SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1048 Labyrinth Of Chaos

Chapter 1048  Labyrinth Of Chaos

{Nether Realm: Eastern Continent}

[The Khaos Labyrinth]

"Great Sage, over here. I think I found something." A very gruff voice sounded in the deep dark silent expanse that was the Entrance Region of the Khaos Labyrinth.

The man who spoke was a very buff individual. He had dark skin, with a bald head and a somewhat stern face.

His tone also sounded rough, and based on the complementary nature of his features, it was easy to mistake him for a thug.

... But he really wasn't.

"Ah, Doctor Drake. What did you find?" The man called the Great Sage approached the ebony man.

He had a somewhat thin and lanky frame. He also seemed like a man past his prime—middle aged, at best.

He had a very youthful smile, however, and the glasses he wore glasses complemented his looks.

Unlike the dark-skinned man, who had a tank top and somewhat baggy trousers, the older man had a long dark cloak, with a satchel firmly placed beside him.

He had a curious glint in his eyes as he approach Dr. Drake.

"Aren't these... ah, I see." He murmured, looking at the items that the good doctor had called his attention to.

"Nether Ores, huh? I guess we really are at the right place. The Labyrinth Of Khaos..."

According to legend, there were 21 Great Labyrinths scattered across the world where the treasures of the Prime Ancient Ones were kept.

Obtaining all of these items would allow one infinite power and the ability to completely change the world.

Unfortunately, finding these Labyrinths was the most difficult task imaginable.

"I devoted decades of hardcore research, and finally compiled the list. If this is truly a Labyrinth, then the others I have pinpointed have to be accurate as well."

Unfortunately, he only had the precise location of about ten Dungeons, but it still filled his heart with joy that he found one.

"The Khaos Labyrinth. Finally, we're one step closer to our goals..." The Great Sage smiled to himself, his aged eyes gleaming with hope.

"Great Sage, I'm done scouting the area. It looks safe for now." A feminine voice suddenly echoed from beyond the location of the two who observed the rock.

Standing a distance from them was a damsel of unquestionable beauty.

She had striking silver hair, and her crystal blue eyes could entrap anyone within them. She was currently putting on a gleaming armor, with a sword by her hip, and her helmet  hanging on her back.

"Thank you Aria. I appreciate the trouble." The Great Sage smiled at the young lady, causing her to slowly turn away.

"I-it's nothing. More importantly, what are you both looking at?" She muttered, hiding her face for most of what she said.

"Well, we found Nether Ores. That's enough proof that this place is rich in Nether, and it has been for a long time, such that it has crystalized here after several weathering processes." The Great Sage explained, turning to his companion.

"Right, Dr. Drake?"

"Precisely." He smiled. "Based on mere observation alone, the purity also seems to be of the highest quality. I reckon we'll find more in higher quantities if we venture inside."

Dr. Drake was an expert on biological and geographic studies. He was even more of an expert on these things than the Great Sage... though he would never admit it.

"How about it, Aria? You said the area looks safe, right? We can proceed, then." Dr. Drake smiled excitedly

"No monsters are nearby. There are weaker presences I sensed beyond, but they'll pose no problem for me." She answered sternly, donning a composite befitting a knight.

Aria was the most powerful Magic Swordsman in the world.

She was also an Half-Elf, evident by her pristine beauty, slightly pointy ears, and immense Magic Prowess.

Not only was she skilled at Martial Arts, but she was also very formidable with the blade, thus making her the strongest Magic Swordsman in the current generation.

"That's a relief. Sorry to keep relying on you like this, but you're the only one skilled enough to do—"

"I've told you already, it's fine!" Aria lost her composure for a second, raising her voice a little.

It seemed she realized this, and thus turned away from the Great Sage, holding her face in a somewhat self-chastising manner.

"A-ahem... anyway, it's fine. All three of us decided to journey together to find the Arcanas, didn't we? We all need each other, so it's fine."

The Great Sage and Dr. Drake couldn't help but nod in silence at their comrade's words.

Aria was right, after all.

All of them had their respective roles to play in the discovery of the most powerful items that could possibly exist.

Dr. Drake was a medical professional, though he was even more skilled in Archeology due to his expertise in rocks and minerals, as well as biology.

He was an expert in structural geology, paleontology, and petrology.

His help was indispensable in the search for Arcanas which were buried in Labyrinths—which were essentially rock formations, and we're obscured from all civilization.

As for Aria, she was the muscle of the team. Without her, neither the Great Sage nor Dr. Drake could hope to fight the monsters or other horrors that faced them in the Labyrinths they were challenging.

As for the Great Sage himself, he was the greatest Magic Scholar in the world, and an expert in the very thing they were after.

He had devoted most of his life developing Magic Theories and changing the way the world perceived the concept of Magic.

Not only that, but he spent decades studying the Arcanas, and since he was already nearing old age, he decided to explore the world to find the Arcanas.

This would be his final mission as the Great Sage. His last contribution to the world of Magic.

At least, that was what he openly declared to his comrades.

"Well then... let's venture in, shall we?" He smiled, leading the way for his team.





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