SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1065 The Dead End [Pt 2]

The moment we crossed the threshold into the labyrinth, it felt like stepping into the maw of a monstrous creature.

A bitter, damp chill hung in the air, wrapping itself around us, permeating our very bones. The walls of the maze were slick, shadowy stone, resonating with a sense of foreboding.

We traveled in silence, the only sound being the echo of our footsteps, creating an eerie rhythm in the oppressive silence. The labyrinth seemed to change and shift with each passing second, its sinister nature concealed in the shadows.

"Feels like we're being watched," Drake whispered, his eyes darting back and forth.

"Just keep moving," I instructed, my hand reaching for the pouch of tools at my belt. This was no place for hesitation.

Suddenly, our path was blocked by a horde of grotesque black creatures. Their forms were inky, shifting masses of shadow, their beady red eyes glaring at us with a malevolent light. There were both towering beasts and small, writhing things, all united in their hostility.

"Get behind us," Aria ordered Drake and Larry. She brandished her sword, ethereal lightning sparking along its edge. I quickly armed myself with a sturdy, enchanted staff from my satchel.

The clash was swift and brutal. Aria's blade was a blur of steel and light, cleaving through the beasts.

Each swing of her sword released a sharp crack of thunder, accompanied by blinding flashes of lightning.

Her attacks were swift and precise, each one imbued with a ferocious energy that kept the creatures at bay.

I fought back with everything I had. Enchanted spheres erupted from my staff, their brilliant light illuminating the grotesque features of our adversaries.

The staff itself became an extension of my arm, a reliable ally as I struck the monstrosities around me.

I was once again grateful for my knowledge of Martial Arts.

Despite our efforts, the swarm of creatures seemed unending. For each one we felled, two more appeared to take its place.

Yet, we persisted, fighting back-to-back, our spirits unyielding.

"You alright?" Aria shouted over the clamor of battle.

"Nothing I can't handle," I replied, gritting my teeth.

The labyrinth felt alive, the walls pulsating as if in response to the ferocious conflict. Aria and I fought like two cornered animals, our survival instincts guiding our every move.

Eventually, our relentless onslaught started to take effect. The swarm dwindled, their numbers lessening with each passing minute.

Finally, only a few of the grotesque creatures remained, their courage wavering.

With a final flourish of Aria's sword and a radiant burst from my staff, the remaining beasts dispersed into shadowy wisps, their forms dissipating in the chilling air.

We stood panting, the aftermath of the battle spread around us. Drake and Larry emerged from their cover, their expressions a mix of awe and relief.

"Is everyone alright?" Aria asked, her eyes scanning over the group.

"We're good, thanks to you two," Larry replied, his voice filled with gratitude.

We continued on, the labyrinth's oppressive silence creeping back in, reminding us of the danger lurking at every corner.

Hours seemed to merge into each other, the sense of time distorted in the shadowy maze.

Eventually, we arrived at a colossal gate, what seemed to be the entrance of a massive space beyond it.

The gate was intimidating, a grand testament to the labyrinth's sinister design. A feeling of dread filled the air, the sense of an impending encounter thick in the chilling air.

"Well, this isn't ominous at all," Larry commented dryly, his gaze taking in the sight.

"We must be prepared," I warned, my hand instinctively reaching for my satchel.

The real challenge of the Mors Labyrinth awaited us, its hidden horrors ready to be unveiled.

'Let's see...'

Looking at the map, there didn't seem to be any adversary beyond the gate. No marker whatsoever.

Yet why couldn't I shake away the awful feeling that gnawed at me?

'No time for hesitation, Lewis. Every second counts.'

With that thought echoing in my head, or group pushed through the gate, advancing to the spacious expanse that greeted us.


... That was our mistake!


The heavy door behind us grumbled closed, it's stone exterior melting into the seamless wall of the labyrinth.I think you should take a look at

'What?!' My heart pounded in my chest, echoing the finality of the door's closure.

No turning back. No way out.

From the abyssal darkness of the chamber, grotesque forms began to manifest.

Enormous, nightmarish entities, each one towering above us with an imposing presence.

They were the epitome of the labyrinth's ominous promise – colossal horrors spawned from the darkest depths of despair.

"N-no... no way..."

Each of these creatures bore the dreaded purple marker on my navigation device. A symbol that made my blood run cold, a testament to their terrifying strength.

Fear gnawed at my heart, but I bit back, steeling myself for the encounter.

'What should I do? What can we do?'

Then, as I was still trying to remain composed, another entity emerged from the heart of the chamber.


A monstrous form, its size and power dwarfing the others.

Its presence was suffocating, a potent mixture of dread and despair.

My device began to glitch, unable to measure the sheer magnitude of the entity's energy.

"No... this is..." My eyes widened as I realized that this was a black marker. The ultimate sign of a monstrous threat that we had no hope of defeating!

The black-marked entity that stood before us was a monstrous amalgamation of everything nightmarish. Its towering silhouette loomed ominously, casting a ghastly shadow that swallowed the dim light of the chamber.

Its form was too grotesque to describe.

Despair welled up within me, a gaping chasm threatening to consume my sanity. This was an impossible situation, a death trap in every sense.

The labyrinth had played its hand and dealt us an inevitable demise.

I clenched my fists tightly, my knuckles whitening under the strain. I glanced at my companions, their faces pale in the ominous glow of the chamber.

They looked towards me, seeking a plan, a glimmer of hope. But for the first time in our journey, I had nothing.

"Is there even a way to defeat that thing?" Aria's voice wavered, his gaze fixed on the black-marked monstrosity.

I swallowed hard, the bitter taste of fear and despair lingering in my throat. "I... I don't know."

The words felt like a betrayal, an admission of defeat that I never thought I'd utter.

Desperation clawed at my mind, pushing me to think, to strategize, to find an escape from our impending doom. But the labyrinth had us cornered, the eerie silence now a deafening testament to our hopeless predicament.

For the first time ever... I truly felt powerless, incapable of altering the grim outcome.

'Is this the end?'





Faced with overwhelming odds and the very rights of despondency, what will our hero and his allies do now?

I have a new novel ongoing, and I would really appreciate your support.

The title is "Only I Can See The End"

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