SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1130 The Power Of Love

Chapter 1130 The Power Of Love

Once the ice was broken, all four women ended up having more fun than expected.

They discussed their time together, and some funny experiences they had.

Perhaps this was to distract them from the anxiety that came with waiting for Jane's device to finish processing the data, or simply a way to buy time.

Either way, they seemed to be having enough fun to make it all work.

"You know, Miss Jane, I could actually help out here. With this entire operation. I have some expertise in Magic Technology and Scholarship. I am also very adept at research. If we work together, I'm sure we could—"


Jane's flat response didn't surprise anyone.

This wasn't the first time Ana had raised the issue of working with, or even for Jane Ursula. Every time it happened, even if it was simply for the role of an apprentice, Jane would shoot down Ana's offer.

It felt like such a common occurrence, so no one paid it much mind now.

"But I can really—"

"I have said this before, but you are more useful in gathering field data. I can't leave such a task to any other person but you and a few others. Compared to them, you're the most brilliant too. Plus, I have enough manpower here, so there's really no need for more hands on deck."


Ana definitely had responses to counter Jane's point. An example would be to utilize an Automaton in her place in order to accurately gather field data, or how having two intelligent minds in the lab would even cause more innovative development than simple manpower.

But Jane would simply find another reason to counter her point, so Ana decided to give it up.

Why had she even brought it up in the first place?

"Well, I guess that's enough small talk. You ladies can show yourselves out. I need to do more tests and analysis." Jane rose to her feet, or one could say she flew from her seated position.

Her pink wings fluttered behind her as her lab coat swayed with the wind, and while she was much smaller than the rest of them in height, none could deny her presence.

Once Jane rose, the rest followed suit.

"I'll inform you three when the data has been completely analyzed. Though, I think it'll probably be best to wait for everyone's return so we can hold a general briefing and discuss what I find, as well as the plan going forward."

Serah, Maria, and Ana could only nod.

Of everyone on the team, Jane was the oldest and most integral in their search for the missing ones.

They all knew when to leave it to her, and so they filed out of Jane's room in an orderly fashion, with her floating right behind them.

Even though her gaze seemed distracted for a second, a smile remained on her face.

Same old Jane Ursula.


"Am I the only one who thinks Miss Jane is hiding something?"

As the three women walked side by side, taking in the wonderful sight of the lush fields that existed just outside the Fairy Capital, Ana's lips were moving, and her eyes flickered with something more than mere doubt.

It was full-blown suspicion.

"What do you mean, Ana?" Serah sighed, clearly tired, but still trying her best to hear the younger woman out.

Maria didn't seem to care, but she listened in anyway.

"I feel like she acts suspicious at times. Like, one moment she seems to have all the time in the world, and suddenly she has to go do something. She seems distracted at other times too. The most inopportune moments."

"Well, isn't it natural that her line of work would involve some unexpected issues arising? She's literally handling very complicated technology that needs constant monitoring and attention." Serah once again took Jane's side.

"But she has Automatons for that. Also, from what I have observed, the RWD doesn't need manual supervision. It only requires specialized expertise when activating certain functions, and even that can be efficiently addressed by specifically creating a system that functions with the algorithm to map out the frequencies of—"

"Ana…" Serah's tone cut her off, and it was clear that the younger woman was nerding out again.

This was why no one could take her seriously. Well, other than her child-like physique.

"A-ah, sorry. What I mean is that it is not as hard as she makes it seem. I think she's doing something behind our backs. I have no proof, but from what I'm seeing, it all just seems a bit suspicious is all."

For a moment, all the women fell silent. Perhaps after noticing the consistent seriousness of Ana's tone, they decided to take her words more seriously.

"You did have your suspicions about J-Jared being Lewis back then. You might be up to something…" Maria mumbled, her lips quivering at some point in forming the sentence.

The two other women noticed her hesitance, but chose to ignore it. Maria would do the same for them, after all.

"You also think so, Maria?" Serah glanced at the lull face of Maria, and saw her nodding slightly.

"Haa… you girls. Okay, fine. Maybe we'll confront her about it later."

"Why don't we just sneak around to uncover the secret? It'll be more fun that wa—ouch… what was that for?"

Ana's hand was on her head as small bubbles of tears formed on the corners of both her eyes.

The knock Serah gave was more than enough to make even a grown man bawl, but Ana prided herself on her ability to hold tears in.

She wasn't going to break her no-cry streak now.

"Let's not be mischievous. We'll ask her straight on. If she proves difficult, we might get sneaky later… but only as the last option."

"But by then she'll realize we suspect her and might improve the security." The most unexpected rebuttal to Serah's point came from Maria herself.

"Ah-ha! See? Even Maria thinks my plan is better!" Ana grinned victoriously, but quickly slid back so she wouldn't be hit by Serah once more.

… Not that she could avoid a knock from the woman even if she tried.

"You really want to go with Ana's plan? Really, Maria?" Serah's tone and face displayed just how shocked she was at Maria's response.

"I'm… just saying," Maria added.

Apparently, she wasn't taking sides. Just telling everyone the obvious.

"I think we should be as honest as possible with each other. Asking Jane about it would be better." The stoic girl finally concluded.

Hence, the ultimate victor was Serah.

"Tch. Fine… let's do it your way. Even if I was the one who brought this whole thing up…" Ana grumbled as they kept walking.

She had to admit that a direct confrontation would work best when considering how close they had become to Jane, and how they were all a team. However, even if they decided to sneak around to find out the truth, Ana didn't see anything wrong with it.

'She's the one that started sneaking around to hide her secrets first…'

But Ana quickly cautioned herself. Perhaps she was being too forward and feeling entitled to Jane's secrets.

Everyone had things they hid, and perhaps for good reasons.

'If only I had been this considerate towards Jared back then…'

After all, she had been very impulsive back then, and even though she was much older now, she still found herself with some of her old habits.

'People keep things for a reason…'

Serah had her reasons for hiding her grief with a smile. Maria had her reasons for never mentioning Jared or showing much of an interest in anything.

And she… she had her reasons for not crying despite how much she felt like it.

Perhaps Jane had her reasons for hiding her secret—whatever it was.

"Yeah. You're right." Ana smiled, finally sighing at herself. "Let's ask her nicely."

"Precisely! Seems you understand now!" Serah smiled, nodding vigorously.

"Umu." Maria also bobbed her head gently.

All three of them kept walking freely, and before long… silence took over.

What more could they talk about?

"Do you… think she'll find something this time?" Maria finally broke the silence with one of her blunt questions.

Whether the rest of them would admit it or not, the three women were all thinking the same thing.

Would this be the time? Would they finally get the information they desired?

"When everyone returns, and we have the meeting… we'll find out. Till then, I guess it's fingers crossed."

Ana's response was the most authentic anyone could give.

Serah nodded in response to it, and so did Maria. The three women looked at each other for a moment, and their darkened faces slowly formed smiles.

"It's been a while since it happened, hasn't it? I hope this time for sure… we find them." Maria was speaking a lot, which was uncharacteristic of her.

But Ana and Serah could understand.


"That would be nice."

Even after so long, they hadn't lost hope that they would once again reunite with their lovers.

Because, despite it being ten years since the Wedding, they hadn't lost hope.

They still held on.

"We'll find them… no matter what."

That was the only reason why they could smile… even in the face of darkness or despair.

Perhaps it took a special kind of power to overcome grief and sorrow, and continue living despite the constant gnawing pangs of loneliness and fear.

That power wasn't Magic.

It was love.





Thank you for reading this six-chapter perspective into the ones who were left behind.

Ten years have passed since Jared and the others went missing, yet hope isn't lost.

And now, we cut back to Jared's story, as well as the mystery surrounding the absence of everyone.

We are all wondering the same thing.

… What in the world happened?

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