SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1033 The Divine Revolution

[Moments Later]

As I stood at the precipice of the primitive society in the world, a certain weight of responsibility settled upon my shoulders like a heavy mantle.

Before me stood not only Edward, but also a gathering of people whose lives were about to be forever changed.

This primitive world, with its untapped potential, awaited our touch, our guidance, our vision. Together, we had made the decision to embark on the monumental task of nurturing and developing this budding civilization, each of us bringing our unique skills and knowledge to shape its future.

I understood that the first step on this transformative journey was to awaken the dormant potential within each individual, to unlock the depths of their hidden power.

With a focused gaze, I reached out, delving into the very essence of their being, touching their souls with the spark of awakening.

There were three distinct kinds of energy that the humans in this world could wield, and I had used my Aether to harness them. Resonating them with my Arcana [The Magician], I could produce them in large quantities too.

And that included condensing them in order to form active and functional Cores.

One by one, I infused the people before me with Cores, mystical conduits that would allow them to harness the boundless energy that surrounded them.

In that sacred moment, I witnessed a surge of energy, a symphony of power and possibility, as the Cores awakened within them.

I named these conduits, these fountains of energy, Mana, Chi, and Ki, each representing a distinct facet of their potential.

Some were gifted with Mana Cores, granting them the ability to tap into the supernatural currents of Magic.

Others were bestowed with Ki Cores, empowering them to channel their inner energy, mastering Martial Arts and physical prowess.

And for those with Chi Cores, they possessed a delicate balance, a harmony of both magic and martial ability, enabling them to traverse the realms of possibility.

Yet, in this awakening, doubts lingered among the people.

They had been taught that magic was inferior to the might of Martial arts by their deity and ruler, the God King. Skepticism cast a shadow upon their faces, their belief systems wavering in uncertainty.

'If only they knew how badly their God King lost to me...'

In order to preserve Edward's dignity, though, I refrained from saying anything. We were all seen as Transcendental Beings anyway.

The people still clung to their very inaccurate beliefs, until Edward finally had to step forward to stop this bias, his voice infused with conviction.

"Magic is not a weakness, my friends. It is a gift, a tool that will help us shape our destiny," he proclaimed, his words resonating with authority. "Embrace it, and it will unlock the true potential within you."

Edward's words carried weight, his identity as the God King bolstering their trust in his guidance.

With newfound determination, they embraced the challenge before them, setting forth on the path of learning and mastering magic, their hearts alight with the flame of discovery.

It was actually in the midst of this transformative process, that I made a profound discovery about the effects of these energies within the people.

Those blessed with Ki Cores possessed a natural affinity for martial arts, an instinctive connection to the physical realm.

It became clear to me that Edward, with his unparalleled expertise in the field, would be their ideal mentor, their guide along the path of discipline and skill.

And so, I entrusted him with the task of training those with Ki Cores, allowing him to impart his wisdom and expertise, shaping them into formidable warriors.

Meanwhile, my focus shifted to the individuals blessed with Mana and Chi Cores.

I delved deeper into the intricate arts of magic, unraveling the mysteries of Spells, Grades, and the basic principles that governed them.

I had to admit... it was pretty exciting.

However, I encountered a challenge with those who possessed Chi Cores. The delicate balance of energies within them sought a harmonious support to remain stable.

It was then that inspiration struck, and I realized that Familiars could be the key.

These mystical creatures, bound to individuals and sharing their essence, would provide the much-needed equilibrium for those with Chi Cores.I think you should take a look at

'I have more than enough that I'm not using anyway. Might as well give others so they're useful...'

Drawing upon the weaker Familiars that resided within myself, I shared them with the people, forging connections between them and the Familiars.

This symbiotic bond allowed the people to harness their Chi more effectively, providing a nurturing support for their energy. The Familiars became their constant companions, guiding them, strengthening their Chi, and aiding in their journey towards mastery.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, I marveled at the progress made by the people.

Of course, I was using [The Hermit] to grant me more time in the space, allowing me to fully nurture them.

Their mastery of magic, their honing of martial skills, and their harmonious control over their energy began to flourish. It was a testament to their unwavering dedication, their indomitable spirit, and the boundless potential that lay dormant within each of them.

As my time among them drew to a close, a bittersweet feeling washed over me. The civilization we had nurtured would continue to grow and flourish, long after we were gone. They had become the torchbearers of a new era, the custodians of knowledge, and the guardians of their world.

With their newfound power and wisdom, they were equipped to shape their own destinies, to protect and guide their people with the strength and wisdom we had imparted.

They would be the architects of a future that held infinite possibilities.

And as I stood there, witnessing the transformation taking place before my eyes, I knew that the mission had been a resounding success.

Edward and I had left an indelible mark upon this world, empowering its inhabitants to strive for greatness, to conquer their own limitations, and to embrace the ever-unfolding tapestry of their own potential.

Ciara was busy doing nothing in the meantime, though she mentioned something about training, so that was probably it.

Kuzon and Aloe arrived as soon s I canceled the effects of [The Hermit], right on time. I had to wonder what he and her could have taught them in such a limited amount of time, considering the fact that they didn't have the power to control the flow of time like I did.

They mentioned something about simply evolving the species, and leaving behind a memento to help guide them into the future.

"Kuzon did most of the training, to be honest. I only helped build their technology and improve their way of living a little."

'What did he do?' I had to wonder to myself.

Using my sensory abilities, I sensed essences of Kuzon in every single Demon that existed at the center of the forest, appearing like worms.

I also noticed something akin to a being made of strings, most likely created by his [Marionette], staying with the Demons.

He most likely meant to allow the puppet to teach them in his absence. It wasn't a bad call at all.

'Now I understand what he means by evolution...'

I smiled, realizing we were done with our mission here, and it was finally time for the next step.

'And this one is the most important of all...'

We had to focus on what to do about Neron.





Just so you know, this world and everything that happened here is linked to the SWORDCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Nameless Nobody novel.

So if you want to see how the story evolves or devolves, you can check it out.

Here's the link.


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