SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1172 The Chosen One

Chapter 1172 The Chosen One

In the small patch of land, locked between the two major states of Lycca and Pheron, all under the banner of the United Alliance Nation, there was the town of Ephron.

It was located just beyond the twin mountains that anyone could see from a distance, though from a particular angle, their peculiar shapes formed a certain odd image, given thier perkiness.

Ephron wasn't very large, and its population only numbered a few thousand. As a small town, they mostly engaged in substinence farming—or at least, they used to.

However, this very town had been tansformed into a tourist center nearly overnight.

It constantly buzzed with an unreal crowd for such a small, unremarkable village. Despite how uncivilized a place like this was supposed to look like, it had the best kinds of facilities that would definitely rival the biggest cities.

The walls that circled their villages was made from the best of materials, and their roads were tiled. Their houses were built with the best stones and wood, and facilities such as constant water supply were also handled.

No other small town could boast of something like this.

Small-scale farming was abandoned by the denizens, and there mere toll obtained from tourists was enough to keep money flowing through the pockets of the previously impoverished denizens of Ephron.

The future seemed to be looking up well, and life had never been better for them.

And all of this was because of one man.

Zephyr Xanders… also known as the Hero of the World.

About thirty years ago, the seal to the Demon World finally broke loose, and a great war ensued that plunged the entire world to ruin.

Civilizations crumbled, and the Demons—led by the Demon Lord—sought the complete annihilation of everything that existed besides their malevolent race.

The races of the world joined forces and made the continent due South as their final stronghold, creating the United Alliance Nation.

They all struggled against the Demons, fighting a losing war that only dwindled their numbers as time passed. All hope seemed to be lost, and after fifteen years of a long, bitter war… deapair had already set in for thr world.

The Demons were well on their way to conquest, and the fate of the remnant of the Alliance was sealed.

Utter extinction awaited them.

… Or so they thought.

That was when the legendary Hero, Zephyr Xanders appeared seemingly out of nowhere!

He was only fifteen years old at the time, but he displayed power that no adult dared boast of. He was stronger than the greatest warriors of the Alliance, and he had more profeciency in Magic than the world's leading Mages.

He was a child prodigy—a genius!

No… perhaps he was more than that. Geniuses appeared every now and then, but no one like Zephyr had ever appeared in the world's history.

He was eventually deemed as the Chosen One… the Hero from Heaven!

This very Hero went on to face the horde of Demons with his elite team, called the Hero Party, and together they marched into the heart of the Demon Territory, achieving victory after victory.

Until finally, after much sweat, blood and sacrifices, the Hero was able to reach the Demon King's castle.

After what could only be described as the most destructive battle that nearly tore through the balance of the world, the Hero emerged the victor, finally eliminating the Demon King and all of his minions.

This brought an end to the long fifteen-year war.

The next five years were used by the Alliance to recover its strength and rebuild. Under the protection of the Hero, they properly established themselves as the single nation of the world, run by a council that consisted of a represntative from each race.

It was a perfect system of governance, and this administration caused everyone to live in peace and order.

And now, ten years had passed since all of that. Tales of the war were now left to stories, and the world was experiencing nothing but peace.

As for why Ephron became such a hub, it was because Zephyr Xanders was born there.

Yes, he was raised by peasant parents, having no connection or ties to anyone noteworthy, yet he was able to rise above everyone else in the world.

His story served as an inspiration for everyone who knew him—especially those who were born in small towns and in simple households.

"Anyone can be great if they work hard! Look at Zephyr!"

That became a slogan that became passed around the world, and so even after the long war, the Hero remained a symbol of hope for the world.

A true Chosen One.


"U-urgh…" Zephyr woke up with a mile headache as he opened his eyes.

His luxurious room greeted his eyes, and the large bed he currently lay on offered him comfort. He looked beside him and noticed his wife was still speeping.

As he watched her pointed ears perk up, what always happened when Elves were in deep sleep so that they could sense danger even when resting, Zephyr smiled.

His wife's beautiful face was buried in her long white hair, and that caused his smile to increase even more.

'She's too cute.' He thought to himself.

Even though he had been married to her for ten years now, he had never gotten tired of seeing her every morning. He constantly felt a sense of joy when he looked at her and the two children they had together.

He still couldn't believe someone like him was given a second chance like this.

'I dreamt of my previous life again… back when I had nothing.' Zephyr thought to himself as he rose from his bed.

His well-built body was bare due to his nakedness, and his immensely handome face could make any woman fawn over him. Zephyr thought back to how unattractive and chubby he looked like in his previous life, and a wry smile formed on his face.

He stepped away from his bed and stood in front of the mirror that was carefully hung on the wall.

His blond hair, azure eyes, and overall charming look never ceased to amaze him.

He was no narccissit, though. Zephyr only made it a habit to stare at himself in the mirror in order to remind himself of who he currently was.

No longer was he the "Piggy" that all the mean kids in school called him, or the waste of space that his family referred to him as.

No, he was different now.

He was the Hero of the Wordl!

Zephyr smiled at himself and touched the flat surface of the mirror, unable to let go.

'People often wonder how I was able to rise to the top despite growing up in the boonies, from ordinary parents…'

He never told them his secret, so everyone assumed his story served as an inspiration to every average kid out there.

They were wrong, though.

He was far from average or normal. Everything about the circumstances of his birth, as well as his existence in this world, was due to a miracle he had only read about in his past life.


'I was reincarnated into this world after a shitty life in my past one, and I plan to live my life to the fullest here!'

Yes, this was Zephyr Xavier's true story, a secret he planned on taking to the grave with him.

Unfortunately, that moment was drawing closer than anyone could expect.

… He just didn't know it yet.





Thanks for reading.

Yes, I know it seems like a diversion from the main story, but it really isn't.

Read the next chapter, and it'll all make sense, I promise.

All of this stuff is important.

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