SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1035 What Neron Is Up To

[Ruined World]

"It's been a few months since we've started this journey, and yet we're not anywhere close to the goal..."

Neron and his doppelganger, a young Neron, sat beside a crackling campfire on a desolate planet.

They had been traveling together for months, searching for the scattered Arcanas that could help them achieve their individual goals.

For the older Neron, it was to return home, while for the younger one, it was to fix his world.

So far, they had found nine, but the older Neron couldn't help but express a tinge of disappointment.

He let out a sigh, his thoughts heavy on his mind.

Young Neron glanced at his older counterpart, his eyes reflecting curiosity. "What's bothering you, Neron? You seem kind of down."

The older Neron mustered a half-hearted smile. "Ah, it's nothing, kid. Just... thinking about our mission, you know?"

Young Neron raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? What about it? We're doing pretty good so far, aren't we?"

Neron shrugged, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames.

"Yeah, I guess. But it's just that... well, we've been at this for a while, and we've only found nine Arcanas. I was hoping for more progress by now."

"Arcanas aren't that easy to find, are they? According to what you told me, they're extremely difficult. It's almost a miracle we were able to find nine this easily."

"Hmm... maybe you're right." Neron murmured, his eyes focused on the flames.

Young Neron frowned, his brow furrowing. "Hey, don't sweat it, man. We'll find the rest soon enough. It's just a matter of time."

Perhaps it was because the lad was inexperienced, he has that cheerful and optimistic vibe around him.

Neron could see the twinkle in his eyes, and an expression of slight envy coursed through him.

When last was he able to depict such innocence?

He let out a rueful chuckle. "I hope you're right, kid. But that's not the only thing weighing on my mind."

Curiosity sparked in the young boy's eyes. "What else, then?"

Neron hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. "Well... I can't help but wonder about the people I left behind."

"Your friends? You're worried about them?" The younger one asked, his brows raised slightly.

Throughout their journey, Neron hardly mentioned them in their conversations.

They usually just spoke about this world, and several other things like Magic and concepts.

"I'm not. Not really, anyway. They're probably even mad at me right now."

Young Neron leaned in, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Why would they be mad? You're trying to fix everything, aren't you?"

A hint of sadness colored older Neron's voice. "Yeah, I suppose so. But I made some important decisions without talking to them first."

His sad smile deepened and he sighed. "I reckon they might not be too happy about that."

Silence permeated the two as the cackling flames surged around them.

Young Neron's face contorted with surprise. "Wait, seriously? But... why? You're trying to do what's right, aren't you?"

Neron nodded, a tinge of remorse in his eyes. "Yeah, I am. But sometimes people get scared or lose hope. They might not understand the choices I've made. That's why I'm searching for the Arcanas as a backup plan, in case they don't come to rescue me."

Young Neron's gaze softened, a newfound understanding dawning on him. "So, you're tryinh to find another way, even if they give up on you?"

"Yeah. Or else there's the likelihood that I'll be trapped here."

That grim reality dawned on the young lad, causing him to gulp. If Neron was to fail in his mission, then who would help revive this world?

"You can't give up yet, am I right?"

Neron nodded again, determination etched on his face. "Exactly, kid. I won't give up, not for them or for myself. The Arcanas hold the answers we both need, and I'll keep looking, no matter what obstacles we face."

The two Neron counterparts sat in silence, the crackling fire providing the only soundtrack.

Bonded by their shared purpose and burdened by their individual responsibilities, they knew their journey was a test of their resilience and unwavering belief.

Together, they would continue their search for the scattered Arcanas, fueled by the hope that they would uncover the keys to their intertwined destinies.

'Jared and everyone else should be almost done gathering by now.' A soft smile formed on his face.I think you should take a look at

Images of his friend and lover rippled across his mind, and he found himself indulging in those thoughts.

He couldn't deny that he missed them.

'Which is why I should be prepared for the worst case scenario...' Neron's gaze fell on the dancing flames.

'It's all for the best...'


[Several Months Later]

Months had passed since their conversation by the campfire, and the Neron counterparts continued their tireless search for the remaining Arcanas.

As they ventured through treacherous landscapes and faced formidable challenges, their perseverance finally bore fruit.

Young Neron's voice rang out, filled with excitement and triumph.

"Neron! I found it! I found the last Arcana!" he called out, holding the final piece triumphantly in his hands.

The glowing card had an immense energy, as one would expect of an Arcana, and the brightness of the young boy's eyes was enough to sell anyone of the fact.

A mixture of relief and joy washed over Neron's face as he looked upon the complete set.

With all twenty-one Arcanas in their possession, they could now forge the ultimate one—[The World].

This final Arcana held the power for Neron to return to his own world and with all of them gathered together, Neron could finally save his junior's shattered reality.

It was the culmination of their arduous journey.

A wide smile graced Neron's face as he held the assembled Arcanas, feeling the weight of his accomplishment.

"We did it, kid," he said, his voice filled with satisfaction. "We have everything we need."

The younger Neron's eyes gleamed with a mixture of awe and curiosity. He glanced at Neron, his voice tinged with a touch of bitterness.

"You know, all this time, your friends never came for you," he remarked, his tone laced with disappointment. "Now that you've found another way home, do you even care about them anymore?"

Neron's smile remained unwavering as he met the young boy's gaze.

"Of course I do," he replied sincerely. He paused for a moment, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "In fact, there's a little secret I've been keeping from you."

Young Neron's eyebrows furrowed, his curiosity piqued. "A secret? What do you mean?"

Neron leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You see, kid, the truth is, I never really needed the Arcanas to save your world. I could have done it all on my own."





I mean, Neron has saved his own world without really needing an Arcana.

Considering all the feats Jared and co have been pulling, this was to be expected.

But why would Neron do this...?

Let's find out!

Also please check out my new novel!

The title is "Only I Can See The End"

Please support me by checking it out. Thank you all.

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