Soul of Negary

Chapter 182: Vol2 Ch80: The Path of Error

Chapter 182: Vol2 Ch80: The Path of Error

〖 Before we agree to cooperate, I need some clear confirmation 〗Negary said as he looked at the people in front of him: 〖 Even if I successfully help you erect the barrier, without the coordinates of another world, I would still not be able to accomplish an [Otherworld Invasion] and enter another world 〗

“We were the side that offered this, so we have naturally made the preparations” An Ping replied.

“To be honest, during the second cycle, we had considered the option of moving the entire world, as well as calling for reinforcements” a beautiful woman spoke up: “At the time, the will of the world had provided us access to its information database, which contained the coordinates of other worlds”

“That world is similar to a planet that moves in a set orbit, constantly moving through space. In the 4.6 billion years of our world’s history, that world had followed its orbit and passed by this world a total of three times” a middle-aged man pondered a bit and followed up.

“Our two worlds had once exchanged information, through which we obtained the coordinates of that world” another old man explained: “Through the temporal differences and the information we have, we can calculate the world orbit and its current coordinates”

〖 Is that so? 〗Negary chuckled.

This old man was the Disaster King of [Planetary Core’s Shift]. The [Planetary Core’s Shift] in question was a periodic shift of the Earth’s magnetic field, which could also be triggered through external forces. Before the shift, the Earth’s rotation around itself would gradually grind to a halt, which would permanently alter the terrestrial magnetic poles of the Earth. This alteration would result in the rapid expansion of the Atlantic Ocean and rapid compression of the Pacific Tectonic Belt, thus forever affecting the face of the Earth.

This would cause extreme weather conditions. Due to the gradual stop of the Earth’s self-rotation, long periods of day and night would occur, resulting in the melting and refreezing of the new polar ice caps, as well as the shifting of the tectonic plates, thus giving birth to [Continental Sinking].

In the determined order, he was the Disaster King who was born after [War], called Yake Toth.

The middle-aged man was the Disaster King of [Great Flood], called Fang Shu Nan, who was born at almost the same time as Seven of [Continental Sinking] and used to be a soldier. The Yue Bu earthquake greatly affected the terrestrial landscape, which caused a giant tsunami; as one of the anti-flood army, he and his comrades at the time leapt into the way of the tsunami as a last resort, using themselves as human dams.

The beautiful woman was the Disaster King of [Solar Storm], or rather, the second Holder of [Solar Storm], called Xue Xin Yun. Her predecessor was killed in an assassination in 2012, which caused a huge solar flare disaster. At the time, An Ping used [Temporal Displacement] to make the solar flare marginally miss the Earth, during which she inherited the Disaster King Authority.

In summary, out of the 10 Disaster Kings, other than [Heaven Collapse] and the newly born [Order Collapse] who was still getting used to his current state, Negary had met them all.

The Disaster King of [Heaven Collapse] had his place completely switched by the messed-up timeline. The originally final Disaster King [Temporal Collapse] was actually the first to be born, while the one who was supposed to first, [Heaven Collapse], was currently still unborn.

Through reading the documents they provided, Negary also understood what kind of disaster [Heaven Collapse] was supposed to be, it was actually referring to the state in which the gate to this world was broken through and its current sealed state being completely gone.

Once this Disaster King was born, it would also represent the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon breaking free of the seals of time and space, which would also be the advent of the Apocalypse on this world.

And this time, the world would no longer have a way out. The will of the world didn’t have the strength to actually reset the timeline again, they would either need to chase the enemy out of this world or be conquered, after which their people would be turned into soldiers for the enemy and the world’s [Origin] would get sucked dry, turning this into a dried-up dead planet.

〖 Then let us get into the specific negotiations 〗Negary smiled: 〖 I can help you build the so-called Path of Error, but I want to leave immediately after it is constructed 〗

“That cannot be done, your excellency Wang Yuan” An Ping replied: “Without your excellency’s ‘error’ property to organize the defensive arrays, the constructed Path of Error would be greatly weakened”

〖 Because of that, I will have to take control of the Path of Error and fight against the power of the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon directly? 〗Negary questioned in return. He didn’t find this result to be surprising at all, if he could simply leave after constructing the Path of Error, there would have been no need for them to try and take control of him in the first place, directly going into negotiations would have been the best choice.

〖 Then, can you guarantee that if you actually succeed, the will of the world would still have enough strength to transfer me to another world? 〗Negary openly pointed out their machinations: 〖 At that time, the world itself would be sealed off, and there would be nothing I could say about remaining in this world 〗

〖 Do not mention the contract with me, because a contract can be ripped apart as easily as any other piece of paper. At that time, it would be hard to say whether or not you lot are still alive 〗Negary clearly laid out the issues between them.

Following that, the two sides negotiated and haggled over numerous points before finally reaching a reluctant consensus.

Negary would aid in the construction of the defensive array for the Path of Error, while the world coordinates must be given to him in advance. Only after the invaders had begun their attack and their side had fended them off enough could the Source Pool’s Authority be handed over to Negary.

This negotiation ended a lot quicker than originally expected, after all, An Ping’s group had no other choice, and Negary himself didn’t have much of a choice at all either.

The Source Pool was the will of the world’s pool of power, as long as they knew how to, any Authority Holder had the authority to access it and utilize the [Origin] power of the will of the world, which was also where all Disasforce was derived from. Negary’s current Disasforce level had reached Disaster King, and he had also learnt of the way to access the Source Pool from the leather jacket man, but he doesn’t have the access authority.

Regardless of how much he tried, he couldn’t access the Source Pool, simply because he hadn’t been granted the authority from the will of the world. By borrowing the [Origin] power within, Negary would be able to use the [Otherworld Invasion] Authority and the coordinates of another world in order to directly transfer himself to another world.

After this negotiation that didn’t have any binding power concluded, the construction of the Path of Error began.

The so-called Path of Error was actually a means devised to specifically repel the power of the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon. Negary’s ‘error’ property would be used as its foundation, the [Otherworld Invasion] Authority as its skeleton, the people infected by Negary would also be used by borrowing their powers as the flesh and blood, all of which would form the complete defensive array.

As the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon begin their invasion, the first thing to happen would always be their power infiltrating this world, thus paralyzing over half of the world’s natural defensive mechanisms, before opening the gate to this world from the inside.

Since Negary’s ‘error’ power actually had a certain level of common origin with the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon, both properties were exploited in the Path of Error.

The presence of a power with the common origin that specifically had the ‘error’ property would confuse the infiltrating powers of the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon, allowing the defensive mechanisms to still be usable. When the invaders come in with these defensive mechanisms still usable, they would essentially have the home field advantage; by converging all of the world’s power like before, it should be possible to chase the invaders away.

That wasn’t their entire plan, as they surely had other trump cards to use against the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon, but that had no relations to Negary.

Various structures of mixed biological and mechanical nature were being built all over the world, this would be the foundation for the Path of Error, and Negary had obtained the otherworld coordinates.

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