Soul of Negary

Chapter 229: Vol3 Ch29: Evil God

Chapter 229: Vol3 Ch29: Evil God

In this world, there were two types of entities called Evil Gods.

The first were the ‘remnant ash’ Evil Gods, which referred to elven Gods that remained from the ancient war. During the ancient era of the elves, all paths of faith took the Moon Tree as its foundation, followed by the three great God Lords who served the Moon Tree.

Under the three God Lords’ guidance, the elves invaded other worlds, plundering those worlds’ Source Energy to strengthen themselves, so a few of the elves naturally grew strong during their invasions.

A portion of these elves grew to become elven Gods, but when they were invaded in return, the seven Righteous Gods swept the three God Lords together with these minor Gods off their pantheon. Today, due to their close connection to this world, as well as the seven Righteous Gods’ intention to leave them to their own devices to a certain degree, some of the elven Gods managed to survive.

Because of the seven Righteous Gods’ curse on the moon, they became chaotic and twisted, no longer able to retain their elven God appearances from before.

They now instinctively required large amounts of sacrifices simply to maintain their own sense of self, thoroughly solidifying their status as malignant tumors.

Other than the Evil Gods who were twisted leftover elven Gods, the other kind of Evil God were the otherworldly Evil Gods.

From a certain point of view, Negary fit the description of these Evil Gods perfectly.

This referred to powerful entities from other worlds, perhaps they weren’t quite as powerful as the seven Righteous Gods, they were still powerful entities in their own rights. By sending objects that contained a part of their power into the various worlds, they developed their believers and readied themselves to invade these worlds at a moment’s notice.

Due to the Moon Tree world’s mobile characteristic, as well as the suppression of the will of the world, it just happened to gather and accumulate a large number of these objects.

The God of the pinky finger worship was one of these otherworldly Gods, and most likely, the one behind the [Lester’s Demonic Path] book was such an Evil God as well.

Negary had consolidated a lot of summoning-related knowledge, as well as the knowledge of regular rituals, and transferred it all into Birosius’ mind. The large amount of knowledge had caused his mind to become more unstable than ever before.

Combined with Negary’s knowing guidance, Birosius was literally induced into becoming insane.

Countless knowledge flickered through his mind, his brain felt unprecedentedly active, as if his past self was nothing more than a dumb pig whose head was stuck in a door frame.

His original perception of the world had been thoroughly shattered, many of the things he once cared about now no longer mattered, insane thoughts were brewing in his mind without stopping, he wished to see the blooming of this truth, and couldn’t wait any longer.

Without hesitation, Birosius leapt out from the room of the house he was in, no longer trying to conceal himself, or rather, he no longer understood the concept of ‘concealment’.

Welcomed by the high-pitched screams of the house’s owner, Birosius let himself into a new building, easily connected his thoughts to the fingers he carried and borrowed the power of the Evil God from within them. As a bright red glow surrounded his body, he easily turned the man of the house who had just gotten out of bed from hearing the commotion into a pile of writhing deformity.

Without caring about the woman’s desperate cries, he smashed her head in, chopped off her pinky finger and covered it with the bright red power of the Evil God, temporarily preserving it.

Now wearing a mad grin on his face, he directly crashed through the wall into the next house, swiftly continuing his actions without pause, killing everyone who stood in his way and hunting the pinky fingers of any woman.

This situation was soon discovered by the Night Watchers and knights of the church, who then gathered their forces in this general direction.

“Stop your evil deeds, sinner” a Night Watcher who donned an owl mask landed not too far away from where Birosius was, already wielding a large saw blade in his hand. Quite obviously, he knew who he was facing.

In the Night Watcher’s headquarters, Birosius’ bounty was still fresh on the wall. Killing him would earn anyone a large amount of merit, which could be used to exchange for more magical tools or augmentations.

As his baggy leather coat fluttered in the late night wind, the Night Watcher chanted a strange incantation to stimulate the whetstone hidden on his leather gloves, drawing the mystical power within it as black mist that slowly infused into his saw blade.

This man’s body had undergone augmentation. The church was capable of implanting portions of supernatural creatures into the bodies of humans to grant them increased strength of various natures.

For example, this Night Watcher had exchanged his eyes and one of his arms with a supernatural creature, at the same time implanting the heart of another supernatural creature next to his actual heart, which granted him a terrifying level of power.

With a swing of his saw blade, he cut down the street lamp, causing everything around to be plunged into darkness. His pupils then greatly dilated like a cat at night, giving of a green tint that gave him night vision.

“Those who prevent the blooming of truth can all go to hell!”

The Evil God’s power around Birosius’ body turned an ominous bright red and focused around his eyes, the pair of now-shattered eyeballs stared straight at the approaching Night Watcher, with seemingly palpable madness pouring out from it.

His hands directly grabbed the edge of the swinging saw blade, as blood dripped down his hand, Birosius looked up at the opposing Night Watcher and eerily chuckled: “I can see...”

“The truth!!!” the Evil God’s power within Birosius’ hand madly convulsed and shattered the saw blade, turning it into scattering fragments.

“How is that possible...?” the Night Watcher was shocked, but then heavily swung his arm. His right hand swiftly inflated into several large tentacles and lashed towards Birosius.

My saw blade was forged from monster parts, which was then further reinforced by the magic whetstone, and yet it was directly broken by his bare hands, how is that possible?

Knowledge was flickering in Birosius’ vision, numerous formulas clearly appeared in front of him based on his opponent’s discoordination, things like how to use his opponent’s force against him, or where to attack to cause him to falter.

“This is the truth!” Birosius grabbed onto his opponent’s tentacle and pulled with just enough strength, causing the Night Watcher to lose his footing. Birosius’ fist imbued with the Evil God’s power swiftly followed up to smash the Night Watcher’s head together with his mask, shattering it into pulp.

More and more knowledge was circulating inside Birosius’ mind, causing him to become increasingly more insane. Without wasting a single second more with the Night Watcher, he directly headed towards the next house for his finger hunt.


〖 That side has begun 〗donning a black cloak with his hair kept with some black cloth, Negary stood behind a small group of black shadows. If one carefully observed the darkness, they might even notice something flickering within.

〖 He will distract the majority of the Sun Shadow church’s reinforcements for us. Our goal is to quickly force our way into the Sun Shadow church’s storage room and claim the things inside for ourselves 〗

As Negary declared the goal of this trip, the sound of something heavy collapsing could be heard. An entire side wall had fallen down to reveal a passage with several people dressed in black, who all came out and half knelt in front of Negary.

〖 Now, let us be on our way 〗

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