SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1082 The Game Changer

[Moments Later]

I followed Oberon into his hidden chambers, and the air seemed to hum with unspoken tension. We were finally alone, and I could sense Oberon's guardedness.

"You see, Lewis, this is the only place where the Elf Queen or the Triumvirate can't hear us," Oberon began, a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"They can't see us, can't even sense us."

The room was draped in darkness, and the low hum of Fairy Magic filled the air. It was the same room where Oberon had subjected my clone to torture earlier

"I understand," I said, breaking the silence.

"Our group... Aria, Drake, Larry, and me... we stumbled upon the Triumvirate's existence by pure chance," I began.

'Technically, I wasn't a part of the discovery, but…'

It was better to just weave the story this way. At the very least, it was much better than telling him I was from a different tree of existence.

Going further into the narrative, I recounted how we'd uncovered their plans, the battles we'd faced, the victories and losses, and the relentless pursuit of freedom for the world.

"But your friends?" Oberon asked. "Where are they now?"

"They are currently unconscious, and I'm trying my best to keep them safe and hidden," I concluded.

'By unconscious, I mean dead. He doesn't need to know those details, though…'

Oberon seemed taken aback, and for a moment, his hard exterior softened. But then, his gaze fell on me, a glint of desperation clear in his eyes.

It was time to talk about his curse.

"Now, the most crucial part. Your curse," I said, meeting his gaze. "I believe I can help you break it."

His gaze flickered with a hint of hope. "And what do you want in exchange, Lewis?"

"I believe the question is… what can I offer you more in exchange." A wide grin formed on my face.

"Offer me? What do you mean?"

"Help. You can't face the Triumvirate alone, and neither can we. You need us as much as we need you, Oberon."

Sure, even after I broke his curse, the Triumvirate was still a major threat to his people. I doubted he could face them alone with only his power.

By offering an alliance, especially after I just defeated him, the odds now moved in my favor.

I watched as Oberon grappled with my words, torn between hope and skepticism.

But he didn't deny or refuse me outright, and in his hesitation, I found a spark of hope.

Perhaps Oberon could still be swayed.

Perhaps, together, we could indeed face the Triumvirate and win.

These were the possibilities that swirled in my head. No, they were more than mere possibilities.

'I personally don't have much of a stake in this reality. I just want to save Karlia and go home. But…'

The more I stayed here, and the more I recounted my experiences with the friends I made here, the more I wanted to do something about it.

'Which is why I'll make an alliance in their stead. So, even after I'm gone… Aria, Larry, and Drake can use the Arcanas and the alliance with the Fairies to change the world.'

"You're not accounting for the most difficult aspect when it comes to going against the Triumvirate."

A visible strain spread across Oberon's features as he acknowledged the Triumvirate's formidable forces.

"The leaders themselves are powerful enough, but the number of troops they command... it's a figure we can't begin to match."

I let a half-smile curve my lips. "Quality over quantity, King Oberon."

While he nodded in agreement, there was a visible skepticism in his eyes.

"True, but even quality needs a considerable quantity to stage a rebellion of this magnitude."

I grinned wider, leaning back in the chair. "I'm well aware of that, King Oberon. Which is exactly why I sought you out. An alliance with the Fairy Kingdom would give us access to resources that could potentially change the tide of this war."

His eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion. "And what exactly would be this game-changer, Lewis?"I think you should take a look at

The corners of my mouth stretched into a sly grin as I pronounced the two words that would possibly decide our fate against the Triumvirate.

It was something I hadn't really thought of before, until I had a revelation in one of the Labyrinths I explored.

Now… I could see a path to the future with it.

"Mecha Knights," I declared, my voice echoing in the silence of the room.

"What? What's that?"

Confusion flashed in Oberon's eyes, followed by a spark of curiosity, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

'Mecha Knights are basically cooler ways of saying Golems. No… Mecha Knights are superior Golems!'

After experiencing the Makina Labyrinth, my perspective on Golems, including their design and production, changed forever.

"Mass Producing Mecha Knights to serve as our army!"

The idea sounded outrageous, even to my ears, but it was the best shot we had.

The future of our world hung in the balance.

And so, I set out to explain the plan that could either be our salvation... or our doom.

'Well… it's actually just really cool!'

"Picture this," I began, my fingers steepling together as I leaned forward in my seat.

"Advanced Golems, made from the rich ores found within your Luminis Labyrinth and the fertile soil of the Luminis Forest. Not just any golems, mind you, but Mecha Knights. Fully armored, outfitted with the most advanced magical technology, and standing as tall as the largest beasts of this world."

Oberon's eyes widened as he took in the concept.

The idea was undoubtedly ambitious, but it was far from impossible, especially given the resources at our disposal.

'More importantly, I have Jared's memories of the creation of his own Automatons and Golems. Using what I know now, and the culmination of my experience… it is very possible!'

"Using these materials," I continued, "we create an Automaton first. Think of it as the maestro, the conductor of our grand orchestra. I'll provide it with detailed plans, blueprints, every step needed to create our Mecha Knights. This Automaton will then direct the creation of these knights, using your fairies as a workforce."

For a moment, silence pervaded the room. The Fairy King was probably trying to digest all I was saying at once.

A frown creased Oberon's brow as he mulled over my words. "But why an Automaton? Why not direct the fairies ourselves?"

"Time," I answered. "I still need to gather the rest of the Arcanas. Directing the production would take too much time. Time we don't have. But with an Automaton, the fairies would have a continuous source of guidance, allowing me to focus on the Arcanas."

'In the end, saving Karlia comes first.'

The Fairy King nodded, seeming to understand my reasoning.

I watched as he mulled over my proposal.

I had laid all my cards on the table, all that was left was for Oberon to decide if he was willing to gamble on our success.

'He has no real reason to refuse.'





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