SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1037 Evil Neron

The young Neron smiled devilishly at the older fellow before him, his mind racing with a mixture of astonishment and admiration.

He couldn't help but be impressed by his opponent's ability to uncover his carefully crafted plan.

Never before had he encountered someone who had managed to lead him on and deceive him for such an extended period of time.

The older Neron's intelligence shone through, and he couldn't deny that he had been outwitted.

A smile played on the younger Neron's lips as he looked at his counterpart, his eyes filled with a mix of intrigue and excitement.

"But what of it?" he said, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

"You've discovered my little game, Neron. But so what?"

Neron's eyes narrowed slightly as he studied the younger version, his voice firm and steady. "Well... for starters, I'll make sure you don't get to destroy my world."

A flash of defiance sparked in the younger Neron's eyes as he stepped forward, his voice dripping with dark satisfaction.

"You misunderstand, Neron. My path is not one of destruction for destruction's sake. It is about the thrill, the stimulation, the chaos."

Neron's brow furrowed, his expression a mix of concern and resolve.

"You speak of stimulation, but at what cost? The lives you've destroyed, the suffering you've caused. Is it worth it?"

A sly grin curved the younger Neron's lips as he raised a hand, fingers crackling with a dark energy.

"You speak of cost as if it holds any meaning to me. I have conquered countless worlds, laid them to ruin, and reveled in the chaos I've wrought."

The older Neron's eyes remained unimpressed as he shrugged.

"You revel in chaos and destruction? You take pleasure in causing pain and suffering? You aren't the first I've seen who's that messed up in the head."

The younger Neron's laughter echoed through the air, chilling in its tone.

"Oh, Neron, you see, I have grown bored with such pursuits. They no longer hold the same thrill for me. But you, you possess the potential to bring excitement back into my existence."

"Oh? How so?"

"Think about it! All these worlds I've conquered, all these lives I've destroyed... they are inconsequential to me. They hold no value at all! They're nothing more than Lumos of meat. That lack of sentiment gives me no satisfaction as I put an end to their miserable existence."

"I see. So you want to destroy my world in particular because you got to know me well. Is that it?" Neron smiled, sighing gently.

"Precisely! It's the reason why I never simply resorted to a mere clone, but decided to share all these months with you—talking and getting closer to you. It would be more stimulating killing your friends and family knowing that I was once close to you!"

"Damn. That's some twisted logic right there."

"Is it? I mean, I had to kill my parents, my friends, my family... everyone back in my original world for stimulation. I haven't quite felt that same high again, but maybe with you, it could be different!" The younger Neron's eyes glinted with an unsettling mix of amusement and challenge.

"If it brings you any comfort, I killed my biological parents too. I guess we're similar in that respect, though the circumstances are quite different..."

In the end, one was downright cold blooded murder, while the other was... complicated.

"Hahaha! You amuse me, Neron! How about we form an alliance? I want you as a partner, an equal. Together, we can create a symphony of chaos, a dance of manipulation that will leave our mark on countless worlds."

More echoes of maniacal laughter echoed from the younger Neron, whose face now contorted in ugly malevolence

Neron's gaze bore into the younger version, his voice as causal as it was nonchalant.

"I think I'll pass."

A flicker of disappointment passed across the younger Neron's face, quickly replaced by a wicked grin.

"You may resist now, Neron, but I can sense it deep within you. The allure of chaos, the craving for stimulation. It calls to you, just as it calls to me."

"You are right. In a way, I was seeking stimulation. I have always been pursuing some sort of meaning—an interesting prospect to keep me engaged. To make me feel alive."

"See? See?! You get it! You get it completely!!!"

"Even when I first met Jared, I found him interesting, which is why I got close to him. I didn't have my memories then, but he was just intriguing. Particular because I sensed a portion of myself in him."

"Well, I don't know about all that, but I can see we're similar, Neron. So why don't you join me?" The young boy offered, his loud voice echoing nothing but a dark expectation

"Can I ask you something first?" Neron stared at the younger version, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"Huh? What is it?"

"Tell me, what do you think about magic? Or power in general?"

The younger Neron tilted his head, contemplating the question for a moment. A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he responded

"Magic, to me, is merely a means to an end. It has always come so easily to me, like second nature. But it became mundane, lacking the challenge and excitement I craved. That's why I sought another form of stimulation, something that would give me purpose."I think you should take a look at

Neron nodded, a glimmer of understanding in his eyes.

"We truly are similar, you and I," he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "We both possess a hunger for something greater, a thirst for power and the thrill of the unknown. But there is one critical difference between us."

The younger Neron raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "And what might that be, Neron?"

Neron's smile widened as he leaned in, his gaze intense.



"I have realized the purpose behind my power, the reason for my existence," he explained, his voice carrying a note of conviction.

Confusion flickered across the younger Neron's face as he furrowed his brow. "What do you mean? What purpose could there possibly be?"

Neron's eyes bore into the younger version, his voice steady and resolute. "Power without purpose is empty. It is merely a tool, a force that can be wielded, but lacks true direction. It is this understanding that sets us apart. It is why I will be the one to win."

"You speak of purpose, but what purpose could be in Magic other than the pursuit of power? In the end, you either get stronger or weaker."

"Precisely." Neron spoke, taking a step closer to the young one before him. "The stronger you are, the more you can do, the weaker you are, the less you are able to achieve.

"It's just as my Master taught me back then..." He smiled, remembering his past with the only woman he ever felt was truly stronger than he was.

"... We make our own meaning through power. The more power you have, the more meaning you can make. The grater the possibilities are, and the less the limitations apply to you."

"You're just using fancy words to justify your theist for more power, aren't you? You sick bastard! Don't pretend you're better than me!"

Neron's smile turned wistful, tinged with a hint of sadness. "Not exactly. Believe it or not, but I never really liked Magic, to begin with."

The air crackled with tension as the two Nerons stared at each other.

"But the people I met... the experiences I had... they changed my perception of everything I once knew."

Silence radiated from their confrontation as Neron took steps forward, undeterred by the glare he recieved.

"Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely..." Neron smiled.

"But truly unlimited power is a blank canvas. As long as I am the artist... there will never exist fools like you."

"W-what are you trying to say? What do you think you're trying to do? You think you can stop me?"


An immense surge of energy suddenly rushed from the body of the younger Neron, cracking the fabric of time that trapped them.

In no time, the world resumed it's natural functions, and both individuals stood on the desolate world that trembled in response to the power that was being exerted.

"Don't misunderstand. I do not possess true unlimited power..." Neron smiled, his hair slowly turning white as his eyes brimmed with radiant blue.

Sparks of light flowed around him, and several particles of immense energy swirled around him .

His smile had no weakness, and his lips pursed to make his true thoughts evident.

"... At least, not yet."





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