Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 327: Snow Surprising Appearance And Everyone Shocked Expressions.

Chapter 327: Snow Surprising Appearance And Everyone Shocked Expressions.

"What kind of array is this!"

"...Ahhh! This Fallen is really abnormal!"

"How could he control the weakest Fallens???"

Unbeknown to everyone who has been attacked by the unusual A-Rank Fallen, the entire place where everyone has been standing was completely covered with thick vile aura made into a wide range of array, completely making everyone inside unable to leave.

And the most unusual thing was despite having a large amount of vile aura being used in the Realm of Mortal, no one has been able to detect its energy, although the GS Organization member who was observing in a distance was already alarm.

However, an enormous beast has suddenly appeared before directly solving all the people at the quickest speed and completely stopping them from contacting the organization about what is happening.

While Flake was dealing with the people spying around the entire place, Snow has slowly appeared outside the enormous array before swiftly punching it with a burst of enormous dark power, only to wrinkle his brows when he was unable to break it apart.

"... really strong..."

The array was undoubtedly created by a powerful Fallen, which is in the way of becoming an S-rank by the look of it.

Although Snow didn't use all of his dark power but he was only able to create a tiny crack in the array, which has also started to automatically fix itself.

"Snow, I'll be able to help you get inside."

Snow turned his head away from the array to glance at Flake's arrival while completely revealing his only murky brown eyes that have already started to have a red tint of color swirling within it.

"Um, Flake is really the best."

Snow gently stroke the soft and smooth fur of Flake beast body while a gentle smile appeared on his face before a few seconds later, a familiar crack of space has slowly appeared before them and causing Snow to quickly understand what Flake is getting at.

"I see"

With an interesting smile, Snow has calmly taken a step inside and being followed by a happy Flake before the space crack has completely disappeared.

Snow was in a sort of a dark halfling body so he wasn't able to open the Fallen dimension as usual when he was in his Half Fallen and Half Demon form and can only let Flake do all the work.

So the two of them entered their own dimension territory before quickly opening another crack in space and this time, Snow was the only one who took a step inside while Flake has remained in their dimension to deal with his order while numerous crimson dots glowing within the black misty place watching his figure disappear.

And after finally arriving inside the array that couldn't stop a Fallen from creating a gateway to enter inside, Snow has calmly glance at the entirely different space he entered before quickly noticing the chaotic space with the familiar black mist swirling all around.

The entire place appeared like a separate space with the Realm of the Mortal and Fallen mixing up inside the Array effect.

This kind of power is completely unusual

"Flake, make sure to secretly rescue the surviving Franc family out of this space."

"Yes, Snow~"

After all, it was Claude Family, there is no way that Snow would just leave them all to die, especially when they are extremely useful when dealing with the Herbert Family, who is definitely being injured or dying inside this special space.

"Good boy, I'll be counting on you."

Since Snow is already inside the array, then it was far easier to completely move around the entire place.

And with quick steps, an enormous amount of dark power has emerged within Snow body, as he shuffles at the layer upon layer of separated small space in order to get to the important place in the entire space.

"... something smells delicious"

As Snow moves around the entire place, a predatory light began to emit on his eyes, and without knowing it has already completely changed to the familiar red pupils of the Demon race with a familiar malicious and dark smile gracing his lip.

And while shuffling around the place, Snow was completely indifferent after having a glimpse of the people fighting and dying at the hands of numerous weaker Fallen.

Fortunately, most of the deaths belong to the Herbert Family than his future lover people, and after a few more seconds, Snow has finally reached where the powerful fighting has been concentrated.

Soon, Snow appeared inside a wider space where a handsome halfling Fallen was being assaulted by both the dark and light power of the Demon and Angel representatives with their beautiful huge wings spreads behind their backs.

The scene before Snow eyes is completely a magnificent image filled with a different type of sacredness as dark, light, and vile auras collide with each other.



When Snow feet has softly landed on the ground, two different voice has quickly resounded out causing him to calmly glance where the sound has come from.

It was two sides separated away from each other with a small array protecting the people standing inside it, one belonging to Brian and some of his Herbert family members, while the other one was Claude, Lisette, and surprisingly a conscious Ange who was being tied up with goldened light and being pinned in the ground by the blonde man feet.


Snow eyes flicker before his figure quickly disappeared before appearing just outside the array where Claude was being protected.

"Baby? What's wrong? What happened? Where did you go? Are you hurt???"

Despite the nonstop concern words coming from the blonde man, Snow has just remained silent with his head slightly lowered, completely hiding most of his face.

"Baby??? Please, speak to me!"

Finally, Snow has slowly lifted his head up and completely revealing his crimson pupils with the familiar appearance of a person being contaminated with a vile aura as tainted features swirling within.

Which has caused Lisette to let out a horrified gasp, Ange to widen his eyes in utter horror, and Claude's expression blanched in white while an overwhelming panic and concern brimming in his sky blue eyes.

"Damn! Who made you like this? Tell me and I'll completely eradicate them in this world!"


Snow couldnt help but slowly blink his eyes after witnessing the blonde man's reaction, although he has already considered the high possibility of the blonde man reacting entirely differently from normal people's reaction.

However, knowing it in mind and completely witnessing it was an entirely different matter in which Snow couldn't help but let out a please sigh while a small smile appeared on his lip.

Especially when Claude has quickly rushed over without hesitation to leave the protected space and roughly kneeling hard in the ground before raising his hands to gently cradle his face.

"Baby don't worry Brother Claude will help you everything will turn out alright here, you will be completely cured in a few seconds."

Snow has raised his hands to grasp the blonde man's hands and stopping the golden light power from proceeding to treat the vile aura inside his body before showing an apologetic expression as various dark chains swiftly appear to completely wrapped around Claude's entire body.

"Brother Claude I remember most of my missing memories now"

Gently leaning over, Snow has tenderly wrapped his arms around the blonde man's neck while letting out a soft sigh full of complex emotions.

"And you can't treat it as long as I'm missing an extremely important part of myself."

From the few days Snow has been missing, he has been pushing his power to the limits and finally causing the information he has learns from the appraisal skill to finally trigger.

And Snow already has an idea of what will happen after observing the slow change on his body.

"Brother Claude...from now on... stay away from mealright?"

And Snow didn't plan to stop the effect from occurring.

"Because I don't know what I will do"

Snow gently smiles before leaning his head away and placing a tender kiss on the blonde man's forehead while ignoring his wide-eyed look as countless of arrays are completely placed in the dark chains in order for the blonde to have a hard time releasing himself.

"It's been fun thank you, Brother Claude I finally experience what genuine happiness was"

Without any hesitation, Snow has pushed the flustered and panic, Claude, back inside the protection array while at the same time pulling the horrified Ange outside before another set of powerful protection appeared in the small array with his own mark added on it.

As for who set up the first layer of the array, Snow has inwardly nod his head since at least the subordinate of his Father has listened to his warning of Claude being his and didn't forget to protect the blonde man.

" Brother Claude this might be a goodbye..."

Snow crimson eyes flash a bit of reluctance, however, the sudden change of his entire body has already started to show its change, and in everyone's eyes, a vile aura has suddenly emerged underneath his feet before wrapping around his small body.

Soon, the sound of a bone-cracking has resounded out causing Claude who was unable to quickly release himself from the dark chains to shout in panic and fear.


"Ange!!! Noel! Leave Ange Alone!!!"

And while Snow was changing, a scream of pure fear and utter pain has suddenly resounded out which was caused by the young man still bound with golden light just a few distances away from the swirling mass of vile aura.

"... Heh this is a surprise well, Ange how about it? Become a Fallen too"

Snow who was changing in the thick black mist of vile aura has glance with glowing red eyes toward Ange who was writhing painfully in the ground with some of the black mist slowly contaminating him.

Soon, everyone, even the three powerful exsitence fightings in the distance, saw the young boy was quickly changing in the midst of vile aura, his small body suddenly turning into a slender figure of a young man before the usual brown hairs have quickly change into a pure silver color, which appeared to be glinting so beautifully despite the mass of black mist.

"Young Master! How could this be..?"

"A Demon?... no its already a Fallen Demon!"

The Demon and Angel in the distance widened their eyes in surprise and shocked while the suspiciously silent halfling Fallen showed a predatory glint in his eyes along with a please smile.

As for Claude, his already fast-beating heart becomes more chaotic as he witnesses his young partner turning into a grown-up adult.

Noel the entire time, Claude's young partner has been the grown-up Noel that those two people have revealed the first time they saw Noel child form while inside the deep forest!

Claude doesn't have any doubt and hesitation with his conjecture because of the various clues and information he has investigated before has finally lead to one single truth. 

The dark halfling child Noel and the grown-up Noel who has become a Fallen from the two young men mouth was the same person!

"... huh"

Soon, the swirling mass of vile aura has completely disappeared causing everyone to finally see the clear view of the figure wrapped in the tainted aura.

It was a slender young man who appeared to be less than 20 years old, with exquisite and delicate features along with piercing tainted crimson eyes that appeared to be confused as he slowly glances around the entire place without a doubtful expression on his face.

"... what am I doing here?"

From what Snow remember, didn't he arrive in the Realm of Mortal to start the Pure Race Mission? Which is in a forested area and wasn't in a place that appeared to have an ongoing fight.

"... Baby?"

Snow who was extremely confused completely got his attention pulled away after hearing a familiar word being spoken by a pleasant voice belonging to a man.

And when Snow has taken a glance at the unfamiliar blonde man with a beautiful appearance that appeared to be showing complex emotion while completely tied up with his surprisingly dark chains suddenly cause his mind to start stirring up with various thoughts.

Especially when Snow saw in the blonde man's eyes were complex emotions filled with concern, fear, confusion, and a surprisingly large amount of overwhelming tenderness.

", beautiful blondie. who are you? And... what did you just call me?"

Isn't that the nickname Snow lover usually use to call him?

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