SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1058 The Triumvirate

[Location: Unknown]

The atmosphere in a particular underground meeting chamber was as pristine as it was foreboding.

Soft candlelight flickered across the polished marble floors, casting long shadows that danced along the walls adorned with intricate tapestries.

A circular table stood at the center, where three figures, cloaked in darkness, sat with an air of authority.

Each of them was accompanied by two imposing escorts, their presence a stark reminder of the power they held.

On one end, there appeared a muscular man who looked like a giant. His bulging muscles and imposingly huge figure made the aura around him appear even more intimidating.

Behind him were similarly built men, though none could compare to him.

He had weirdly shaped ears—like an animal, and he had some furry skin on his arm, as well as a white furry tail behind him.

His eyes glowed with blue light, and the fangs for teeth he had were clear as he smiled broadly.

On another end was a short and stout man. He had flowing long beards, and an aged face. Despite that, his wide eyes and crooked grin made it evident that his intentions were anything but pure.

Behind him were two men, both as short as the important man was, though their beards were brown and not white like his was.

Finally, on the last end was a woman with pointy ears, clawless skin, and flowing silver hair.

Her eyes were lustrous green, and a thin linen veil covered her face for the most part.

She had a crooked smile underneath the veil anyway, so no one needed to guess her facial reaction.

And so, in this gathering of the Beast King, the Dwarven Chief, and the Elf Queen, all members of the Triumvirate was accounted for.

As the figures settled into their seats, a sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air. The meeting was about to begin—a gathering of minds steeped in secrecy and illicit dealings.

Their voices, laden with whispered words and veiled intentions, echoed through the chamber.

"It's been a while, my esteemed companions," The Dwarven Chief spoke, his voice low and commanding.

"Tonight, we convene to discuss the state of our respective kingdoms and the flourishing trades that bring us prosperity."

The Beast King chuckled darkly. "Ah, yes. The profits continue to blossom, as our illegal enterprises grow in strength and influence."

In the end, profit and influence was all that mattered to him.

He would sell his own people, or ruin the lives of others, just to make an extra income.


Laughter filled the room, a chilling melody that echoed off the walls.

These three reveled in their exploits, their disregard for laws and morals evident in their gleeful exchange of stories and schemes.

However, the conversation took a darker turn as they delved into more sinister matters.

The focus shifted to the Eastern Empire, the nation that was teetering on the brink of unrest.

"It's getting serious, especially profit-wise. Let's make a decision about it now." The Beast King murmured.

He wasn't particularly good at coming up with plans and strategies, considering his straightforward personality, but he knew his allies were a different breed—literally.

They contemplated the best course of action to solidify their control over the empire, their eyes glinting with a ruthless ambition.

"We must ensure that our grip on the Eastern Empire remains firm," the Elf Queen suggested. "A puppet Emperor will serve us well—a mere figurehead to quell the unrest while we operate in the shadows, manipulating the strings of power."

"Oh? That's perfect! Got anyone in mind?" The Dwarven Chief grinned widely.

"Let's just look for the most popular person in the Kingdom right now. We bring him over to our side either using money, drugs, blackmail, or if it comes down to it, Mind Control Magic." The Elf Queen continued with an arrogant smirk.

"Women are also strong temptations for men, after all."

Everyone knew how the Elf Queen seduced the Emperor of the Eastern Empire with her charms and got most of the power she now possessed from the man's weakness.

The daughter born from that affair was a testament of the Queen's ability to go to any length to get what she wanted.

"Pfft. As long as he can make the sheep get in line, I don't care the method we use." The Beast King added.

Their laughter reverberated through the chamber once more, a chilling symphony that echoed their malevolence.

With a bit more detail, they concluded their decision on what they would do about the current unrest in their previously rivaling nation.

Once it was settled, they ventured on to other topics.

However, as the discussion progressed, the three now turned their attention to perhaps the most pressing matter of all—Aria and Drake, the notorious outlaws.

Whispers filled the air as they acknowledged the threat the duo posed to their clandestine operations.

"They just went off the grid. I didn't expect them to be so witty." The Dwarven Chief clicked his tongue.

"I know, right? I was looking forward to fighting and defeating the Grand Magic Swordsman myself." The Beast King grinned while licking his lips.

"There's a possibility that they're being assisted by a third party." The Elf Queen sighed.

Considering how they had managed to evade capture for two months, it was indeed very strange to think only those two would be capable of such a feat.

"If it's you saying that, then you're probably correct." The Beast King nodded with a smile like the simpleton he was.I think you should take a look at

"We must smoke out the ones aiding those pests." The Dwarven Chief hissed , a glint of menace in their eyes.

"They threaten our profits and our very existence."

Not only was it uncertain just how much they knew about their group, but also the plans they had for the world.

So far, only the Wilds hadn't fallen into their grasp yet. Everything had been under the control of the Triumvirate for centuries now.

Even the Eastern Kingdom, which was in something akin to a partnership with them was now going to be completely subjected by their control and swallowed up by their influence.

They had control over the known world.

"Don't get too worked up about them." The Elf Queen interjected, a sinister smile playing upon their lips.

"I have already sent my elite squad to track them down. Once they locate Aria and her allies... they will be eliminated."

The Elite Squad of the Elf Queen consisted of the most powerful Elves—direct descendant of royalty.

In essence, the Elf Queen's children, nephew, or nieces.

They were the most powerful Elves, and while Aria was known as a prodigy... could she really match the full brunt of the Elf Queen's forces?

Curiosity and surprise rippled through the room, and the Beast King dared to question the Elf Queen's motives.

"Eliminated, huh? Are you sure about that?" He asked

"I was thinking the same thing. Aren't you Aria's mother? Will you really kill her?"

Perhaps it was foolish to ask such a question from someone like the Elf Queen, but curiosity made them do so anyway.

The Elf Queen's ethereal beauty seemed to magnify, her pointed ears and flowing hair accentuated.

Yet, her lips curled into a malevolent smile, betraying her pristine appearance true intentions.

"I have many daughters," She replied casually, her voice dripping with calculated malice.

"I have no use for a good-for-nothing child who can't fulfill her duties and only causes me trouble."

The chilling assurance in her voice sent shivers down her companions' spines.

"Is that so? Well, your resolve is greatly appreciated." The Dwarven King laughed awkwardly.

He, for one, would never coldheartedly sacrifice his seeds.

Everything he was doing was for his descendants to enjoy the fruits of his illegitimate labor.

Looking at the Beast King, it was certain that he too cherished his kids—those who were strong at least.

Unlike them, however, the Elf Queen was brutal to the core.

"There's no need for compassion in our line of business." The Elf Queen must have noticed their sense of unease, but she didn't seem to care in the slightest.

This was a gathering of dark forces, a Triumvirate bound by their shared pursuit of power and control.

As rulers of the underworld, and their respective nations, they were at the apex of power.

"No one who dares to stand in our way should be spared."

The Elf Queen's words hung heavy in the air, a whispered promise of doom for those who opposed them.

"Damn straight." The Beast King joined.

"Correct you all are." The Dwarven Chief added in his own chuckles.

As the meeting concluded, the chamber seemed to absorb their malevolence, leaving only an eerie silence in its wake.

The Triumvirate dispersed, their intentions set in motion, ready to eliminate any obstacle that dared to challenge their dominion.

... Completely unbeknownst to the prey.





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