Soul of Negary

Chapter 154: Vol2 Ch52: If there are no brothers or sisters, genderless are good as well! (even more shameless self-promotion)

Chapter 154: Vol2 Ch52: If there are no brothers or sisters, genderless are good as well! (even more shameless self-promotion)

Translator: La0o9

While Negary was going through how the germs were growing, the situation on Killer J’s side reached a conclusion.

Sure enough, the leather jacket man achieved his initial plan in the beginning, through the altar he prepared, he used the Protagonist Fang Ze as a key to gain access to the so-called Source Pool.

There was a mention of the Source Pool with the Apocalypse Stone Tablet.

God distributed Authorities to living beings of the world, all of his Authority was stored within the Source Pool while the God who had distributed his Authorities went into slumber.

Whenever someone suitable appeared, the Source Pool would distribute the Authority to them, and the Disasforce obtained whenever an Authority Holder exercised his Authority also came from the Source Pool.

It was basically another dimension separated from this one, according to the records within the ruin, the stronger an Authority Holder was, the more control they had over that dimension.

The ten Authorities of Disaster Kings were just enough to fully connect to the Source Pool.

As an avid fan of Yu Guang Ming, the leather jacket man had realized the scheme those people planned against Yu Guang Ming, so he hid within the ruins trying to find the necessary documents to save Yu Guang Ming, but that was also when the Yue Bu earthquake occurred, and it occurred right above the ruins.

As Yu Guang Ming exercised his Authority to his limit, the leather jacket man borrowed Yu Guang Ming’s power to gain access into the Source Pool for the first time, thus obtaining this ability of [Grand Ideals], then luckily managed to escape at the cost of witnessing Yu Guang Ming’s death.

The next half of the leather jacket man’s life would be spent on revenge. He wanted to take revenge against those people, against the D.E.R division.

Together with the records he obtained from the ruin, the leather jacket man joined [Survivors], which was still pure at the time, used [Grand Ideal] and began to organize his plan.

An Authority of the 10 Disaster Kings would only be just enough to gain access to the Source Pool and derive a bit of power from it, which wouldn’t be that much of a loss to those people.

Knowing this, he targeted Fang Ze who was both a Disaster King and the one who held the title of ‘King of People’. Using his gigantic altar, he would be able to draw a large number of Authorities from within the Source Pool.

Everything went exactly as he planned at the start, Fang Ze walked straight into his trap, he came into the university that was actually the center of the altar in order to face him.

At this time, Fang Ze’s Authority went out of control and acted by itself, drawing a crimson asteroid from outer space towards the earth.

This was the same situation that Yu Guang Ming ran into before, he started exercising his Authority without meaning to and his Disasforce automatically released its essence, or as we know it, he achieved the first stage of release of his [Origin].

Once the ritual was over, the most crucial piece to fight against the Apocalypse, the King of People, would lose his life; the majority of Authorities within the Source Pool which was also the source of this world’s power would leak, and another great disaster would occur.

This would be the thorough defeat of the people in power, and the leather jacket man’s vengeance.

The majority of Fang Ze’s Disasforce was swiftly absorbed by the altar to access the Source Pool. If Fang Ze’s Authority didn’t require time to come into effect, with the size of the asteroid that he summoned, this would have been a disaster on the same scale as the Yue Bu earthquake, if not even greater.

It was during this period of time when the majority of his Disasforce was taken away and he was spending a lot of effort to make sure that the asteroid would fall as slowly as possible that he became completely drained, falling from a mighty Disaster King to an ordinary person that could be hurt by anyone and everyone. If not to ensure that the ritual persisted, he might have already been killed by the [Survivors] mob.

At the crucial moment, Chang Xia arrived and drew the leather jacket man’s attention. The leather jacket man held a deep grudge against this traitor who killed Yu Guang Ming, so he immediately ordered Wang Zhao and a portion of [Survivors] members here to attack Chang Xia.

At this point, the heavily wounded Fang Ze suddenly used what seemed to be a mini-galaxy to break through the crowd restraining him and rushed towards the leather jacket man.

Just as all things seemed lost, Liu Bian betrayed them and destroyed a portion of the altar, suffering the recoil from breaking the ritual, he displayed a brilliant smile and white-washed himself.

Having regained a portion of his power, Fang Ze engaged in one final combat against the leather jacket man, used his newly awakened power called [Starforce] to defeat the leather jacket man, thus foiling this scheme.

In Killer J’s own words, a crazed fan wanted to take revenge for his idol and incited a world-class threat, the ‘chuunibyou’ braindead teenager relied on nothing but his protagonist aura while charging to his death to foil the plan.

After the leather jacket man was defeated, his [Grand Ideal] lost its effects, but after being brainwashed by [Grand Ideal] for so many years, whether they were affected by such an ability was no longer important, a portion of them ran away while most were arrested.

While the members of [Survivors] who weren’t too deeply involved were systematically incorporated into the D.E.R division and government as supplementary personnel against the threat of the living dead, also known as the zombie plague that Negary caused.

Among these people was a certain fatty who noticed that the maniac he introduced into [Survivors] had vanished with no one recognizing where he went.

At the same time, the research records and documents of the leather jacket man were all stolen without fail, the only thing that the D.E.R division people managed to find was a strange smiley face with a letter ‘J’ incorporated into it.

Fang Ze successfully stopped the summoning of the asteroid in time, his Disasforce had also grown considerably while also awakening his soul ability, [Starforce]. While it was called that, it had nothing to do with the stars in the sky.

Its power wasn’t too different from the ‘Spirit Bomb’ where people raised their hands into the air, and very similar to the ability of the Last God in the Flame world. The more people that trusted in Fang Ze, the more people Fang Ze would be able to borrow power from.

If he was a bit more chuunibyou, Fang Ze could even declare some shameless line like ‘You are all stars in my mind and heart’ to the people in his team.

In fact, it was when Fang Ze borrowed Liu Shi’s power, or rather her Authority, that he finally managed to defeat the leather jacket man. In a way, this was Fang Ze’s power as a king!

Although they foiled the leather jacket man’s plan, the entire country was now caught in a calamity of the living dead, and it was continuing to spread to the entire world. In order to stop this calamity, the most urgent order of business was to locate the next Disaster King to be born—— [Super Plague].

Only by borrowing the new Disaster King’s power would they be able to defeat Negary as the Lord of Aberration.


〖 In other words, I became the next BOSS for Fang Ze and company to defeat? 〗

Negary was walking through a relief shelter while the shelter’s security force rained bullets down on him.

However, due to the terrifying layer of Disasforce protecting his body, all their bullets and attacks were rendered useless as a large amount of [Spiritual Inception] germs continued to spread into his surroundings.

After confirming that most people here had been infected, Negary ignored the people who insisted on continuing to attack him. As he had claimed before, if it wasn’t necessary, he didn’t like to massacre the innocent.

In the past, Negary might have vented his anger on unrelated people, but the current Negary no longer cared for such useless actions. After all, each infected person represented a step on the stairs for Negary to continue his advance.

Negary ended up not killing a single person in the shelter, furthermore, even when the symptoms of the plague broke out later on, due to having been prepared, not a lot of people died from being unable to breathe. After all, a few practitioners of [Spiritual Inception] had already come into contact with the government and handed the method over to them.

After news of the [Spiritual Inception] got out, knowing that anyone could obtain superpowers through it, some people even snuck out of the quarantine zone into the infected zone, becoming infected on their own accords. All in all, the number of infected people only increased day by day.

On the third day, the first person to achieve the first stage of release had appeared.

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