Solo Cultivation in The Apocalypse

Chapter 83 Conjuration.

A drop of blood fell from Hitori's finger into the pool of blood that he was lying in.

Hitori's vision was blurry but he could feel the pool of his blood that covered him from all sides. He grunted and tried to open his eyes.

A drop of blood dripped down on the ground from the tip of his finger. Hitori lifted his right hand and found his palm covered in his blood.

He saw a notification from the system and two messages from Reon and Kamiya.

[you have entered The Dreadful Retreat]

[you have two messages from Leonine]

[you have a message from God's Hell]

Hitori grunted as he tried to get up. He placed his hand in the pool and tried to push himself but he failed.

[HP: 27/180]

And the health kept declining. Hitori needed a potion to stop the bleeding.

He lifted his hand and two flasks appeared in his hands. Hitori uncorked the first flask then he drank the second potion.

[HP: 101/180]

His health climbed up to the yellow slot but he knew another hit from Hohn and he would be dead.

Even though Hitori had used his last potion his health was not able to touch the green slot. Leaving that aside, Hitori was just happy that he did not have to feel the unbearable pain.

The two holes that punctured Hitori's back had healed and Hitori's health stopped declining.

Finally, it was time for Hitori to get up before Hohn would arrive. He placed his trembling hand in the puddle. Although he did not feel the pain he had trouble getting up.

After the yellow health bar flashed from his sight, the red color mana bar flashed in front of him. Hitori glanced and ignored the bar.

Hitori's hand slipped in the puddle and on the ground as he got up. He sat down on the ground, he did not care about his cloak that was getting dirty.

It was barely even a cloak anymore. It was torn from everywhere. There were two holes in the cloak's back, shards and the threads of the cloak came out from everywhere.

Blood slid down his thigh. Hitori looked down, the cloak was torn from the bottom too and he was wearing jeans below that had a few cuts on them too.

Hitori slowly moved his finger and touched and opened the chat window. He, obviously, went for Kamiya's message first.

[Where are you? Are you hurt badly? And… Have you found a way to defeat these creatures?]

Hitori flipped the message and opened Reon's text.

[Hitori-san!!! Help me! I am in huge trouble, please, please come to The Dreadful Retreat and help me fight these monsters!]

Hitori sighed, "do you think I do not have the same monster to deal with?" He shook his head and got up from the ground with ease.

Hitori glanced around and did what anyone would– He found a place to hide from the upcoming Hohn.

Hitori made his way to a moss-covered rock. He groaned and grabbed his stomach on the way.

Hitori dropped to the ground and quickly swiped his finger to open the skillset tab. Hitori navigated through his five skills.

He found the skill he was looking for. Hitori opened the skill and started to read its description.

"I should go back to my original gaming strategy," Hitori muttered as he glanced through the screen.

[Spell- Conjure Woodland Beings

Range: Fifty-meter radius

Duration- Up to one hour

Requirements- Must chant the spell in order to cast conjure woodland beings. Requires high concentration, the conjured beings may disappear if the user's concentration is disturbed]

Then Hitori read what he was actually going to summon.

[The use may conjure three Fey creatures- A Dryad, Pixie, and a Satyr]

'I do not know what a dryad is but… I have no choice.' Hitori got on his knees to get ready for the process.


Another tree was cut down from Hitori's left side. Hitori stopped and glanced on the left side under the faint light.

Hohn. Hitori gulped, he was not ready for it yet. Hohn was getting closer to Hitori.

Hitori quickly dropped to the ground in the Seiza position and closed his eyes calmly. He first tried to wash out the doubt, and fear out of his mind.

It was not helping at all. Hitori had never meditated in his life. So he decided to first calm his heart and then get on with the process.

While on the other end, Hohn was able to see clearly in the dark forest. It continued to destroy every tree it saw on its way to Hitori.

Unlike before, Hohn was back to its original four feet size. It knew exactly where it had thrown Hitori and that is where it was headed.

It took Hitori enough time to calm his heart that he was in Hohn's view from a few feet away. Although Hohn had not spotted Hitori YET, Hitori was sure he would not be able to hide for long.

Hohn searched around itself when its eyes eventually fell on Hitori who was meditating in the Seiza position.

Hohn roared and charged at Hitori.

"Conjure Woodland Beings." Hitori chanted in his mind.

Nothing happened. Hohn closed in the distance. It raised its hammer, ready to smash Hitori's head with the spikes the moment Hitori is within its radius.

Hitori sat there with a solemn expression on his face. He could not sense Hohn who was only ten feet away from him.

Hohn took small but heavy steps and stopped when Hitori came in its five-foot radius.

"Conjure Woodland Beings!" Hitori opened his mouth and chanted the spell.

Hohn's hammer blew all of the air between its spikes and Hitori's head.

Just when the hammer was about to burst Hitori's head, a bright green light glowed around Hitori. The light grew vigorously.

The green light was bright enough to blind the Duergar. It pulled its hammer down and took a few steps back with its hand on its eyes.

Suddenly, a crack appeared on the tree on Hitori's left. And from the tree emerged a pretty woman whose body was covered in a thin cloth and green leaves.

She stepped out from the tree and slowly opened her glamorous eyes. She moved her hand through the thin piece of cloth that wrapped around her like a one-piece dress.

And from the ground, a stout male human with the furry lower end and cloven hooves of goats emerged. He had Horns sprouting from his head, ranging in shape from a pair of small nubs to large, curling rams' horns.

Hitori was showered with a shower of sparkling dust when a diminutive creature with gossamer, clear luminous wings flew over Hitori's head and hid behind a tree– like a shy deer.

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