SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1006 Ciara's Voyage [Pt 2]

As the first wave of alien soldiers charged, energy blasters aimed in her direction, Ciara unleashed her magic with a flourish.

"[Grand Flame Torrent]."

A torrent of flames erupted from her outstretched hand, engulfing the closest enemies in a searing inferno. Their screams of agony filled the air as they crumbled to the ground, charred remnants of their former selves.

Using her heightened agility, Ciara leaped gracefully, dodging the incoming energy blasts with ease.

With a swift motion of her hand, she conjured a gust of wind that propelled her forward, closing the distance between herself and the next group of adversaries.

As she landed, her fist connected with the face of an alien soldier, her augmented strength shattering bone upon impact.

With each move, she danced with lethal grace, her spells unleashed in rapid succession. Ice spikes erupted from the ground, impaling her foes, while lightning crackled from her fingertips, reducing them to smoldering ashes.

She commanded the very elements, manipulating them to her will, as fire, water, earth, and air responded to her call, devastating her enemies with relentless force.


Ciara Epilson stood at the epicenter of chaos, her entire being thrumming with raw power.

The remnant of the enemies continued hovering around her, their intent clear in the glint of their energy blasters and gleaming blades. Their faces were hidden behind their helmets, but their stubbornness only brought annoyance to Ciara.

'It's useless! You're a worthless waste of time!'

With her immense Mana Pool and the vast wellspring of energy within her, she was a force to be reckoned with.

In Mage Mode, her eyes blazed with determination as she tapped into the very essence of her magic. With a sweeping gesture of her hand, more torrents of flames erupted from her fingertips, engulfing the nearest wave of enemies in a searing inferno.

The air crackled with the heat of her elemental control, scorching the battlefield and reducing the assailants to smoldering remnants.

"You haven't had enough yet, have you?!" Ciara's voice rang out, her words infused with commanding authority.

Her movements were a blur as she wove through the chaos, her agility and strength a testament to the extraordinary power at her command. She leaped and twisted, evading enemy attacks with nimble grace.

One alien soldier lunged at her with a wickedly sharp blade, but Ciara effortlessly sidestepped the strike. "Is that the best you've got?" she taunted, her voice filled with confidence.


A ferocious strike of wind sent everything around her flying away instantly.

Her Mana Pool seemed bottomless, fueling her with boundless energy as she unleashed a barrage of spells upon her foes.

Earth erupted in towering spikes, impaling the alien soldiers unfortunate enough to cross her path. Water surged in tidal waves, crashing into her adversaries and sweeping them away like leaves in a storm.

A group of aliens converged upon her, their energy blasters blazing. Ciara's eyes narrowed, her focus unyielding. She conjured a shimmering shield, deflecting the incoming blasts with ease.

"Your weapons are no match for my magic!" She declared, her voice carrying a mix of pride and defiance.

As the fight wore on, Ciara's dominance became apparent. The alien ranks began to falter, their forces thinning under the relentless assault of her magic.

"Hahahahaha!!!" Her laughter echoed all across the destroyed land. "How about this one?"

Ciara's eyes blazed with an intensity that matched the crackling energy coursing through her veins. The alien soldiers stood before her, their ranks stretching as far as the eye could see.

They trembled, their confidence waning as they witnessed the raw power radiating from the young mage.

"Peak Magic: [Grand Lightning Descent]"

With a sweeping motion, Ciara summoned a storm of lightning from the darkened sky. Thunder rumbled ominously as bolts of electricity crackled and danced in her outstretched hands.

Her mana surged, an unstoppable force yearning to be unleashed.

The first strike came as a blinding flash, slicing through the air with a thunderous boom. An electrified tendril of energy surged forward, arcing and snaking its way through the alien ranks.

The soldiers cried out in agony as the lightning consumed them, their bodies convulsing with each searing jolt.

Ciara's movements were fluid and precise, her attacks relentless. She darted through the chaos, her figure a blur as she weaved between alien soldiers.

With a flick of her wrist, lightning tendrils lashed out, striking with pinpoint accuracy. One by one, the soldiers fell, their bodies smoldering as the electric current scorched their armor.

The very landscape shook beneath her as Ciara's power intensified. She extended her arms skyward, drawing upon the storm's energy. It crackled and surged, building to an explosive crescendo.

Then, with a cry that mingled triumph and fury, she released the full force of the tempest.

A torrential downpour of lightning cascaded from the heavens, engulfing the battlefield in an electrified inferno. The earth trembled beneath the onslaught, the sheer force of the attack decimating everything in its path. The alien soldiers were thrown aside like rag dolls, their bodies reduced to smoldering wreckage.

Ciara's eyes blazed with a ferocity unmatched. She was the embodiment of nature's wrath, a harbinger of destruction and retribution.

With each lightning strike, she carved a path of devastation, leaving a wake of despair in her wake.

The alien soldiers, once a formidable force, were now broken and demoralized. Fear etched across their alien faces as they witnessed their comrades fall one by one. T

he realization of their impending doom settled upon them like a suffocating weight.

The ground crackled beneath Ciara's feet as she unleashed another surge of lightning, tearing through the remnants of the alien soldiers. Their screams of anguish filled the air, drowned out by the crackling power that surrounded and utterly swallowed all of them.


The landscape was marred with smoldering craters and twisted debris.

Smoke billowed into the sky, mixing with the scent of ozone and burning metal.

"Haaa..." Ciara stood tall amidst the destruction, her breath heavy and her body pulsating with residual energy.

"They're all dead, huh?"

Unfortunately, this wasn't the end. Ciara knew that much, considering the backup she sensed moments ago.


A loud rumble filled the air, drawing her attention upward.

Several massive alien ships emerged from the sky, their ominous presence casting a shadow over the battlefield.

Determination burned in Ciara's eyes as she assessed the new threat. She refused to be cowed by their arrival.

"NOTHING will stand in my way!" With a surge of energy, she propelled herself into the air, soaring toward the menacing vessels.

Energy blasters fired from the ships, streaking toward her with deadly accuracy. But Ciara's reflexes were honed to perfection.

She twisted and spiraled through the barrage, narrowly avoiding each lethal projectile. With a flick of her wrist, she conjured an immense gust of wind, hurtling it toward the ships.

The force of the tempest sent the vessels rocking and spinning off course, their aim faltering.

"Where is Jerry?!!" Ciara shouted, her voice carrying across the battlefield.

Ciara's determination surged as she closed the distance, unleashing her most devastating Spell yet.

"[Grand Extinction]"

A brilliant ray of light appeared beyond the sky, and all of a sudden, massive meteors began to rain from above.

The balls were coated in flames and lightning, easily sending the very atmosphere vibrating due to the sheer pressure the multiple meteors generated.

Bolts of fire rained down upon the ships, scorching their hulls and engulfing them in flames. She channeled the very essence of lightning, sending crackling tendrils of electricity through their metallic frames.


Explosions rocked the sky as the alien ships crumbled under the relentless onslaught of the Spell.

Ciara's power radiated with an intensity that seemed to defy the limits of her mortal form.

It was completely unreal!

As the last remnants of the alien fleet fell from the sky, Ciara descended to the ground, her chest heaving with exertion.

The battlefield lay in ruins, the once formidable enemy reduced to mere wreckage. She stood amidst the destruction, her eyes gleaming with a fierce determination.

"Now that the nuisances have been taken care of... I can begin my search."



[Limbo Zone, Ciara Epilson's Base]

'Imagine me going through all that trouble, just to find out that this is a different world completely and the Jerry here is actually dead.' Ciara sighed internally as she stared at her doppelganger.

'Everywhere I went, as long as there were security officers of those pesky Grand Federation, I was regarded as an enemy. I can't even count how many people I've killed already... and it's all thanks to her infamy.'

Ciara pretty much knew how her doppelganger was a high-profile criminal according to the Grand Federation.

'I haven't been able to access their headquarters, and even if I did I'm not sure that would lead me home. Besides, with me being wanted criminal, my options are limited...'

Her Original Magic was still on the fritz, and the only reason she could affect the girl in front of her was because she was her doppelganger.

As Ciara stood before her doppelganger, a sense of calculated triumph washed over her. Her mind replayed the sequence of events that had led her to this moment, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.

'Our wavelengths are different, but we share a lot in terms of our psyche. That's enough for me...'

Now, as she gazed at the doppelganger, a twinge of sympathy flickered within her. However, it wasn't enough to dissuade her from her already made-up mind.

'If I deliver this Ciara to the Grand Federation, I should finally be able to move more freely. If I can also get the cooperation of the Grand Federation, I should be able to return home...'

Her plan was simple yet calculated.

By delivering the doppelganger into their custody, she would earn their trust and, in turn, gain access to the information she sought.

Ciara's eyes hardened with determination as she focused on her ultimate goal: returning home.

'The Grand Federation holds at least some portion of the key to my return. And as long as there's that small chance... that's all I need.'





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