Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 66: Snow is in dilemma, Who Can Be His Blood Partner in This World?

Chapter 66: Snow is in dilemma, Who Can Be His Blood Partner in This World?

As a rusty large gate creaked, Snow appeared outside of an immense, ancient mansion located near a mountain range.  Zou Yi had bought the ancient mansion in the past so that no other being, human or blood race, could trespass.

Zou Yi prefered his solitude without anyone bothering him, as he live a loner's life.

Even though he was an elder in the Blood Race Family, there are only a few members in the blood family currently that know of his existence, as among the old blood that lived a thousand years ago, only a few of them knew there is one member in the Elder Group that seemed to prefer to live alone. Basically, he was the most lone vampire in their blood race family.

Those newly born and newly established members in the Blood Race Family don't have a single clue about Zou Yi's existence.

As Snow took a step inside the mansion, not a single person welcomed him home, as aside from him, there was no other being inside.

After all, as the famous loner, Zou Yi completely lived alone.

As calm, pitch-black eyes glance around, Snow nod his head at the mansions' interior appearance; despite how the huge mansion appeared old from the outside, it was completely clean and neat inside.

Although he was a loner, Zou Yi still had people that came inside his home to clean the place; after all, he was an elder in the blood race family no matter how bizarre and abnormal his personality is.

Zou Yi still has a blood race family that was especially loyal toward him, it was evidence enough that no one in the elder group had been able to find his current location for a thousand years.

Before long, as Snow walked around his home, he finally arrived at the huge library that took up most of the mansion, while most of the empty room that should have been for visitors to stay in was made into a storage room for the books that Zou Yi collected every year.

As one could see, Zou Yi is a fierce book lover, or more precisely, as the era changed and one could conveniently read their favorite book online now, he had attained the well-known internet shut-in addict with a slightly Otaku personality. The books that Zou Yi fell in love with were now well-known webnovels, manga, and anime that can easily found in the internet.

For a person that prefered to stay hidden inside his room all the time, the internet was the greatest creation. Zou Yi fell in love with it to the point that he started worshiping it.

As Snow pushed the books in a certain complicated pattern, a hidden room leading to a certain hidden pathway instantly appeared before him.

Quickly walking inside the room, Snow began to walk down a long dark path that led to a secret place.

After walking through an extremely complicated lay out, a simple, small stone box wrapped in shadows instantly appeared before Snow's eyes when he reached the end of the path. With a decisive movement, he easily broke the stone box with his small bare hands.

A tiny bottle the size of a small child's hand with crimson blood inside appeared, instantly causing complicated emotions on his usually expressionless face to appear.

Blinking his abyss-like eyes, Snow raised his hand to grasp his chest, because at this moment, the usually calm and steady heart suddenly skipped as his gaze fell upon the tiny glass bottle which contains an extremely important crimson blood within it.

... Don't... leave the item there...

The weak and low voice of the original Zou Yi seemed to echoed inside him, while a wave of unwillingness swept up Snow instantly- which he could easily suppress because surprisingly, despite how strong and powerful Zou Yi was in this life, he was rather weak in the spiritual side compared to Snow; thus, the only thing affecting him in this body was the restriction placed on him.

As the representation of the true meaning of darkness, Zou Yi couldn't be too different from before; he was the only existence in the entire Blood Race Family that could use the elemental power relating to darkness. That alone has proven as a fact about what kind of a person Zou Yi truly is.

Zou Yi's entire existence is darkness itself.

That was, of course, unless Snow is able to remove the restriction placed on him after he completed the mission, since he cannot react as easily as he could when he was using Rong Xen's body from before.

Luckily for Snow and unluckily for Zou Yi, despite having more than one regret and wish upon his moment of death, Snow only received one mission to complete; Zou Yi's karma just wasn't enough to fulfill more than one regret and wish.

But as Snow coldly ignored Zou Yi's plead not to touch the tiny glass bottle that contained the crimson blood of the person he treasured most, Snow decisively grasped the item on his hand, after all, this is the only blood that this body was allowed to drink at the moment.

Snow is entirely different from the original soul, he will use whatever item that are capable to help him; even if this tiny bit of crimson blood that Zou Yi hadn't touched for a thousand years, completely represent how much he treasure the person that this blood belong to that has long been gone.

"... Such a stupid thing to do... if you just have this item with you before, you would have not died a useless and unfortunate death."

Zou Yi's treasured crimson blood- Snow will take it and will use it just in case he finds himself in a dangerous situation later on, especially since this body has been unlucky lately such that Zou Yi even died after going out for the first time in years.

Although this is a small amount, for a vampire, the amount of blood is meaningless. The only thing that mattered to the blood races when drinking blood is the person's feelings towards them when they are drinking that person's blood.

Firstly, the person has to be willing and has feeling for them to be able to get the energy they needed when drinking their blood.

Secondly, the stronger the person felt towards the vampire, the greater the amount of power the blood race will get. No matter how much a vampire drank, even to the point of draining the person to death, it would not work out.

Of course, the prerequisite was that the person also need to have an energy or power within them, since a normal person's blood only has a trickle of energy, just like when Snow was eating the food that contained energy from the restaurant.

And if there is an equal amount of large emotions reciprocated from the vampire to the person, a blood race will attain even more power and energy.

Although, drinking a person's blood that the vampire dislike will give less power and energy to itself, it's better than none at all.

One can consider Zuo Yi's situation- he had an unusual dislike regarding drinking a person's blood- to find a person he was willing to drink blood with is a miracle itself.

Although there have been people that didn't mind giving their blood for Zou Yi to drink, but the like Zou Yi had for them was just not strong enough for him to be willing to drink their blood that he detests as a vampire.

Zou Yi was stubborn to a fault because there was only one special existence that Zou Yi was capable of drinking blood from.

Snow couldn't help but let out a deep sigh at his current dilemma, since based on the abnormality of his current body, the only person that he will be able to drink blood with would only be the Blood Partner that Snow can accept in this life.

Zou Yi is Zou Yi and Snow is Snow; even though this body is extremely choosy about drinking a person's blood, it doesn't change the fact that Snow will have the full use of Zou Yi's vampire body later.

So Snow will be able to have a special existence that he will be capable to drink blood from.

Snow left the hidden place- it is time to fulfill the mission that he was given.

Although as he walks away, he couldn't help but think deeply about which person will be capable to be his blood partner in this world?

Flake that has been hiding in Snow shadow, receive the thought of Snow thus he finally remember that they needed to find a gold thigh and a cheat to help Snow complete his mission easily into this world.

Oh how silly Flake ito forget his number one mission and priority.

Don't worry Snow, Flake will find your gold thigh as fast as I could!

Unknown to Snow, the small cat black eyes inside the shadow glowed as he began to find the most convenient gold thigh that will make Snow life easier in this world.

Suddenly the small black bell has also glowed as Flake began to investigate the creature in this world.

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