Sovereign of the Ashes

Chapter 609: Arrest

Chapter 609: Arrest

Thunderfall World experienced shorter days and nights compared to Magus World.

The farther north one traveled, the shorter the days became and the longer the nights grew.

Despite years in Thunderfall World, Sein’s perception of time remained anchored to that of Magus World.

In fact, nearly all the knights and mages engaged in the interplanar war adhered to the Magus World’s time, reflecting their deep sense of belonging and identification with it—even while residing in a foreign plane far from their home.

The skies of Thunderfall World were often shrouded in thick clouds. Even during the day, the Thunder Domain remained dimly lit.

This region was perpetually dark and overcast, save for the intermittent flashes of lightning that pierced the sky, briefly illuminating this territory to which few creatures belonged.

At dawn, Sein roused the group of knights who had indulged the night before.

Stationed on the outskirts of the Thunder Domain, they were not overly concerned about surprise attacks from the Garths, given the significant presence of the Magus World Army deeper within the territory.

However, they would not be able to experience the joy and ease of the previous day again anytime soon.

While Sein and his group were scheduled to advance into the depths of Thunder Domain in half a month to assist the other knight legions, they needed to begin preparations soon.

Sein, experienced in interplanar wars, was tasked not only with preparing sufficient potions and magic equipment but also with strategizing for the upcoming mission.

Having a knowledgeable mage on the team was indeed a significant advantage.

It was no surprise that Gould and the others had become increasingly reliant on Sein, rarely needing to think for themselves.

Whenever the command center issued orders, it was Sein who meticulously planned their execution.

After seven or eight years of shared battles, he had become the trusted backbone of the group, consistently proving more reliable than his comrades.

In this group, Sein’s importance even surpassed that of the formidable Reina.

His core team included not only Gould, Reina, and Natalya but also two Rank Two Land Knights—Tristan and Parker.

Additionally, Sein directly commanded over a hundred Rank One knights, nearly five thousand enslaved creatures, and more than two thousand natives of the Thunder Range.

Kelman, Jeremy, Julius, and the Reverse Winged Lion King were not part of Sein’s team.

Perhaps this was because they were Sein’s elders, and it would have been unseemly for them to take orders from him—knights, after all, still valued their honor.

In recent years, Sein had perceived the weakening of the Order of the Steel Fist in this interplanar war.

For instance, the legions of enslaved creatures under their command had not been reinforced with new troops by the fortress command center since their last replenishment two years ago.

If not for Sein’s adept apothecary skills, allowing him to mass concoct healing potions that could heal injuries and boost potentials on the battlefield, the losses among these enslaved creatures would have been far greater.

The other knight legions had eyed Sein’s legion of enslaved creatures, hoping to borrow them.

However, such attempts were consistently thwarted by Natalya and Reina. Only a few within the order dared to provoke these two, notoriously nicknamed the "female T-Rexes."

Additionally, both their fathers were Sky Knights and commanders within the Order of the Steel Fist.

This combination of factors had shielded Sein and his group from internal conflicts within the order over the years, fostering a strong sense of unity among them.

In his interactions with other knights, Sein had also strategically avoided disputes over the allocation of enslaved creatures.

While he had not relinquished any of his own, he had generously provided surplus basic potions to the other knight legions—those that were not essential for his group.

These gestures, offered as favors, had helped him maintain positive relations and avoid hostility.

Just six months ago, Sein’s unit collaborated with three neighboring knight legions in a significant battle, decimating nearly forty thousand Garths.

Sein’s sound amplification spell quickly roused the hungover knights.

Even if they had been inebriated just moments before, they were soon alert and ready to resume their duties.

Reina, who had spent the night eating, stood up and dusted her brass-colored skirt armor.

She casually tossed aside a huge bone stick, still flecked with bits of meat, next to a pile of bones that towered three or four meters high—evidence of her ravenous appetite throughout the night.


A loud belch escaped Reina’s lips.

She tilted her chubby chin toward the sky, her braid drooping down.

For her, eating was not just sustenance but a form of entertainment; a way to keep both mind and body content.

Natalya kept her arm around Sein throughout the night. Initially, he thought she was merely intoxicated, but even as dawn broke, she refused to release him.

A scarlet flush tinged her wheat-colored skin, but she did not seem to be drunk.

The camp was stirring to life, punctuated by Gould’s voice, which boomed like thunder.

Sein frowned slightly and grunted softly, prompting Natalya to finally withdraw her hand self-consciously.

What was she thinking?

Sein had not anticipated that a female knight might take such liberties with him, a male mage. In the early years of their acquaintance, he would not have tolerated such behavior.

However, years of camaraderie and shared battles had softened his stance; he was no longer bothered by such trivial matters.

Several years ago, he had removed a section of Natalya’s breastplate to treat a severe electrical burn near her rib cage.

Over the years, Sein’s commands and authority had been firmly established and respected.

Now, as more knights, enslaved creatures and natives of the Thunder Range began to rouse, rallying for the day ahead, Sein pondered his next steps.

He was considering whether to visit the command center or seek out the nearest Sky Knight for an update on the looming conflict.

However, there was no need for Sein to initiate this encounter.

Two knights from the command center, with whom Sein was only casually acquainted, approached him with urgency.

Unlike their usual demeanor, their faces were grave as they hurriedly flew toward him.

“Come with us!” they called out as they neared.

“The Order of the Dark Sword has sent a dozen law enforcement knights to arrest you for colluding with black mages! Sir Talman, the branch hall master, would like to meet you!” one of them added urgently.

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