currently have, Your Majesty," she stated, her voice as composed as ever.

"However, given the stakes, I can assure you that I will strive to bring us as close to victory as possible."

The Fairy King turned to look at Ursula, a small smile forming on his lips despite the dire situation. "That's all I can ask for, Ursula."

His thoughts drifted to Lewis. The human had provided them with something invaluable - a fighting chance.

'Those Mecha Warriors of yours, Lewis… if only you could see them.'

It was Lewis's efforts that had made all of this possible.

From freeing Oberon from his curse, to giving him this amazing Automaton, and finally the means to make the perfect soldiers.

He had sparked a beacon of hope amidst the impending darkness.

"Once again, I find myself indebted to that human," the King mused aloud, a soft chuckle escaping him.

Ursula's eyes shimmered, an approximation of a smile crossing her face.

"Lewis has indeed proved to be an unexpected variable in this battle. It should work to our advantage since the Triumvirate would not have included his interference in their calculations," she agreed.

As the Fairy King cast his gaze back out onto the battlefield, his smile faded, replaced by a grim determination.

His knuckles whitened around his scepter, the magical jewel set atop it pulsating in response to his emotions.

War was coming.

The Triumvirate and their forces were mere moments from reaching the Fairy Kingdom's defenses. Yet, even in the face of the imminent storm, the Fairy King stood tall, his resolve unyielding.

For his people, for their freedom, for the hope gifted by a human named Lewis, Oberon steeled himself.

Victory might be uncertain, the odds might be overwhelming, but they would fight. They would stand their ground.

And perhaps, in the echoes of their defiance, they would find their victory.

"No… we must have win."





Thanks for reading!

From the way it's looking, we're slowly drawing to the conclusion of this Arc. There are still a lot to resolve, but we're getting there.

War is coming!

I have a new novel ongoing, and I would really appreciate your support.

The title is "Only I Can See The End"

Please support me by checking it out. Thank you all.

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