SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1046 The Realm Of Darkness

1046  The Realm Of Darkness


In the depths of a forsaken realm, cloaked in absolute darkness, a woman with crimson skin, a wickedly coiled tail, and bat-like wings writhed in unspeakable torment.

Her once lustrous dark hair hung in disheveled tangles around her ashen face. This tortured soul, bearing the appearance of a succubus, existed in a hell crafted specifically to magnify her suffering.

A maddening silence enveloped the desolate chamber, broken only by the anguished screams and pitiful cries that erupted from her lips.

Her voice, laden with desperation, echoed through the oppressive void, reverberating back upon her with malicious glee.

Yet, there was no one to hear her agonized pleas, no one to witness her torment.

Her scarlet skin, radiant in its demonic allure, now seemed ashen and lifeless, marked by the invisible scars of relentless pain. Her tail, once a symbol of her unearthly beauty, twitched involuntarily, a mockery of its former grace.

The bat-like wings that had once borne her aloft in flight were now tattered and frayed, a testament to the perpetual torment she endured.

Tears streamed relentlessly down her contorted face, mingling with the grime and soot that clung to her tortured form.

They carved paths through the ash-colored veneer of her cheeks, tracing the paths of unspoken sorrows.

Each tear, an embodiment of her anguish, seemed to carry the weight of countless tormented souls.

As the darkness pressed upon her, suffocating and inescapable, she gasped for breath.

Her cries turned into desperate sobs, the sound echoing into the void, only to be swallowed by the oppressive atmosphere.

She curled into herself, her body wracked with sobs, seeking refuge from the ceaseless pain that wracked her being.

Amidst the chaos of her suffering, her lips trembled, and her voice became a mere whisper.

The name of someone dear to her, a lifeline in this abyss of agony, escaped her quivering lips.

"Lewis," she muttered, her voice barely audible above the wails of her torment. "Please... save me..."

With each utterance of his name, her voice grew weaker, her plea more desperate. She clung to the hope that he would hear her, that he would answer her cry for salvation.

Tears fell unabated from her eyes, cascading down her face like a river of sorrow, mingling with her soul's searing torment.

But the darkness remained unyielding, the silence unbroken. In this desolate realm, her pleas went unanswered, her torment unabated.

And so, the Succubus, whoever she was, continued to endure her personal hell, trapped in a cycle of suffering and longing, her voice fading into the abyss.




Emerging from the depths of a swirling vortex of vibrant colors, I found myself transported to an unfamiliar and foreboding realm.

The disorienting journey deposited me into the heart of a dark, cave-like region.

The air felt heavy with a palpable sense of unease, and an eerie silence pervaded the surroundings.

"At least I made it..." Murmuring to myself, I recognized that the protective layer that repelled Nether from me was currently active.

If it wasn't, I wouldn't be alive to think for even a few seconds.

As I glanced around, my eyes strained to pierce through the gloom, but all I could discern was an impenetrable darkness.

A sense of isolation gnawed at my core, and I felt an overwhelming urge to shed light upon my surroundings.

Reaching into the depths of my satchel, my trembling hand found solace in the touch of a familiar object—a luminous  gemstone.

'This should do it.'

It pulsated with an ethereal glow as I held it aloft, casting its soft radiance upon the shadowed expanse.

The illumination revealed the desolation that encompassed me. No signs of life, no familiar landmarks to anchor my presence.

It was as if the cave itself held its breath, waiting in anticipation for my next move. I cautiously stepped forward, my footsteps reverberating through the stillness, the echoes a haunting reminder of my solitude.

After what felt like an eternity of wandering through the dim labyrinth, my eyes caught sight of a faint, glowing region in the distance.

It beckoned to me like a distant oasis, promising an escape from the claustrophobic confines.

'The exit? Finally!'

A flicker of hope ignited within me, urging me onward.

My steps quickened as I approached the luminous gateway, anticipation mingling with trepidation.

But as I breached the threshold, I found myself confronted with a sight that froze the blood in my veins.


Before me sprawled a vast expanse teeming with grotesque and fearsome creatures.

Others engaged in savage battles, their roars of aggression rending the air.


It was a macabre symphony of chaos and violence, and as my presence disrupted their realm, their They lurked amidst the shadows, their forms twisted and monstrous, their every movement hinting at unimaginable power.

Wings beat against the air, creating gusts that carried the stench of decay.

Some feasted on carcasses, their eyes glinting with ravenous hunger.

Others engaged in savage battles, their roars of aggression rending the air.

It was a macabre symphony of chaos and violence, and as my presence disrupted their realm, their attention snapped toward me as one.


Time seemed to slow as I stood rooted to the spot, stark realization washing over me like an icy wave.

In that instant, I comprehended the magnitude of the danger that engulfed me.

The creatures, sensing a vulnerable intruder in their midst, bared their teeth, claws, and fangs, prepared to unleash their fury upon me.

Fear surged through my veins, coursing with an intensity that matched the pulsations of the gemstone clutched tightly in my trembling hand.

I was a stranger in this hostile land, an interloper who had unknowingly trespassed upon their territory.

Survival became my sole purpose as I braced myself for the impending onslaught, desperately seeking a way to navigate this perilous confrontation with the monsters that now regarded me as their prey.

'Wait for me, Karlia! I'll save you!'

For now, though, only one thing became my occupation.





[Welcome To The Nether Realm Arc]

Now, you might think this will be a rehash of everything we've seen in the Lost Worlds Arc, but then you'd be sore mistaken.

This will be a different adventure for sure. Hopefully you all enjoy it.

And I'm grateful for everyone who's made it this far.

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