Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 5007: The arrival of Emperor Taiyan

Chapter 5007: The arrival of Emperor Taiyan

The person chuckled, stopped Xiao Yi's words, and said, "You can remember this sound transmission."

Xiao Yi frowned, but still nodded.

That was the true meaning of the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art, and it was something that Xiao Yi could not accomplish for the time being.

The one looked at Xiao Yi and said, "Any other doubts? Or, other curiosities?"

"As long as you ask, as long as I know, I can tell you."

"If not, you can leave, practice wholeheartedly, and step into the ultimate."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Not yet."

"Senior's answer to me today is enough."

"The next thing I want to do is to practice with all my strength and step into the ultimate."

"After stepping into the ultimate, other ultimate laws are born based on the law of reincarnation, which controls all kinds of chaotic forces."

"This is the last few steps before the Way of the Valkyrie."

The person nodded.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

I don't know why, compared with the previous one, he is almost in a light state, but today, he smiles a little bit more.

Is it because he Xiao Yi is now very strong and has enough strength to protect the Yanlong Region, so who is happy?

Or is it that Xiao Yi can finally carry all this today, who can finally breathe a sigh of relief?

Or something else?

Xiao Yi didn't know it, but said with a serious expression, "You have the last time you will be out on the phone."

In the longer year, that person only had one mobile phone meeting left.

But after obtaining the origin of the emperor source beast, that one had two real chances.

This time, awakening him who had run wild in the Spirit Devouring Prison was a waste of a mobile phone meeting.

In other words, that person, there is one last chance left.

Xiao Yi's face gradually became cold, "I mean, you can sleep here with peace of mind. Although the void is big, I can solve all problems, troubles, and disasters."

"Wait for me, I will find a way to save you."

"Next time, there is no need to save me." Xiao Yi's tone was firm, even tough.

"This time, even if I ran away, even if I demented, there will always be other ways to recover me."

"Those emperors die when they die."

"Why should we pay the price for their mistakes?"

The one chuckled, "Yes, this time, I promise you."

Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and then saluted, "Boy farewell."

Leave Yanlong Cave.

Xiao Yi's complexion restored the same firmness as before.

Thinking while walking.

Recalling the past, every time he comes to Yanlong Cave, he will gain something and know many secrets.

However, no matter which time, or even all of them together, the impact was not as great as today's time.

After Promise is the ultimate.

The twelve emperor realm.

Emperor Ming was actually the only twelve-level powerhouse in the years.

There is also the law of reincarnation, which can create other ultimate laws and give birth to chaotic forces.

All thoughts flowed in Xiao Yi's mind.

As for the one to save, Xiao Yi is now more and more aware of how big the time traces are on that one.

A strong man, the pressure he was under was so heavy that he would even face a huge price for his shots.

Like Xiao Yi, he would shoot if he wanted to, and fight if he wanted to fight. Fighting fiercely for thousands of years is not a problem.

But the pressure is so great that you can only make one shot? What an exaggerated trace of time is that?

Moreover, he is only the ninth level of the emperor realm, and that one is the eleventh level of the emperor realm.

It's no wonder that even the origin of the emperor source beast spent a long time condensing it, but it only gave that person one more mobile phone meeting, that is to say, it only offsets the trace of that huge time trace.

So, how effective is even the origin of the legendary Xuzu clan?

Perhaps, it's just to let that person go out on the phone a few more times, it is impossible to completely offset the huge and exaggerated traces of time on that person.

In other words, you can only find another way.

Perhaps, it really can only help that person recover completely when Xiao Yi achieves the position of Martial God?

The origin of the Xu Clan is already meaningless.

Maybe, when it's really necessary to get it, but now it's not in a hurry.

Suddenly, Xiao Yi, who was thinking while walking, stopped, and at the same time stopped thinking.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned, staring coldly at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Taiyan Emperor?"

Yes, the figure is the Emperor Taiyan.

This time, Xiao Yi saw it truly. The appearance of Emperor Tai Yan was between young and middle-aged. It was a very strange feeling.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, free and easy to come out of dust, extraordinary handsomeness, these characteristics that should belong to a young man, but were diluted by his appearance close to a middle-aged man.

This feeling is not only strange, but also wonderful.

What is certain is that this is the original appearance of Emperor Taiyan, and he didn't use cultivation methods to change half of the points, no matter whether it became good-looking or bad-looking.

"Lord Xiao Yi." At this time, Emperor Tai Yan arched his hands first, showing a sneer.

"Something?" Xiao Yi said coldly, "Or do you want to fight with me?"

The Emperor Taiyan gave a wry smile, "There is still a self-knowing Emperor of the Ming Dynasty."

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered, "Taiyan Emperor is overly modest, even if you are extremely low-key, your reputation can be described as thunderous to our level."

"Not to mention the noble status of the son of the Valkyrie, the position of the emperor, and the strongest formation mage in the nine heavens of Infinite Void, the strongest restraining creatures, these titles are amazing enough."

Yes, Emperor Taiyan is the strongest restraining power in the endless void.

The extreme number of'nine' that Xiao Yi didn't understand was added to the prohibition, etc. The extreme number of'nine' came from Emperor Taiyan.

The array of extreme numbers was also created by Emperor Taiyan.

In comparison, Xiao Yi's prohibition and formation methods are not worth mentioning.

Even if it is a one-yuan infinite formation, it is probably just a non-influenced formation for the Emperor Taiyan.

When the Emperor Taiyan heard the words, he smiled bitterly, "Why the Lord Xiao Yi pretended to be ridiculing."

"I, the strongest formation mage and restraining power in the nine heavens, can't even catch a sword after you run away."

"I'm looking for you this time, there are three things."

"First, I am sorry, the emperor has no intention of having trouble with you."

"Secondly, thank you for not killing."

"The third, it's a matter of the evil god. Please also ask the realm master Xiao Yi to think twice, don't be impulsive..."

Xiao Yi interrupted with a sneer, "First, I didn't ridicule. Taiyan Tiandi is indeed too modest. If you don't claim to be tyrannical, how can you intervene in my life and death battle?"

"It's a pity that you overestimated yourself."

"Second, don't thank me, I never thought about not killing you."

"If it weren't for the one who arrived, you would be a corpse now."

"Thirdly, I am Xiao Yi killing people, and it is not your turn to point your finger at them. I have no interest in listening to those high-sounding, high-sounding reasons."


First more.

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