SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1144 Overpowering Pressure

Chapter 1144 Overpowering Pressure

Legris Damien.

The architect of the grief of the people present in this room, but also the surest bet at ever reuniting with their most loved ones.

No one knew his location, but they had to assume he was also in their universe, else the influence of Nether wouldn't be as strong. It was perhaps this very notion that made Jane and her allies so fixated on the Corruptions that were spreading from the Hive.

"You say we'll finally be able to explore more of the universe? What do you mean by that? Aren't we doing so already?" Serah Crimson raised her hand to ask, being the most forward among the group.

Everyone was curious about what Jane had up her sleeve.

Well… almost everyone.

"What we've been exploring are close planets, connected through a network that exists withi our immediate solar system or maybe even galaxy. Jane is suggesting leaving our little bubble and exploring the other millions of galaxies that exist outside our sphere of inflience. Am I correct in that assumption?"

The one who spoke was also a Fairy like Jane, so perhaps that was why he understood so much of her words and potential plans.

"That's correct, Beruel. I have been sending probes to learn more about the world beyond what we have mapped. Initially, thet were too ill-equipped to handle such travels, or return due to communication issues. But after constant trials and errors, as well as some of Beruel's support, I was finally able to make functional batches that were not only capable of surviving for so long beyond our world, but also had the capacity to return."

"So that's what those things were for. I knew it." Beruel, former Fairy King, smiled as he folded his hands while resting his back on his custom-made seat.

Since he was a fairy, his chair had to be elevated to the point where he coyld place his hands on the table. Plus, it was smaller and more comfy—per his design.

It was no secret that a few envied how comfortable his chair looked compared to their plain seats.

"In any case, the probes are slated to return within an estimate of two weeks, and once they arrive we'll be able to learn so much from them. I have gotten some correspondence now, and the data looks promising. It's incomplete, though, so I need more."

Somehow, the darkened faces of the people slowly began to exhibit more light.

If Jane was right, then eveb after taking care of the Hive, they still had more ground to cover and more clues that would point them in the direction of their missing ones, or the malefactor behind the disappearance.

"About this Hive mission, we can handle it, right? Then what's the delay?" The one who asked a question this time was Gerard, The Beast King.

He had a fearless grin on his face, and his eyes seemed to ooze nothing but violence.

"Relax, big man. There are a bunch of things to consider, am I right, Jane?" Aurora, the Elf Queen added, her eyes shrewdly studying Jane's face.

"That's right." The Fairy moderator admitted. "It's mostly a precaution."

"What is it about?"Dwarf Chief Dulum asked, rubbing his beards in curiousity. After silently observing for a while, he too wanted to get a word in.

"There's a chance that my calculations might be off the mark, so the Hive might be more dangerous than estimated." Jane bagen, flexing her glasses as a short sigh leaked out of her small lips.

That wasn't the most troublesome aspect of their potential mission, however.

"There's a chance that Legris or Ciel might be behind the Hive. If that's the case, and we're unprepared, we might suffer a loss."

Jane's sudden statement caused a chill to spread through the crowd. For a moment, silence took complete charge and no one uttered a word.

No one could say anything.

"W-what does that matter? Aren't we searching for him? If he presents himself on a silver platter, all we have to do is eliminate him right there and then." Gerard roared, flexing his muscle as he tried to get rid of the tension in the air by his confident tone.

Perhaps his efforts were a little more than just boosting morale, as he glanced in the direction of Serah Crimson.

She wasn't even looking in his direction, instead her countenance showed her to be in deep contemplation.

"Don't be a fool, Gerard. Legris Damien is a shrewd one. There is a reason it's problematic for him to be present within the Hive, even if we expect it." Z'ark's aged and wise tone reverberated from his miniature dragon form.

His eyes narrowed and shone amber as he slowly closed them.

"What did you just say?" Gerard burst out in annoyance, veins showing on his face.

Once again, he glanced at Serah Crimson, but found her not even looking in his direction. The frustration he felt had to be directed somewhere, and the Dragon King had just made himself the prime target.

"You really like to run your mouth, huh?"

"I only uttered the truth."

"You overgrown lizard."


"Bitch!" Gerard rose to his feet, now caught up in his emotions as he glared at the composed Dragon King.

Something about Z'ark's smile unnerved and frustrated Gerard more.

"Why don't you—?!"


A sudden pressure filled the room before Gerard could complete his sentence, and before Z'ark could respond.

It felt so heavy and overpowering that it overwhelmed the senses and caused both warring parties to keep their mouths shut while sitting in the most bone-chilling manner ever.

Everyone else in the room could feel the pressure too, and it was devastating.

Not a single person remained unaffected.

"E-erm… S-Serah… please retract your pressure." Jane Ursula managed to creak out as she fixed her gaze on Serah's frowning countenance.

The poor Fairy could barely maintain her flight.

'Ah… my apologies." Serah's face slowly returned to normal, and she swiftly spoke in recognition of her actions.

Soon after, the pressure that had pervaded the meeting hall vanished, now replaced with a clear, conducive environment.

Even at that, no one spoke.

Perhaps they were too stunned by Serah's sudden display of overwhelming power. Or maybe… they were shocked to see her lose her cool despite the several years of constant positivity.

Serah turned to Jane, and with a gentle smile and bright eyes, she broke the silence.

"Please continue the meeting."





Just how powerful is Serah Crimson? We have no idea!

Maybe make a guess, everyone?

Thanks for reading!

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